
The Internet revealed that "Sister Lang 4" is an outdoor singing tour, with 6 senior sisters returning, Xie Na hosting, and 24 people resident

As a major producer of domestic variety shows, Mango was another big winner in the first quarter of this year, earning enough popularity with four programs: "Happy Departure 2", "Detective 8", "I Want to Sing with You 4" and "Endless Treasure Island Season".

Although Zhejiang Satellite TV quickly made a move and officially announced the four façade programs of "The Voice of God 4", "Youth Travel 4", "Run 12" and "Ace vs Ace 8", at least in the second quarter of the variety show market, Mango is likely to have the last laugh.

Although "Endless Treasure Island Season" has encountered many bad reviews, more audiences can see the pattern, sincerity and strength of mango, and the annual hit is basically a sure thing, and the show will run through the first and second quarters.

In addition to the treasure island season, Mango's other S+-level variety show "Sister Lang 4" is coming, although the lineup is secret, but the recording time may be early April, and the start time should be similar to May 20 of the third season, a proper second quarter hit.

I have to say that Mango's confidentiality work this year is indeed good, although it has been exposed for many versions of the lineup, but almost every time there are parties who come forward to refute rumors, but Mango and the program group actually benefit, the program is already the degree of popularity before broadcasting.

Although the specific list is not yet known, the approximate mode of "Sister Lang 4" has been exposed recently, or to be precise, the entire show of "Riding the Wind".

Because it has been on the hot search, many netizens know that "Sister Lang 4" may not be the name of "Riding the Wind and Waves Season 4", but "Riding the Wind", which was complained by many netizens at that time.

But now, an insider broke the news that the real name of the show is actually "Riding the Wind on the First Season", and it has also revealed that the specific model is an outdoor tour show, sister lineup and behind-the-scenes lineup, which is more credible.

The outdoor tour show mode is in line with the exposition of investment promotion and has high credibility

It is reported that the mode of "Riding the Wind" is completely different from "Sister Lang", the latter is an indoor music experience variety show, and the former is an outdoor tour show mode, like the ensemble "Sister's Philharmonic Journey" of "Sister Lang 1".

There are 5 recording sites for the purpose of the whole season, the first stop is still in Changsha, the second station is Inner Mongolia, the third station is Xinjiang, the fourth station is Yunnan, the fifth station is Hainan, and the final station will return to Changsha.

It is worth mentioning that the warm winter tasting meeting held by Mango at the end of last year, simply put, was mentioned in the investment promotion chamber, and "Sister Lang 4" was the "Great Beauty China Season", breaking the framework of the competition, walking out from the rehearsal hall, there are stage shows in the studio, and there are also outdoor performance shows.

From this point of view, the credibility of this revelation is very high, after all, "Sister Lang" is Mango's key variety show, and the program team needs to plan for more than half a year in advance, and then land step by step.

24 resident, 6 senior sisters returned, and 4 overseas sisters flew

It is foreseeable that "Riding the Wind" will really weaken the game, although it will lose a lot of highlights, but since Mango chose to do so, I believe that Mango's strength and aesthetics will not be discounted, after all, the lineup is still the biggest attraction.

According to the netizen's revelation, "Riding the Wind" will have 24 resident guests, 6 senior sisters from the first three seasons will return, and there will also be 4 overseas resident sisters, flying one issue per station.

The specific list of 24 people, the whistleblower has not been announced, may not be inconvenient, may not be clear, 4 foreign flight guests also did not explain.

However, the netizen broke the news of 6 returning senior sisters in a homophonic way, namely Li Stanni, Zhang Yuqi, Alan, Zhou Bichang, Zheng Xiuyan, Wang Xinling, two in the first three seasons.

It is worth mentioning that in many recent versions of the news, there are basically foreign artists, such as Avril in Canada, Risa Oribe in Japan, Chipu in Vietnam, Clara who debuted in South Korea, and Korean-American singer Lee Ye-jin.

Combined with the list of returning senior sisters who were revealed, the fact that overseas artists flew may be true, because Alan is not a popular contestant in the second season and has not formed a group, but she has a basic level of Japanese, and Jung so-yeon is proficient in English and Korean.

In addition to Alan and Zheng Xiuyan, Li Stanni is not surprised if she returns, because she is a Tianyu Media artist under Mango Super Media, but whenever it comes to returning to Senior Sister, she is basically listed, and the series "Sister Lang" has greatly blessed her.

Zhou Bichang and Wang Xinling are both good types of singing and dancing in "Sister Lang", and they are also high-ranking groups in the current season's shows, especially Wang Xinling failed to join "Endless Treasure Island Season", and she is more likely to continue to participate in the "Sister Lang" series.

As for Zhang Yuqi, although the first season is a group, even after a whole season of the show, her singing and dancing ability does not dare to compliment, if she is sure to return, then the biggest advantage is still the appearance conditions and the variety show sense created by daring to think and say.

Host Xie Na, publisher Huang Xiaoming, mentor group 4 people

In addition to the mode and sister lineup, the netizen also broke the news about other lineups of "Riding the Wind", such as the host is Xie Na, the publisher of Riding the Wind is Huang Xiaoming, and the mentor group includes Han Hong, Tu Lisa, Zhao Zhao and Chen Qiyuan.

For this part of the revelation, the author believes that the credibility is not very high.

First of all, if Xie Na serves as the host, the popularity of the show will inevitably be very high, because although Xie Na has many black fans, the passers-by plate is not blown out.

But it is worth noting that Xie Na is very suitable as the publisher of Chengfeng, and it may be a bit difficult to host the public performance stage alone, and the most important thing is that Mango is unlikely to give up Qi Sijun.

Qi Sijun is Mango's current new generation of male hosts, from the perspective of resources, the future is likely to be the "successor of one brother", especially after hosting "Sister Lang 3" and "Phi Ge 2" consecutively last year, his national popularity has been greatly enhanced, and Mango is in need to continuously improve his national recognition in order to successfully succeed He Jiong Wang Han in the future.

As for Huang Xiaoming, at that time, he withdrew from "Sister Lang 2" due to scandals, it was basically difficult to return, and it was enough for him and Mango to have cooperation in "Chinese Restaurant", and his main business should be film and television.

Finally, in the 4-person mentor group, Zhao Zhao and Chen Qiyuan have credibility, after all, they are the old partners of the first season, and Zhao Zhao's "Sister's Philharmonic Journey" as the music director has been well received, Han Hong and Tu Lisa have little hope of joining, because the program group will be equipped with music teachers every season, although they are not singers in front of the stage, but these teachers behind the scenes are enough.

Of course, since the name of the show has been changed, it is also possible to make a major change in the lineup, but as for which part of the revelation is true and which part of the revelation is false, we don't have to be too entangled, hold the mentality of eating melons and not believing in melons, lower expectations to have more surprises, after all, the show is about to be recorded, Reuters will expose the specific lineup, we wait and see.

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