
Health is not equal to longevity, and many people have a misunderstanding of this problem

author:The old horse starts from the heart
Health is not equal to longevity, and many people have a misunderstanding of this problem

On the Internet, the death of Professor Hong Zhaoguang, a big member in the cardiovascular field, regrets and raises many questions, simply put: such a highly accomplished medical expert, but only lived 83 years old, can the words of the expert be believed?

Professor Hong Zhaoguang is currently the chairman of the Cardiovascular Expert Committee of the China Geriatric Health Care Association, the deputy leader of the National Leading Group for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, and the researcher, professor, chief physician and vice president of Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University.

An active medical expert who lived to be in the people's eyes lived to die at the age of 83, which made many people doubt Professor Hong Chaoguang and his theories during his lifetime.

Professor Zhaoguang once put forward: four cornerstones of health: first, reasonable diet, second, appropriate exercise, third, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, fourth, psychological balance.

"Four bests": the best doctor is yourself, the best medicine is time, the best exercise is walking, and the best mood is tranquility.

Health is not equal to longevity, and many people have a misunderstanding of this problem

Before I had a cerebral infarction, I was not very interested in the so-called celebrities in any field, but after I had a cerebral infarction, I liked to watch Professor Hong Zhaoguang's videos and listen to him talk about medical knowledge and health care concepts.

Every piece of medical knowledge spoken by Hong Zhaoguang is easy to understand and willing to accept, which requires broad feelings and profound knowledge reserves to make it easy and simple to express.

In the minds of many people, medical or health experts should live beyond a hundred years old, or even longer and longer, only in this way can their theories be persuasive, they can essentially explain their views and theories that are unbreakable, and at the same time, those who follow and learn can have roots to follow, and trust will be greatly improved.

However, each of us lives in this world, not a purely absolutely independent individual, and is inextricably linked with the outside world, so that each of our weak lives is always in the face of the fact that human beings are irresistible and helpless. The so-called health care or health, or the way to live a long life, is not a rigid and variable format, not as long as you do this, according to this formula, you will not have anything, you will live long or disease-free.

There are many factors that determine a person's lifespan. According to the current theory, the role of psychological balance accounts for more than 50%, reasonable diet accounts for 25%, and others account for 25%. Among the reasons for the longevity of centenarians, genetic genes account for 15%, social factors account for 10%, medical conditions improve 8%, climatic conditions account for 7%, and the remaining 60% depends on the elderly themselves.

That is to say, for longevity, our subjective health care only accounts for a part of it, and force majeure factors also account for a large proportion.

Professor Hong Zhaoguang is said to have been infected with the new crown first, and then suffered from the flu and suffered a high fever, and finally was killed. Professor Hong, like everyone, advocates prevention before illness, but not as long as people learn and understand to nourish the body, they will be invincible, and health care is only based on the original basis to make your health indicators reach the highest and best, not foolproof.

If Professor Hong Zhaoguang had not contracted the disease, he might still be able to live, we could still hear some of his health regimens, and we could learn a lot of medical knowledge from him. Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan people have passed away, may Professor Hong go all the way!

Health is not equal to longevity, and many people have a misunderstanding of this problem