
Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

author:Hero's Notes


In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a concubine Ling who experienced a legendary life, she was from a humble background, but with her beauty and intelligence, she was favored by Emperor Qianlong, and for a time she soared and became a bright pearl in the harem. Just when she was infinitely beautiful, for some special reasons, she embarked on a road of no return and finally left this world.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

1. Concubine Ling's life

Concubine Ling, formerly known as Yehenara clan, was a concubine of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, born in 1756 in an ordinary family of eunuchs, the family was not wealthy, and her status was very low. She is naturally beautiful and intelligent, and she is deeply loved by her parents, so she has become the focus of attention.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

It was precisely because of such excellent conditions that Concubine Ling was soon elected to the court, became a concubine, and began her life in the court. And at this time, because of her outstanding appearance, she was particularly favored by Emperor Qianlong, and became Qianlong's confidante, and in just a few years, she was promoted from a concubine to a concubine, which shows Qianlong's love for her. Since then, the trajectory of her life has also changed dramatically.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

Second, pampered

Qianlong's love for Concubine Ling can be described as endless, not only gave her the title of Concubine Ling, but also often summoned her, even if she had just given birth to a child without a full moon, Qianlong couldn't wait to have sex with her, Concubine Ling was either pregnant in her life, or growing, a total of 6 children were born for Qianlong, after that, Qianlong gave her all kinds of treasures, and also gave her some special treatment, so that she was in the harem with unlimited scenery, no one can match.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

And under such favor, I thought that I could always bathe in the emperor's favor and live a happy life. Soon after she gave birth to a child, she found that her children were sent away, it turned out that Concubine Ling was in deteriorating health because of her perennial childbirth, coupled with her nightly hard work for Qianlong, and Qianlong was worried about her body, so the princes who were born were taken care of by other concubines.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

3. The cause of death is strange

The cause of Concubine Ling's death has always been a mystery, her body is very well preserved, and some cinnabar was found in the mouth of the corpse, which undoubtedly gives people a suspicion of poisoning, making people think that her death may not be simple.

After Qianlong learned of Concubine Ling's death, he was also very sad and sad, he not only went to the funeral in person, but also ordered to preserve Concubine Ling's body, and also treasured some of her relics, which shows that his nostalgia for Concubine Ling is very deep.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

IV. Anti-Reflection

Concubine Ling's life can be said to be very legendary and unfortunate, she has jumped from an ordinary concubine to Qianlong's confidante, and her status is very special, so she has been envied and envied by countless people. In fact, Concubine Ling often had insomnia every night, Qianlong deliberately asked the imperial doctor to prescribe some prescriptions to help sleep, which contained cinnabar, and cinnabar is highly toxic, a few years later, in the shrubs of Concubine Ling, it was found that her body was not corrupted, and it was detected that it contained a large amount of cinnabar.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

Just when she was infinitely beautiful, but for some special reasons, she embarked on the road of no return and finally left this world, and the cause of her death also left people with endless conjectures and regrets.

Concubine Ling's life does not belong entirely to herself, she carries too much glory and interests, and she is also deeply involved in the power struggle of the harem, and finally becomes a victim who cannot break free.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

Among them, Qianlong's role is also very important, his special favor for Concubine Ling, as well as her decision to have children, may have a significant impact on Concubine Ling's life and death, and also reflect the various sinister and intrigues in the harem life at that time.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body


Although Concubine Ling's life was short, she experienced too many ups and downs and tribulations, and her death also left people with endless regrets and conjectures.

Qianlong's favorite concubine, who couldn't wait to spoil her before the confinement was born, and a large amount of cinnabar was found in her body

Behind her, there are many untold stories, and perhaps a lot of pain and helplessness, all of which are worth digging into and exploring, and perhaps we can find some true portrayals of human nature and fate.

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