
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng

author:Teaching calligraphy and painting academy

Li Geng (1885-1964 AD), formerly known as Li Shijian, was a member of the Chinese Artists Association and vice chairman of the Fujian Artists Association.

Li Geng has been practicing art for more than 60 years, and is good at classical characters, especially the Immortal Buddha, Gao Shi, and also dabbles in landscapes, flowers and birds. His classical figure painting works have vigorous brushwork, free shapes, novel compositions, both forms and gods, and profound meanings. The paintings are majestic and vigorous, and they are free to wield, forming the "Li Geng Painting School" and have the reputation of "Southern Li and Northern Qi".

In 1925, works such as "Maitreya Buddha" participated in the "Exhibition of Paintings in the Five SoutheastErn Provinces" and was rated as the first place. In the same year, together with famous calligraphers and painters Li Xia and Chen Zifen, he founded the first art group in the modern history of Fujian Province, the Dragon Ball Painting Society, in Fuzhou. In 1928, works such as "Maitreya Buddha", "Dongpo Kasa Footsteps", and "Autumn Rain Returning to Sails" were rated as the first place in the Sino-French Painting Joint Exhibition, and Xu Beihong published a painting review in the "Declaration": "There are strange winners, the first to recommend Li Jungeng, wielding any wantonness, can track down the gall scoop, and his talent is not available in the Original Plains." In 1959, the Li Geng Institute of Chinese Painting was established, and he served as his mentor and cultivated a large number of Chinese painting talents. In the same year, he painted a huge screen painting "Song QingHe White Oriental Red" and "Song Crane Age" for the State Guest Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Mr. Li Geng has a high degree of achievement in painting, ancient chinese, poetry, musical rhythm, sculpture, calligraphy and so on. His paintings are deep in meaning, strange in composition, simple in structure, strong and majestic in strokes, both in shape and spirit, and unrestrained.


The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng
The first chinese classical figure painter of the century - Li Geng