
True love in the Korean movie "When a Man Is in Love"

author:Leader of the Iron Sword Gang

The Korean film "When a Man Is in Love" is a romance film directed by Han Dong-wook and starring Hwang Jeong-min, Han Hye-jin, Jeong Man-sik, Kim Byung-wook and Koo Do-won. Unlike other romance films, the debt collector fell in love with the girl who owed the debt, and produced a real love.

True love in the Korean movie "When a Man Is in Love"

Tai Yi (Wong Jung Min) is a loan shark who lives with his brother Ying Yi (Guo Daoyuan) in middle age. In the process of collecting debts, he even had to drink gasoline with the debtors, forcing the debtors to pay the arrears. But when he meets Zhou Haoting (Han Huizhen), he has a heart-pounding feeling, and he thinks about Zhou Haoting every day. It turned out that Zhou Haoting's father had borrowed a usurious loan, could not afford it, and was admitted to the hospital. Taiyi took someone to the hospital to collect debts, and happened to meet Zhou Haoting, who was waiting for her father. They forced Zhou Haoting to sign a sale agreement to implement the next step.

Tai Yi fell in love with Zhou Haoting at first sight and wanted to volunteer to collect Zhou Haoting's debts. In order to catch up with Zhou Haoting, he asked Zhou Haoting to chat with him for an hour every day, and staying with him for an hour would reduce some of the arrears. Zhou Haoting agreed, and gradually felt that Taiyi was not so incurable. When Zhou Haoting's father died, no one came to mourn, Taiyi came, and also called a large group of debt "customers", just because Taiyi usually gave them some grace, they were grateful to Daye, and they followed Taiyi to mourn.

Zhou Haoting felt that it was too easy to be a good person, so she came together with him. But when Zhou Haoting took out a part of her father's pension to open a fried chicken shop with Taiyi, Taiyi had an idea about that part of the money. He took the money and went to gamble with his boss, Shin Chul, to turn over the book. However, in the process of gambling, he was robbed by bandits, and Taiyi did not even have the profits. He desperately tries to get his money back, and also unveils the mask of the bandits, but finds that it is Shin Chul's men. Other words. Tai Yi's money was calculated by Shin Chul.

True love in the Korean movie "When a Man Is in Love"

Tai Yi was injured, saw Zhou Haoting, and was counted down until he turned his face. Tai Yi could not face Zhou Haoting and went to prison, serving a sentence of two years. Surprisingly, Taiyi came out in more than a year. Say good performance, early release. The real situation was that he was terminally ill and had to rely on drugs to maintain his life, and he only had three months to live. He did not want to come out to face Zhou Haoting, but the prison director forced him to come out, let him see the person he deserved, and talk about what he wanted.

He approached Shin Chul and asked for his own money. But Shen Zhe did not give, he came to violently ask for debts, and as a result, he was injured by Shen Zhe and thrown into a frozen car, so that he could not freeze to death. He took out his diagnosis and gave it to Shen Zhe, explaining that he would not live for more than three months. Shen Zhe took pity on him and gave him money. He took the money to find Zhou Haoting, and Zhou Haoting was already completely dead to him. But he still loved Zhou Haoting deeply, refused to show his own diagnosis certificate, and refused to tell his family that he was sick, hiding from his family, hiding from Zhou Haoting, and a person silently suffered from the pain.

He gave the money to Zhou Haoting, and also bought his niece the smart phone he wanted, and he had nothing to worry about. When he gave Zhou Haoting money, Zhou Haoting did not want it, the two quarreled, too easy to be anxious, fainted, at this time Zhou Haoting knew that he was sick. Zhou Haoting waited for him in the hospital, never abandoning him until he came to the end of his life.

True love in the Korean movie "When a Man Is in Love"

Perhaps, love is life and death, not just ear grinding. Taiyi's love begins with a heartbeat, and after worrying and betraying, it is finally made up with life, thus witnessing the greatness of Taiyi's love. Many men and women do not have a deep understanding of love, but stay in the stage of heartbeat or concern and betrayal, but they do not want to live a lifetime of lifelong relationships, even if they die and do not give up. Although Taiyi is a small who collects debts, his love for Zhou Haoting is always the same, and although he has been betrayed, he finally broke the mirror and regained his understanding. In this way, Taiyi's love is the love that has truly experienced quenching, although it is only for such a short period of time, but it is precious when Taiyi sacrifices his life. This is exactly where many contemporary people can't reach it, and it is also a place that many contemporary people can't understand after the utilitarianization of love...

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