
Someone "will not come in the next life", someone "meet to die", what is the problem?

author:Youlan 4436

"The next life is not coming", is a very popular video on Douyin recently, the video is only 9 seconds, the picture is a girl wearing a mask, wearing headphones to listen to songs, but there are tears in her eyes, confused and helpless.

Someone "will not come in the next life", someone "meet to die", what is the problem?

On April 4, four tourists jumped off a cliff after climbing over a safety fence on the western glass boardwalk at the top of the Tianmen Mountain attraction. After police investigation, all three men jumped off the cliff and died. A woman who drank poison before jumping off a cliff died on her way to the hospital. All four committed suicide, excluding factors such as criminal cases.

Someone "will not come in the next life", someone "meet to die", what is the problem?

Through these hot topics, we can't help but ask: what is wrong with society today? Why are they going to extremes in their fancy years?

It is said that life is the most precious, but why do they ignore life so much, resolutely abandon their relatives who have worked hard to raise them, and die without hesitation?

Through understanding, these young people have relatively poor families, and they have left home to work in order to survive, and belong to the bottom of society.

Someone "will not come in the next life", someone "meet to die", what is the problem?

Under the pressure of today's society, these young people are uncertain about the future, face the real dilemma, and are extremely disappointed in life, they may be thinking, there is no hope in this world, let's go to another world.

For such human tragedies, we should arouse the high attention of society, deeply analyze the essential causes of the problem, and let such a "death group" no longer exist, otherwise similar incidents will occur.