
Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

author:Zhang Tingwei 1N0v

The greatness of maternal love is not only in giving us life, the key is the gift of nurturing. This mother was Chiang Kai-shek's biological mother Wang Caiyu. Like her name, Wang Caiyu, the great mother, sent to the Chinese Revolution a Republican president, Commander-in-Chief Chiang.

Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

When Wang Caiyu was just born, his family was relatively wealthy, unfortunately, when Wang Caiyu was fifteen years old, his father contracted an illness and died, and the pillar of the family fell, and the Wang family suddenly fell into embarrassment. The survival of the family has become a problem, and Wang Caiyu can only rely on weaving and spinning to supplement the family.

At this time, Wang Caiyu's family can be described as a chicken feather, originally thought that he could survive with his father's inheritance, but what he did not expect was that his brother was addicted to gambling and tossed the valuable things in the family in less than half a year. Faced with this situation, Wang Caiyu had to work with his mother to do needlework for others with their skills in making bonuses to supplement their families.

Despite the hard work of the mother and daughter, they still could not cope with the stormy family life, so the mother had to marry her daughter to reduce the burden on the family. Later, Wang Caiyu married a peasant family surnamed Zhu from Cao Jiatian, and the husband's family also gave Wang Caiyu's mother a bride price, which can be regarded as temporarily alleviating the embarrassment of the old Wang family.

Zhu's family is solid, at first treated Wang Caiyu very well, the husband and wife lived their own little life harmoniously, Wang Caiyu thought that his life finally had a dependency.

Fortunately, God favored her, and a year later, she gave birth to a son for her husband, and the relationship between the husband and wife gradually eased.

As a result, the good times did not last long, her husband gradually exposed his nature, and if there was a slight displeasure, he beat and scolded Wang Caiyu. At that time, it was still at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and the status of women was low, and Wang Caiyu had to endure it silently.

But when Wang Caiyu was desperate, her child contracted a vicious disease and unfortunately died, and her husband died suddenly due to the plague. Losing his son and grandson for a while, this is why Wang Caiyu is embarrassed.

The rumors of "Kezikefu" spread all over the place, saying that this Wang Caiyu was originally an ominous person, and Wang Caiyu's spirit was also greatly hit, and the idea of "becoming a monk" was born, according to the customs at that time, Wang Caiyu needed to pass two hurdles if he wanted to enter Jinzhuan, the first was the approval of the patriarch, and the second was the consent of his mother.

The first hurdle was easy, but my mother couldn't bear it, and after some haggling, my mother allowed Wang Caiyu to take her home. Although the mother was reluctant, seeing that her daughter wanted to do so, she had to agree to stay at home to accompany the green lantern and chant the Buddha to pass the time.

One day two years later, a fortune teller passed by Jinzhuan and came in to ask for water, and Wang Caiyu poured him a cup of clear tea and intimately invited him to sit on a stone bench to rest.

The fortune teller looked at the girl carefully and said: "If you look through the blessings, there will be noble sons in the future, and the scenery in your old age is infinite, why don't you think about it, and remarry in Shean."

After all, Wang Caiyu was young, and his heart was stirred up by the fortune teller's words, and coincidentally, his cousin Wang Xiandongjing really came to ask for a kiss.

It is said that this Wang Caiyu's cousin is called Wang Xiandong, who works as a buddy in a shop surnamed Jiang in Xikou Town. This shop is famous in Xikou, and the young master of the merchant, Jiang Zhaocong, is even more amorous and business-minded, known as the Yellow Eel of the Potou.

Unfortunately, this Jiang Zhaocong's newly married wife has just died, and for a while this person is depressed and lonely. Seeing his boss so decadent, the clever Wang Xiandong suddenly remembered his cousin Wang Caiyu, in Wang Xiandong's opinion, these two are really very matched.

Without further ado, Wang Xiandong first introduced Jiang Zhaocong's situation to his aunt, and took Wang Caiyu to see his young owner Jiang Zhaocong, and Wang Caiyu was very satisfied.

And the funny thing is that although the old lady of the Jiang family has not yet seen Wang Caiyu, he is already very approving. In this way, although Wang Caiyu was the last party to know about this, he still obeyed his mother's arrangement, went down the mountain and married Jiang Zhaocong, who was 22 years older than himself.

A year later, Wang Caiyu gave birth to a baby boy for Jiang Zhaocong, who was later the famous commander-in-chief of Jiang. Jiang Zhaocong realized later, only then did he know a word that a master of physiognomy said after seeing Wang Caiyu a year ago, your lady has a blessed face, she will give birth to a noble son, and I think that this son called Rui Yuan will have great achievements in the future.

Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

Married to Jiang Zhaocong, Wang Caiyu became the proprietress of the Yutai salt shop. Three years later, Wang Caiyu gave birth to a boy and a girl for Jiang Zhaocong, and the family lived very warmly. History sometimes repeats itself, and in 1894, first in time for the outbreak of the epidemic at Xikou, Chiang Zhaocong unfortunately contracted the disease and died, and then Chiang Kai-shek's younger siblings also died in infancy.

At this moment, Wang Caiyu once again doubted whether he was really an ominous person. However, looking at the huge Jiang family, the only hope is this very restless son at the moment. Therefore, Wang Caiyu made up his mind and decided to educate Chiang Kai-shek, the monkey at the mouth of the stream.

When the family situation was not dilapidated, Wang Caiyu's education of his son belonged to the rhythm of free-range, and now on the one hand, the son has gradually grown up, and the other is that the family situation is not as good as before, which requires Chiang Kai-shek to start captivity and restrict. To this end, Wang Caiyu specially invited a private school gentleman who was almost strict in the control of children, and personally asked Chiang Kai-shek's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and even the number of times his son played in the homes of classmates.

Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

Every day when he returned from school, Wang Caiyu's first priority was to check the completion of Chiang Kai-shek's homework, and when he encountered sloppy scribbling, he immediately came back again without slackening.

Later, Chiang Kai-shek still often recalled his mother's teachings to himself in his diary, and his mother always got up early and greedy for herself, poured her whole body and mind, and accompanied her son's learning and growth day after day, hoping that his son would grow up and become a talent earlier.

When Chiang Kai-shek was 14 years old, his mother Wang Caiyu arranged to marry his 19-year-old wife Mao Fumei, according to Wang Caiyu's intention, this was to call the family to tie Chiang Kai-shek's mind and focus on the family. Mao Fumei is a traditional Chinese woman, wrapped in small feet, plain looking, Wang Caiyu is also considered to be good intentions, first asked his daughter-in-law Mao Fumei to enter the school to learn knowledge, in order to let Mao Fumei be able to get along with her husband and teach her son, and assist Chiang Kai-shek in making meritorious achievements. Chiang Kai-shek did not like her, but for the sake of his mother's face, he still shared a room with her and gave birth to his son Jingguo.

Later, the young Chiang Kai-shek was unwilling to stay at home and decided to go abroad to study military affairs. Although there was also a lot of criticism about this family, Wang Caiyu firmly supported his son, and even scattered his family wealth to send Chiang Kai-shek to study in Japan.

Later, Jieshi went to Baoding Army Academy to study, and went to Japan Zhenwu Academy to study, Mao Fumei stayed at home alone to take care of her mother Wang Caiyu, and her mother was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Chiang Kai-shek had no feelings for Mao Fumei, and he found Yao Yecheng, Chen Jieru and other women as wives and concubines during his time in Shanghai, and then found Meiling after his discovery, and insisted on divorcing Mao Fumei, who divorced and did not leave home, and guarded Chiang Kai-shek's hometown until he was later bombed by Japanese aircraft.

Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

In May 1921, Chiang Kai-shek in the army had a dream and woke up feeling a faint pain in his heart. Perhaps there was a revelation in the underworld, so Chiang Kai-shek resolutely returned to his hometown Fenghua despite the tension of the war ahead. Sure enough, at this time, Wang Caiyu was already terminally ill, and the mother and son met for the last time.

On June 25, 1921, Wang Caiyu died, and Chiang Kai-shek, 11 days after his mother's death, wrote an article entitled "The Story of Mrs. Xianyuwang", praising his mother, like Yue Fei's mother, who taught her son well.

Chiang Kai-shek's mother Wang Caiyu, a legendary life

Not only that, Chiang Kai-shek also warmly praised his mother for being kind and charitable, even when she was sick, she still worried about the public welfare in the nearby town.

Looking back on Wang Caiyu's life, he once fell into an empty door because he couldn't open it, married twice, and lost his father and son. But she was never overwhelmed by these difficulties, and she faced an unfortunate life with a tenacious attitude and finally ended well.

In fact, all people will encounter irresistible resistance, difficulties and accidents. When you face a difficult situation, you may wish to read the story of Wang Caiyu's life and ups and downs, perhaps it can stimulate your fighting spirit and not easily succumb to fate.