
Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

author:Rongde Sports

Lippi has a proven record in both club and national teams, and is recognized as a famous coach in world football, and Milou is indeed inferior to him. But why did Lippi lead the national football team to the World Cup and fail, but Milu succeeded!

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

Now it seems that there are several key reasons, the national football team in the Milu era can be said to be the peak level of the Chinese men's football team in the past 30 years, with top Asian players such as Fan Zhiyi, Li Weifeng, Yang Chen, Zhang Enhua, Sun Jihai, Ma Mingyu and Qi Hong; At that time, Yan Shiduo, the president of the Football Association, unconditionally trusted and supported Milu, so that Milu could firmly control the team according to his own playing style requirements; At that time, the national football team still lacked the dialogue between the two major bitter masters of Japan and South Korea. It can be said that under the favorable time and place, the only World Cup trip of the Chinese men's football team has been achieved!

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

On the other hand, the players in Lippi's coaching era, with Zheng Zhi, Zhang Linpeng, Huang Bowen, Wu Lei, Hao Junmin, Yu Dabao, Wang Gang and Zhang Xizhe compared with the Milu era, there is an overall level difference. But Lippi's first time coaching the national football team, facing strong teams such as South Korea and Qatar in the round of 12, it is already remarkable that he can achieve 6 wins, 3 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss, and the national football players have also played with confidence. If it wasn't for Wu Lei's rash attack against Syria, perhaps Lippi would have led the Chinese men's football team to complete its second World Cup journey!

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

The key to why Lippi can play well when he first coaches the national football team is the support of Cai Zhenhua, president of the Football Association. At that time, the national team was Guangzhou Evergrande players as the team, which meant that Lippi could fully control the team, and the players could implement the tactics he laid out, so that he could defeat the invincible Korean football and rewrite the history of the national football team's inability to defeat South Korea in official competitions.

When Lippi took charge of the national football team again, he encountered Chen Jiayuan, who used the national football team as a tool for profit and brought down Evergrande football to support the seaport. The players have also been updated, with Yan Junling, Wu Lei, Zhang Linpeng, Zhu Chenjie, Wang Gang, Hao Junmin and Wu Xi as the team.

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

After Chen Jiayuan took office, he began to attack Evergrande football, excluding foreign coaches and naturalized players of the national team, and the motive was obvious, that is, he would rather sacrifice the results of the national football team to drive away Lippi, and help his own person Li Tie to take office to achieve the purpose of controlling the national football team. Due to the existence of Chen Jiayuan and Li Tie, at this time, in fact, Lippi can no longer control the team, Chen Li and some players of the national football team, the intention to do Lippi is very obvious.

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

It can be seen from some games that even if Lippi personally stands on the sidelines and directs the player to pass the ball, the player with the ball still does not pass the ball to the naturalized player in a good position, but chooses to pass back meaninglessly! This situation was later repeated in the national team led by Li Tie. It's strange to win the game!

Lippi is stronger than Milu, why led the national football team to the World Cup failure, but Milou succeeded

From not being afraid of any opponent in Asia to winning a victory, there is only one Chen Jiayuan in between. The confidence built up by the national football team in the 17 World Cup qualifiers collapsed overnight and turned into a disorganized and scattered style of play. After losing the game in Syria, Lippi was disheartened, and at the same time realized that this team could not be brought with him, and someone was using tripping to trip their own people! After Lippi saw the problem, he preferred not to have a high salary and chose to leave, not wanting to ruin his lifelong reputation.

The latter story does not need to be elaborated again, everyone is clear! With a group of moths such as Chen Jiayuan, Du Zhaocai and Li Tie, even a famous marshal as strong as Lippi can't bring the national football team! The difference between Milu's success and Lippi's failure lies in the management of the football association, which also proves that Milu's luck is better than Lippi's.

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