
Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

author:Sichuan Observation

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This year's Qingming Festival, Lin Lin decided to use another way to worship her grandfather - Xi Maozhao.

Who is Xi Maozhao? He is the Red Army, and he is also one of the characters that must be mentioned when mentioning the red story of "Chen Yun Out of the River".

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

Escort Chen Yun out of the river smoothly

He was killed by the Kuomintang at the age of 37

In June 1935, in view of the situation at the time, the Party Central Committee decided to resume the work of the underground Party in Shanghai and to re-establish the broken and interrupted ties with the Comintern. Chen Yun, then a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, received this arduous task and decided to rush from Sichuan to Shanghai immediately.

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

From Tianquan County, Sichuan province, to Shanghai, through Ya'an, Chengdu, and Chongqing, the road is not only long and arduous, but also the Kuomintang military and police agents along the way are heavily guarded, and it is a severe test to intersperse themselves through the layers of encirclement of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. Chen Yun's life is sparse, coupled with a Full Jiangsu accent, it is particularly conspicuous on the way, and if he is not careful, he may fall into the hands of the enemy, and it is absolutely impossible without a reliable escort. Who will escort you? After careful consideration, the central authorities selected Xi Maozhao, a young underground party member with rich experience in underground struggle and principal of Lingguandian Primary School in Baoxing County.

Xi Maozhao was arrested for leading the student movement when he was a student, but fortunately escaped. In June 1935, he and his wife He Boqiong (a communist) organized a guerrilla group to meet the Red Army and joined the Red Army.

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

After receiving the task of escorting Chen Yun out of the river, Xi Maozhao and another comrade, Chen Liang, pretended to be distant relatives and "fled" to Chengdu with Chen Yun, who was disguised as a businessman. On the way, they "happened to meet" Xiong Mou, the education director of Tianquan County. Xiong Mou had just "escaped" from the capture of the Red Army and also ran all the way. In fact, he was deliberately let go by the Red Army in order to let Xi Maozhao "walk" with him and evade the enemy's checkpoints along the way. Xi Maozhao pretended to be a bear and took Chen Yun with Xiong along the way, and indeed escaped the enemy's interrogation.

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

In this way, the bold and meticulous Xi Maozhao, in coordination with Chen Yun, who was experienced in underground work, successfully broke through the heavy levels set by the enemy. Xi Maozhao and Chen Liang have been escorting Chen Yun safely to the Chaotianmen Wharf in Chongqing and successfully completing the task. After completing his mission, when Xi Maozhao returned to pursue the Red Army, he was unfortunately arrested by the enemy and imprisoned in Yilong Prison. In 1937, Xi Maozhao was released on bail. In September of the same year, he went to Yan'an and entered the Central Party School to study. Later, Xi Maozhao returned to Sichuan to continue his revolutionary work.

Unfortunately, in March 1948, xi Maozhao was arrested in Lushan, Ya'an, because of the traitor's whistleblowing, and transferred to Chongqing Zhadidong Prison. On November 27, 1949, he was killed by the Kuomintang in prison at the age of 37.

From university teacher to lecturer in party history

I want to tell the story of red to the world

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

Lin Lin grew up in the praise of others.

"When I went to school when I was young, my teachers and classmates would praise me as a descendant of the Red Army and envy me very much!" Lin Lin told reporters that the earliest thing about knowing that she was a descendant of the Red Army was not through her family, but through the teachers of the school. She said that for Grandpa's red army status, the family is particularly proud, but also particularly low-key, "Grandma often told me that Grandpa Xi Maozhao just did a very ordinary thing. ”

Although he had never seen Grandpa Xi Maozhao, Grandpa's Spirit of the Red Army was a subtle force that affected Lin Lin's life trajectory.

Exploring Grandpa's red world is one of Lin Lin's dreams since childhood. In the year of the college entrance examination, she specially filled in the Sichuan Foreign Chinese University, which is located in Chongqing, where my grandfather sacrificed, "When I was in college, I often went to the slag cave, both to visit my grandfather and to remember a piece of history. ”

Sacrifice to the Martyrs Ming Dang History (15) Lin Lin: I made the most important decision at the age of my grandfather's sacrifice

After graduating from university, she graduated in international journalism and became a university teacher, a stable and glamorous profession that others saw.

However, in 2019, Lin Lin took the initiative to break this "stability".

That year, 37-year-old Lin Lin suddenly received a phone call from the Ya'an Jiajinshan Branch of the Sichuan Long March Cadre College, extending an olive branch to her, hoping that as a descendant of the Red Army, she could become a lecturer at the academy and tell people from all over the world about revolutionary history and the family style of the revolutionary family.

Lin Lin agreed to the invitation to "fall from the sky" almost without hesitation, "As a descendant of the Red Army, I feel that I have this mission to tell the red story well and let more people remember this history." ”

Today, Lin Lin has spent nearly two years as a teacher at the Ya'an Jiajinshan Branch of Sichuan Long March Cadre College. During the day, she gave two courses to the trainees from all over the world, "Chen Yun Chuchuan" and interviewed and taught "Inheriting the Red Gene and Remembering the Mission of the Initial Heart", and at night, she also took time to read the relevant books of the Red Army's Long March, and she was very busy every day.

In previous years, during the Qingming Festival, Lin Lin and her family would go to Chongqing's Zha di Dong to worship her grandfather, but this year, because of her busy work, she chose to commemorate her grandfather Xi Maozhao with reporters at the Chen Yun Izukawa Memorial Hall in Baoxing County.

On April 2, there was a light rain outside the Chen Yun Izukawa Memorial Hall, and Lin Lin stood quietly in the memorial hall, staring at the historical materials related to Grandpa Xi Maozhao on the wall, and did not want to leave for a long time.

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