
The rookie in the workplace counterattacked and became a god, 3 moves to resolve the provocation of the old fritters, who won?

author:Yi Legend Entertainment

Who is the real winner of the grievances in the entertainment industry?

Recently, a costume drama "Celebrating More Than Years" can be said to have exploded my circle of friends.

The rookie in the workplace counterattacked and became a god, 3 moves to resolve the provocation of the old fritters, who won?

But, you know what? The contest between Emperor Qing and Fan Jian in the play is actually similar to many situations in our real life. Today, let's take a look at this interesting phenomenon!

From "rookie" to "big guy": who hasn't had a "novice" period?

Do you remember when you first joined the company? In the face of all kinds of complex businesses, is it also like the young Emperor Qing in the play, who was abused by all kinds of "Fan Jian" to the point of incompleteness? However, who hasn't had an evolutionary process from rookie to big guy?

It is said that there is a newcomer named Xiao Wang, who couldn't even do PPT well when he first joined the company. The result? This guy was stunned and relied on working overtime until the early hours of the morning every day to study, and he stubbornly made himself the company's "PPT god". This wave of operations is simply a realistic version of "The Return of the King"!

The new routine of the old fritters: when the strength can't be compared, start to compare eloquence?

However, the "Fan Jian" in the workplace are not so easy to admit defeat. Seeing that the strength could no longer be compared, these old fritters immediately changed their strategy - they began to compare their eloquence.

Some time ago, there was an old employee in the company who had to challenge the authority of the new director every time he had a meeting. At every turn, he said, "Director, is your idea a little inconsiderate?" This kind of talk is simply giving the new director "eye medicine"!

The Upstart's Jedi Strikes Back: Convincing with Virtue or Outwitting?

Faced with this situation, how will the new workplace "bosses" respond? You know, this is a big question about your position in the company!

The rookie in the workplace counterattacked and became a god, 3 moves to resolve the provocation of the old fritters, who won?

Interestingly, a new manager I know actually learned the tricks of Emperor Qing. Once, at an important meeting, when the old employees began to chirp crookedly, the manager just said lightly: "Lao Zhang, are you still finished?" "

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room fell silent. Not only does not lose grace, but also maintains their authority, this operation is simply the workplace version of "convincing people with virtue"!

Who's the real winner?

Through these examples, it is not difficult for us to see that whether it is in the ancient court or the modern workplace, the real "rivers and lakes" are never a simple confrontation of strength. It's more like a battle of wits that tests the participants' EQ and mental qualities.

Those who have gone from rookies to bigwigs, their upbringing is a huge victory in itself. And those old fritters who want to overwhelm others by virtue of their seniority, although they seem to have the upper hand on the surface, in fact, their situation may have become more and more passive.

Advice to newcomers in the workplace: Don't be afraid, you are also a potential stock!

The biggest lesson from these stories is that we should never underestimate anyone and never underestimate the power of our own growth.

Just like netizen @workplace小白兔 said: "After reading these stories, I suddenly feel that I am also a potential stock!" "

That's right, no matter what situation you're in now, as long as you're willing to work hard, one day you can become a "god" in your own field.

The rookie in the workplace counterattacked and became a god, 3 moves to resolve the provocation of the old fritters, who won?

Moreover, a real master in the workplace must not only have strength, but also wisdom. Just like the manager who learned from Emperor Qing, he can respond calmly in the face of provocation, which is the real style of the king of the workplace!

Finally, I would like to say that whether in the workplace or in life, we may encounter all kinds of "Fan Jian". However, as long as we continue to learn, grow, and learn to deal with problems with wisdom like Emperor Qing in the play, we will definitely be able to become the protagonists of our own lives!

Ladies and gentlemen, who do you think is the real winner in this workplace competition? Come and complain in the comment area! Maybe your god comment will get the top of today's review!

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