
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

author:New Weekly
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

| Never | a sense of coldness about life

On the day of wearing high heels, I would put a pair of ballet shoes in my bag. Knowing that once you are overloaded, you can switch to free mode in an instant, which is reassuring.

Choosing ballet shoes is really easy to wear and comes with its own style. If not too tangled, shirts, pipe pants, ballet shoes, can be called the "holy trinity" of modern attendance. Single-handedly, it is a very practical choice.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Teacher Ma Liang's interpretation is very good

This template has been interpreted by countless fashion statements, and has been refined. At the end of the day, it has the advantage of being light and unprovocative, but it's also easy to be buried.

I didn't wear it that way in my early 20s, and it was too easy to fall into the impression of blurred silhouettes. It probably takes a little more calm to be established.

In the movie "One Day", the mother played by Patricia Clarkson strolled through Paris, sat tired by the fountain, and naturally took out a pair of flat ballet shoes from her bag and changed them.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

The action is flowing smoothly, and at that moment, it will be the magic of calmness. I think the good feelings for ballet shoes are related to this calmness.

Often observing passers-by, girls wearing ballet shoes mostly walk briskly but firmly, and if they stop where they are, they look relaxed. It is not clear whether people give shoes character, or whether shoes give people the confidence to be relaxed.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Inexplicable feeling of relaxation

It's not just about picking shoes. I think ballet shoes are also our choice about life.

The beauty of the girls is too difficult, some scenes must be stepped on the high heels to be polite, sometimes because of the thought that today's weather is just right, want to kick the double high heels, do a handsome or feminine audition, for this handsome, the soles of the feet are sore, blisters grind out of the cheekbones. And ballet shoes are the salvation of the girl. It is the stability of stepping on the feet.

The freedom that ballet shoes give us is to give you an arbitrary door after toiling and running, so that you can return to the comfortable mode at any time.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

The difference between ballet shoes and boat shoes on weekdays is mainly more upper straps or ankle straps, and ballet elements can be counted in this list, and the choice is a lot broader.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Jean Paul Gaultier 2011

Over the years, I have tried many brands of ballet shoes, and although there are examples of sad returns, I also have the joy of real gold panning. Believe me, if there's something wrong with trying on a pair of ballet shoes, put it down decisively and don't hope that the change will produce a new chemistry, unless you're dressed so badly that day (and you won't think about it). On ballet shoes, there are obvious boundaries for more than one point and one point less, and the world is suitable for you, and the careful selection is not excessive.

The temperament of ballet shoes is very complex and changeable. Usually dressed and shaped, can be digested very well. In a pinch, I still want to lift a heavy weight, and it is not wrong to wear it.

The reason why ballet shoes are so ubiquitous, we have to talk about Brigitte Bardot, who almost single-handedly brought the ballet shoes to fire. In "God Created the Woman", she is either barefoot or wearing ballet shoes, and she is flexible and wanton.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Wild repetto spokesperson

Originally, only ballet shoes lined with classical goddesses were suitable, such as Audrey Hepburn, elegant and slender. BB is a different style to wear, precious and rare cheerfulness.

Shoes are often a reference to the character of a movie character. Girls in Godard's films don't wear strenuous high heels; Daylight Beauty needs a pair of shoes that are rigorous and out of line, suggesting her uneasiness and multi-facetedness; people who usually wear flat shoes jump off a bit, even if they are as stable as Audrey Hepburn, and in "Sweet Sister" they wear a pair of Lefour to tap dance in Paris taverns.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

In the real world, the modern evolution of ballet shoes is indispensable to the promotion of French women.

Remember that 100 years ago, ballet dancers, along with ballet shoes, had nothing to do with elegance. Degas painted some ballet-dancing girls, but they were just "little mice" at the bottom of society, subjected to the gaze and review of the upper class at that time.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Edgar Degas

Until ballet gradually became the mainstream art, dancers personally brought goods, ballet shoes and dancers, and finally were faced by history. In 1947, the French brand Repetto was founded (the Repetto worn by BB was customized in 1956), and then Chanel's two-tone shoes were also launched in 1957.

Ask a girl with lofty ideals who didn't go out on the street in ballet shoes.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Jane Birkin/Ines de la Fressange/Alexa Chuang/Leandra Medine

Both the old and the new generation of icons can not avoid contributing ballet shoes to wear, which can be salty and cool. Probably just matched with chic playfulness and extreme convenience. Watching the female star take photos barefoot, she will subconsciously feel that the shoes she hides must be a pair of flat ballet.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Jane Sissy and Brigitte Bardot

As for me, I don't expect to be elegant in ballet shoes or as capable as a professional girl in the 90s. The ideal state is that the shoes are worn out, there are traces of running, or they are not so well-behaved.

The atmosphere is set, and then recognize your hardware. In general, ballet shoes have always been clear and tepid. The wind is the most powerful is also the miumiu's pair of straps ballet, which cannot be avoided by the ordinary heart (silently read the reason as I am). Quickly go to the store to try, after trying the empty hand to go back to the house without mentioning, it is indeed too much. It is too unfriendly to people whose calves are not slender enough, and Cui Sula's slender limbs are the perfect candidates.

But classic shoes are irreplaceable, and I decided to find the right pair. So he turned his head back into the arms of the old Repetto, the down-to-earth flat bottom could not withstand long wear, the arch was not comfortable enough, and the calf line was somewhat sturdy. 3 cm for the top choice, to say that the details change the fate, but also really doomed me to buy it or not to buy its fate.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Find different games

The same is the basic model, the effect of the curve of the toe and the height of the side is also very different. My experience is that the toe cap or the gentle tip arc is good, too round and cute, almost neat; the upper is slightly longer and more durable, at least not too top-heavy.

The good thing about Repetto is that it inherits the traditional shoe-making process and has an intriguing meticulousness. Breathing new blood into ballet shoes enduringly, and seeing its exclusive collection of the 60th anniversary Danse pour la Vie (Dance of Life) exhibition, her family truly loves the profession enduringly.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Designers co-branded, artist special production is quite wonderful

One of your cards worth exploring is Ferragamo. Visit 10 corso como in Milan and find shoes with a full replica of the Creations series (Shanghai seems to have them too), and now the shoes are not too boring compared to them.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

▲ Creativity and imagination, mix and match elements

It is very whimsical but not too tensea, I think it is Ferragamo's familiarity with the material of the shape, he knows too well how to make women fall in love with his design, so Monroe in "The Seven Year Itch" stepped on the silver high heels and became synonymous with American sexiness.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

Strange to say, the same as Monroe's special model, another ballet shoe Cherie and these gorgeous and exquisite women's shoes do not look like a single person's hand, it is very simple.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

After a long time, cherie is certainly a more everyday pair of shoes that can easily match everything. More importantly, it's very literary, and perhaps it represents the lesser-known side of Monroe, the girl who read Ulysses. If you want to buy an unconventional pair of ballet shoes, I think it will be the first choice.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

There is nothing wrong with it, and the frequency of use is really excellent. Unconsciously, ballet shoes became the shoes I wanted to wear when I arrived at a good place, not just an easy choice.

Until now, whether it is Uma Wang or Jil Sander, classical or deconstructed, the fashion industry's fascination with ballet has never gone out of fashion.

I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead
I still love to be at ease than the delicate, which is tired and half dead

It can be said that this should finally meet people's respect for calm romance. When I was too young, I just wanted to jump and grasp the world, calm and determined, and it was difficult to have a calm color. Style is still a matter of time trial.

Thinking of Friends, Rachel ran away from marriage and said to her father on the phone, "What if I don'twant be a shoe. What if I want be a purse or a hat?” (What if I don't want to be a shoe, what if I want to be a bag or a hat?) Shoes are also a metaphor for life. She didn't want to be a shoe, she wanted to escape the confines of her existing life.

But that doesn't have to be a shoe. If I had to, I could become ballet shoes. All I know is that people who wear ballet shoes will be happier.

Let's talk about a fifty-cent day

Let's talk, which shoes can represent you?

The original article was first published in the public account of "New Weekly" "Miss F Miss F"

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