
Wild Crucian Fishing: The best time of the season and the fishing positions of different waters to choose

author:Fishing encyclopedia

Select the day according to the four seasons.

Spring: From the first lunar month to the rainy season, although the earth has begun to recover, even if crucian carp is relatively hardy than other fish species, because the weather temperature has not yet reached the best time of 15 to 22 °C in the season, the water temperature is still below the limit of its minimum feeding water temperature of 5 °C. Therefore, during this period, anglers should not use the concept of "spring is coming, fish is easy to catch" to understand and be busy with fishing. Once it enters the valley rain before the sting in February to the beginning of summer, due to the rising temperature, the water temperature reaches 5 to 20 ° C or more, which is suitable for the living environment of warm water crucian carp, even if there is a stage of seed production process, it is also particularly active and easy to fish. Anglers can fish every day and all day.

Summer: After the beginning of summer at the end of April of the lunar calendar, it is still suitable for fishing before the small full front, especially on cloudy days and light rainy days. But on the "three-volt" summer days around the summer solstice in May, as far as the south is concerned, the daily temperature in most areas is above 35 ° C, or even higher. During this period, except before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature and water temperature at noon are not suitable for fishing at all, and it is difficult to catch fishing.

Autumn: Although it is the second golden season for fishing, in early July of the lunar calendar, the temperature is still almost the same as that of mid-summer, and the water temperature has not dropped significantly. In addition to two or three hours in the morning and evening, this period is not suitable for fishing at noon. However, the frost falls after the autumn equinox in August and September to the beginning of winter, especially cloudy or light rain and weather with northeast winds, east winds and southeast winds, which is the real "golden" season.

Winter: During the winter solstice snow at the beginning of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, although it has entered winter, the water temperature has not dropped to below 5 °C, which is not suitable for crucian carp living environment, and can generally be caught. However, in the middle of winter after heavy snowfall, except for a sunny day after 11 noon to a few hours before 4 pm, it is not suitable to go out fishing at all.

Wild Crucian Fishing: The best time of the season and the fishing positions of different waters to choose

According to the water environment, crucian carp is a broad-spectrum fish. Although it is often seen in natural waters, it does not mean that they are everywhere, and even in the most active spring and autumn seasons, they have a certain range of activities and habitats. Therefore, in the fishing ground, it selects the vantage point of the underwater hidden fish according to the surface water body. In general, it can be considered in the following cases.

1. Wide river fishing is narrow and wide, and the bay is occupied without convexity. This is because if the water is particularly wide, especially in the spring and autumn of the year, when the fish are more active, crucian carp like to swim to a narrow place to forage for food. Conversely, if the water surface is too narrow, they often live in a wide place to hide. Convex, extending to the center of the river, this is the only way for fish to swim upstream and downstream. In the bay, the water and grass are dense, there are many plankton, and they can avoid the wind and waves, which is a safe harbor for them to feed and inhabit.

2. Square pond fishing four corners, long weir straight shore fishing in the middle. The four corners of the pond were chosen in view of the fact that the four corners are often the habit of staying when the fish swim along the coast to the bend of the change direction. And here, regardless of the wind direction, there are always two corners in the downwind outlet, and there are more natural plankton. Especially inlets and feeding stations in the breeding ponds, the location of washing and collecting rice is better. In addition to the choice of weir head and weir tail in winter and spring, summer and autumn fish swim in the middle of the ridge on both sides of the river to swim and feed.

3. Fish the water inlet of the forked river, and go to the grass to get off the rod. Forks of the river, the main tributary inlet, the flow of water, natural plankton, especially if it is the foot of the beach and there are upstream fish love to play in the water down, downstream fish want to swim against the water habits. Fishing in the grass. This is because the grass is surrounded by abundant natural food, abundant oxygen, and gentle water flow. It is beneficial to fish seed production, summer shade, winter heating, is their four-season habitat.

4. Find pits and ponds in the shallow and deep waters, and the bottom of the rocky bridge pier trees. At the large rocks on both sides of the river, under the riverbed there are rocky places and next to the bridge piers, under the big trees, the water is generally deeper, which is the hiding place of the crucian carp in winter and summer. At the junction of deep and shallow water levels, there must be pits and ponds at the bottom of the river. As the saying goes: "If there is a pond at the bottom of the river, it is a 'nest', and there are many crucian carp in the pond." Get off the pole here, and you will be able to harvest a good harvest.

Wild Crucian Fishing: The best time of the season and the fishing positions of different waters to choose

5. Change the fishing method according to the depth of the swim layer. Crucian carp, a bottom fish, is generally only suitable for bottom fishing. However, due to the environment affected by the season and water temperature, it is not active at the bottom all year round. In the spring, during crucian carp seeding, the females spawn on the grass surface, and the males accompany them and leave the bottom layer. When the female needs to eat a lot after giving birth, it is the same as the male crucian carp, originally after the spring, there are many young algae plants and aquatic insects in the grass to eat, and it will not sink into the water to feed. Therefore, at this time, if the angler uses a long rod and a short line, wears a semi-cut earthworm with a slightly exposed hook tip, only meets the water surface in the grass, aligns the fish head, and adopts the "shelving feeding fishing method" to achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort. In the summer, especially at noon in the middle of summer, when the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is greatly reduced, in the case of "summer fishing depth" is also difficult to catch fish, according to the habits of crucian carp swimming in the upper water layer at this time, the "bottom fishing" is temporarily changed to a water level of 10 to 15 cm to implement "float fishing", which will effectively change the situation that the fish does not bite the hook. Use bait according to changes in feeding habits. There are two basic concepts of crucian carp's dietary changes: First, in addition to liking slightly sweet, fishy and fragrant food, there are also the habits of summer and autumn vegetarian, winter and spring meat. Second, a certain food preference can be changed to a "popular" taste after being affected by another food environment for a long time. That is, in the same water, especially in the same section, no matter whether the fish was partial to meat or vegetarian at that time, most or even all people have been using one of the same kind of bait in "meat" or "vegetarian", if they still insist on a single unchanged, the effect will definitely be inferior. Crucian carp bait, the main choices are the following. Meat bait: It is best to use red zebra earthworms. However, it is not required to be too thick, only the size of a matchstick, otherwise it will affect the fish biting hook; in summer and autumn, in the septic tank or puddle, fish for the cinder mixed with the sieve. Mix with rice soup, hook and wrap it firmly with fine cotton thread. This "Ten Mile" bait, although troublesome, is better than earthworms. In addition, maggots and small green insects can also be used, and the effect is secondary. Vegetarian bait: In addition to commercial bait, bean flour is the best of traditional vegetarian bait, it is starchy, sticky, slightly sweet, fragrant, very pleasing to crucian carp. Rice and bait made from flour, corn flour, etc. are more common and effective.

6. Find problems according to abnormal conditions. Wild crucian carp fishing, there will be abnormal conditions anytime and anywhere, mainly in the following three aspects:

(1) After the nest was laid down, there was no reaction. There are generally three reasons for this situation: First, the location is not selected, and there is no fish under the water. If this is the case, you should consider changing the nest; the second is to spread the nest next to the grass, there may be dark grass under the open grass that you can't see, and the feeding is all scattered on the grass, and it is not found by the fish. Apply the empty hook before and after repeated detection, there is really dark grass, to re-sprinkle or change the nest; the third is that the bait is not "on the right road", especially if you find that there are fish stars in the nest without biting the hook, you must immediately change the bait.

(2) Pick up the rod to catch the fish, and suddenly you will not see it biting the hook. There are also three reasons for this phenomenon: one is that the crucian carp itself is in groups, swimming around, after they have been "caught in a group", the other group has not yet entered the nest, and it is necessary to wait patiently; second, there may be other aquatic animals in the nest to interfere, if there are fierce evil fish such as blackfish, the crucian carp will scatter the crucian carp, the angler should pay attention to the signs of the nest in the nest, if necessary, only suspend the rod, let it leave or change the nest; the third is that there are large fish such as carp and grass carp into the nest, if they find their stars, they should immediately change to fishing gear and bait. Temporarily switch to big fishing.

(3) Non-small miscellaneous fish are in the nest, but they are always out of the way. The reason for this is: first, the rod is too early, the fish has not yet baited into the mouth, to accurately grasp the time of the rod; the second is that the hook may be blunt, to check the change of hook; the third is that the hook is too small or the hook door is too narrow, and another change should be considered; the fourth is that the bait is bloated, the hard or pinched particles of the bait are too large and block the hook door of the hook bend, so that the hook tip does not pierce into the mouth of the fish. Pay attention to adjusting the shape and size of the bait.

Wild Crucian Fishing: The best time of the season and the fishing positions of different waters to choose

7. How to fish for crucian carp in the reservoir In some deep pools and reservoirs that have not dried for many years. Large crucian carp weighing more than 500 grams can often be caught. In this kind of fishing point fishing crucian carp, the fishing gear should choose slightly larger, harder, stronger, generally the day before the nest, the next morning to start fishing. The bait should choose a smelly, hard texture of the fire bran cake, spray wine bran cake, etc., so as to attract crucian carp in a large range and retain the fish nest for a long time, and at least three or more nests, the distance between the nest and the nest should be greater than fifteen meters.

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