
My parenting process begins with coral raising

author:Ornamental fish
My parenting process begins with coral raising

Friday Quiz / Issue 12

"My Parenting Begins with Coral Raising"

【Editor's Words:】

The aquarists invited in this issue shared his own experience in raising corals and applied it to the Parenting Sutra, Xiaobian feels that many aquarists also have young babies in their homes, and it is a happy thing to let the baby live in a fish-raising family, and he can cultivate his concentration and desire for knowledge from an early age.

Let's take a look at the aquarists @ jiji, the life of raising seawater!

My parenting process begins with coral raising

【This issue invites aquarists: @己二】

From a new father to now Hoki is about to enter kindergarten, it has been almost 3 years. The most profound truth experienced in these three years is that teaching by example is greater than words, and experience is greater than indoctrination.

For example, the matter of raising corals, telling the story of coral to the baby at home, the child can see and experience, she will be very interested, and the attention will be very concentrated.

Some of the children of relatives and friends around them are well-behaved and obedient, and some children are net trouble, which is actually related to the way of education. The key is that teaching by example is greater than words, which I believe more and more parents have experienced. Children eat while making noise to play with mobile phones, parents do not give, but they themselves while eating while playing mobile phones, such a double standard will confuse children.

My parenting process begins with coral raising

The best way to educate is to set specifications that all family members follow together. There are many such articles, so I will not expand them.

As for the experience is greater than indoctrination, it is not difficult to understand that going to the zoo to see animals is always more direct and vivid than learning animals in books. A few years ago, he began to teach Hoki to recite "Kasa Ong Rhymes", and although Hoki was illiterate, he learned quite well. "Kasa Ong To Rhyme" is especially suitable for children who are new to languages, the first article:

One East

Sky to earth, rain to wind. Continents to long skies. Mountain flowers to sea trees, red sun to the sky. Thunder looms, foggy. Sun down to heaven. The wind is high and the moon is white, and the rain is red in the evening. Cowgirl two stars around, participate in the business of two Yao Dou xidong. In October, the frost and frost are terrified; on the Three Winters River, the long snow and cold fishermen.

Mountain flowers against sea trees, the sea trees here are not sea trees, but corals. For example, in the picture below, this red coral is actually the skeleton of a red coral.

My parenting process begins with coral raising

(Bones of the carefully polished Japanese red coral Paracorallium japonicum)

My parenting process begins with coral raising

(When it is alive, it will use its tentacles to prey on plankton in the sea.)

This is the true state of the sea tree, a group of red corals together with the bones to form "a red coral", but the habit is still called the group of corals "coral". So we can tell the child that the sea tree is actually coral, however, the child may still not have an intuitive impression. Even if there are these pictures, there are online videos, but still only stay on the screen.

So, how can you give your child an intuitive impression?

A visit to the area would be a good choice to visit in the past if the area has an aquarium or a science museum, or if you have a seawater aquarium shop, you can learn about the coral species. But my choice was to move the coral home.

A sea tank was ordered a few years ago, and it has been shipped over a few years ago, and now the creature has put in a part. Just a 60 cm tank, the bottom of which is a base cabinet, and the overall look is more like a furniture than a fish tank. A clownfish and a triangular crane were placed, and the corals were also put in. After more than 1 month of operation, it is not as difficult to raise as expected, the price can be affordable, less than 10,000, a full set of equipment, equivalent to the price of a high-end cabinet, but also a cylinder of biological and a year of maintenance costs.

My parenting process begins with coral raising

Hoki stays in front of the sea tank for a long time every day, and this kind of contact with corals and marine fish is difficult for money to buy. When Hoki is a little older, he plans to take him to Hainan to learn diving and to see the real sea trees in the ocean. Experience is greater than indoctrination, the child's growth can not be repeated, I hope we can all satisfy the child when the curiosity is at its most exuberant, see the splendor of nature, rather than just limited to books and screens.

My parenting process begins with coral raising
My parenting process begins with coral raising

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