
March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region, Shaanxi region, Shangdong region jute chicken price quotes March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region hemp chicken price quotes Shaanxi regional brand Liangfenghua, green foot hemp, Wen's hemp six chicken seedlings price, adult chicken price: March 10 Shandong region hemp chicken price quotes:

author:To scientific farming

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the price of hemp chicken in Sichuan-Chongqing region on March 10</h1>

March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region, Shaanxi region, Shangdong region jute chicken price quotes March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region hemp chicken price quotes Shaanxi regional brand Liangfenghua, green foot hemp, Wen's hemp six chicken seedlings price, adult chicken price: March 10 Shandong region hemp chicken price quotes:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the price of Six Chicken Seedlings of Liangfenghua, Green Foot Hemp and Wen's Hemp in Shaanxi Province, and the price of adult chickens:</h1>

March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region, Shaanxi region, Shangdong region jute chicken price quotes March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region hemp chicken price quotes Shaanxi regional brand Liangfenghua, green foot hemp, Wen's hemp six chicken seedlings price, adult chicken price: March 10 Shandong region hemp chicken price quotes:

Brand good phoenix: the price is stable, to the household price of 7.0 yuan / feather, stable.

  Brand Wen's Hemp Liugong Miao: the price is stable, to the household price of about 6.50 yuan / feather, stable.

  Private incubation of Heliumiao: the price is stable, to the household price of 6.0 yuan / feather, stable.

  Brand Xinpi hemp: the price is stable, to the household price of public seedlings 6.50 yuan / feather, stable.

  Ordinary Xinpi hemp: the price is stable, to the household price of 5.80 yuan / feather, stable.

  Brand blue-footed hemp seedlings: the price is stable, to the household price of 7.0 yuan / feather, stable.

  Ordinary blue-footed hemp seedlings: the price is stable, to the household price of 6.70 yuan / feather, stable.

  Ordinary good phoenix: the price is stable, to the household price of about 6.50 yuan / feather, stable.

  Hemp chicken into chicken: the price is stable, the price of hemp rooster out of the bar on the car is 5.50 yuan / jin, free range hemp gong 5.70 yuan / jin, hemp mother 5.70 yuan / jin, stable.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > March 10, Shandong hemp chicken price market:</h1>

March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region, Shaanxi region, Shangdong region jute chicken price quotes March 10 Sichuan-Chongqing region hemp chicken price quotes Shaanxi regional brand Liangfenghua, green foot hemp, Wen's hemp six chicken seedlings price, adult chicken price: March 10 Shandong region hemp chicken price quotes:

Ludong area:

  In terms of hemp chicken: the price has risen, and the mainstream price size specifications before the social chicken acquisition shed: 5.20 yuan / catty, up. Chicken seedlings: the price is stable, the mainstream price: 6.80 yuan / feather, stable.

Luzhong Area:

  In terms of hemp chicken: the price is stable, the mainstream price size specifications before the social chicken acquisition shed: 5.0 yuan / jin, and the cold storage purchase price is 4.70-4.80 yuan / jin, stable. Chicken seedlings: price stability, mainstream price: 6.0-6.50 yuan / feather, stable.

Lunan area:

  In terms of hemp chicken: the price rises, and the mainstream price of hemp before the social chicken acquisition shed is sized: 5.0-5.20 yuan / jin, up.

Chicken seedlings: stable price, mainstream price: 6.80-7.0 yuan / feather, stable.