
What should I pay attention to when raising jute chickens?

author:Doctor Poultry

In recent years, many people have begun to carry out jute chicken breeding, which is mainly because the jute chicken breed, not only easy to raise, and good performance, the market prospect is broad, and master the jute chicken breeding technology knowledge, understand the jute chicken breeding characteristics and precautions, is the key to achieve the benefits of jute chicken breeding, let's take a look at it.

What should I pay attention to when raising jute chickens?

  What are the feeding characteristics of jute chicken?

The breeding period of this breed of commercial chicken was shortened by 35 days compared with that of three yellow chickens, the feed consumption was reduced by 33%, and the survival rate was significantly improved. Generally, it can be raised for 75 days, with a weight of 1.2-1.5 kg, a feed-meat ratio of 2.8:1, and a chick mortality rate of less than 5%. The parent breeders started production at 23 weeks of age, the birth weight was about 2 kg, the total number of eggs laid by the hens in 43 weeks was 160, and 125 seedlings were produced at 43 weeks.

What should I pay attention to when raising jute chickens?

  What should I pay attention to when raising jute chickens?

This breed has strong stress resistance, wide adaptability, simple feeding conditions, and can be raised in captivity or grazing. In terms of epidemic prevention, the chicks that have just come out of the shell are vaccinated with malik vaccine, and the nose or eye of the Newcastle disease II seedling can be used at 7 days old, the water can be drunk with the sac vaccine at 14 days old, and the 21-day old can be vaccinated with the sac vaccine once, which can achieve a good effect of epidemic prevention and disease eradication.

What should I pay attention to when raising jute chickens?

The above is the first agricultural small editor for everyone to sort out the jute chicken breeding characteristics and precautions related content, farmers should pay attention to the jute chicken breeding management work, you can refer to the content of the text, efficient jute chicken breeding, so as to create jute chicken breed considerable breeding benefits.