
Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

According to the Korean media "KBS" reported on May 22, Liu Yaren's boyfriend Cui Hena was summoned for investigation a few days ago, and under Liu Yaren's instructions, he tried to abscond in fear of crime and failed, and the police immediately applied for an arrest warrant for Liu Yaren and Cui.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

At present, Korean media has not disclosed how Cui absconded in fear of crime, whether he was arrested at home or stopped at the airport? Waiting for the response of the police, Cui was investigated by the police as a "drug accomplice" on May 16, he entered with headphones and electronic cigarettes in his hand, and his smart arm tattoo caused heated discussions, but he did not expect to be accused of failing to abscond after 6 days, and then it was inevitable to go to prison.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

It is reported that Liu Yaren was exposed to drug use at the beginning of the year, and then the police found more than 10,000 pieces of evidence in his home, suspected of smoking 5 drugs, and injected propofol more than 100 times in two years.

Liu Yaren once falsely claimed to have needle phobia before going to the hospital to inject propofol for sleep anesthesia, but the police also tested other drugs in his hair. Under the overwhelming evidence, Liu Yaren is still defending, saying that he took it because he suffered from sleep disorders, not drug addiction, and on May 18, he denied smoking five drugs, only admitted to smoking marijuana, injecting propofol and ketamine for treatment, and did not touch cocaine.

When asked about the source of the drugs, Liu Yaren only said that it was "given to me by an acquaintance." ”

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

After Liu Yaren was placed on file for investigation, his gossip boyfriend was also summoned by Cui Hena for investigation, and the two were rumored to have "come out" in October last year, and the exposure of the drug case also confirmed the relationship between the two.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders
Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

Liu Yaren has been to the police station several times for investigation, the first time on March 27, when he still retained the artist's style, dressed neatly and with smooth hair.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

By the time he was summoned again on May 16, Liu Yaren had grown gray hair, greasy hair, haggard face, and was almost ten years old in a short time, exhausted from being investigated for 21 hours.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders
Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

Liu Yaren said on the same day that he would honestly accept the investigation, but the police were afraid that he would destroy the evidence after returning home, and applied for an arrest warrant on May 19 to plan to arrest, but he did not expect that something happened on the way, he tried to let his boyfriend abscond overseas, was intercepted by the South Korean police, and quickly applied for an arrest warrant for the two.

Korean media revealed that Liu Yaren's boyfriend failed to try to abscond overseas, and both were applied for detention orders

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