
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Text/Ye Qiuchen

The movie "Hunger and Thirst Game" was originally discovered by chance on a short video platform.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Old friends who are familiar with Ye Qiuchen know that I am a foodie.

Looking at the edited film, I took it for granted that it was a work related to food, so I didn't even do my homework, so I hastily opened it.

Sure enough, laziness comes at a price.

Originally, watching the familiar words of Netflix appear on the title, I thought that this was selected by Netflix, which should be very good.

After reading the results, I went to Douban to search for a rating, and it was only 5.5 points.

It turns out that Netflix is not at the level of closed eyes, and the roads are delicious.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

The opening rhythm is tight and the best shot, and the middle section is long, boring and tormenting, and you need to drive twice the speed to be more comfortable.

The ending, a little inexplicable.


Below, I will evaluate the film from four perspectives.

Labels, actors, plot, and food, respectively.

Let's talk about labels first.

On Douban, the movie was labeled as "thriller", but the strange thing is that I hardly felt any fear after watching the whole film.

If there is a scary part, it is the banquet dishes with the theme of "blood and flesh".

The dark red sauce is smashed by a spoon and splashed everywhere, and with the A5 Wagyu beef stir-fried until tender and juicy, people seem to return to the era of Ru Mao drinking blood when chewing.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Then there was the barbecue, where the celebrity chef handed the host guests a piece of freshly cut slices, and everyone rushed to the dishes made by the most primitive cooking method in front of them, like animals foraging in ancient times.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Audiences who are accustomed to watching a gentle and gentle style may feel a little uncomfortable.

But for fans who like the "thriller" label, "Hunger Game" is simply a title party.

The whole film is about 130 minutes, and in the length of more than two hours, the above content is probably less than 10 minutes after being spliced.

The proportion is too low.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Let's talk about the actors.

Judimon Jongcharonsuin (Aokbab) is not a stranger to Chinese audiences.

15-year-old model debut, 21-year-old starring "Genius Gunman" opened her path as an actor, and the quality and reputation of the work are very good, many people know her through this movie.

On Douban, some people commented that this is "a genius gunman who fell off the list to join New Oriental", which shows that the influence of her last role continues to this day.

However, her character in "Hunger and Thirst Game" is not ideal, and occasionally there will be double standards, in addition to showing ambition and desire, other parts of human nature lack layers, and the choice to return to the fried noodle stall in the ending is also a little awkward.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Once the protagonist appears to be too biased towards a certain trait, the core of the story will appear perfunctory, weak and old-fashioned.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Then let's talk about the plot.

"Hunger Game" tells the story of a heroine who works in a yakisoba stall, has talented cooking skills, and finally succeeds and has an epiphany about returning to the original life choice by joining a team of celebrity chefs to upgrade and transform.

The character relationship between the apprentice (heroine) and the master (celebrity chef) appears in it, and they are the core protagonists of the film.

The celebrity chef selected a new person because someone in the team left and was forced by the pressure of banquet time, and the heroine was blessed with the skill points of fried rice and fried noodles for many years, and Yeluzi killed the academy.

What kind of celebrity chef is it?

The movie speaks through the opening few minutes of the scene.

People who are very obsessive-compulsive about everything, especially food.

All snacks must be placed in the same direction and angle, and the knives are naturally the same requirements, and the punctual step point appears in the kitchen to start working.

Grumpy, drilling, no matter the cost, striving for perfection, eager to succeed.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

The child of a poor family, born in a family where he accidentally broke a bottle of caviar and had his mother work as a maid for several months to pay off, he seems to see his past self in the heroine.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Finally, let's talk about food.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

Although the story of the movie is very general, the food in the film is still very camera-like, and even achieves the effect of supporting the plot.

For example, the contrast between the dirty and chaotic fried noodle stall and the cleanliness of high-end restaurants is reminiscent of class crossing.

For example, the fried rice served by the flashy academic pie is beautifully plated, but it is actually not as good as the heat and selection of the roadside stall of the heroine.

This PK, I think of "Chinese Little Boss" for a while, and the lyrics of the song "Egg Fried Rice" for a while.

Hey egg fried rice, the easiest and the most difficult.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

When the heroine first came to the team of celebrity chefs, she only had the skills of fried rice and fried noodles, and she was more handy with a wok.

In order to meet the requirements of celebrity chefs, I practiced stir-frying A5 wagyu beef desperately, and finally reached the standard.

It looks like it melts in the mouth and leaves a fragrance on your cheeks.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

The first time the chef just smelled the fried rice, and the second time he tasted the fried A5 wagyu beef, which shows the culinary progress of the female protagonist.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

The scene of stir-frying A5 and beef is actually very interesting.

The standard of celebrity chefs is that it is not good to throw it away, in the past, the heroine fried noodles on a small stall, occasionally overheated or not fully cooked It doesn't matter, anyway, people who eat are gobbling up and can't detect it. But the vast majority of people who come to eat celebrity chefs to cook are here to enjoy food, and they will drill through the pores of food to identify and prick, or the expectations before eating are high.

Ironically, celebrity chefs, who uphold high standards and do not slacken, also serve makeshift soup made with tap water after discovering that the soup contains ingredients that customers are allergic to.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted
"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

We all understand that the fresher and more advanced the ingredients, the less you need to use too many seasonings.

But you see, the celebrity chef served the makeshift soup, and he also sprinkled a lot of seasonings.

Human nature is complex.

The before and after comparison, absurd and ironic.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

If the food is delicious, it will be praised.

But some people, do they eat food?

It's face, it's exquisiteness, it's vanity.

"Hunger Game" Netflix Netflix selection, also planted

"The Game of Hunger" is never about food, food is just appearances.

If it is an excellent work, peeling the shell to see the flesh should be more attractive to talents than the shell.

But to watch this movie without food, it seems that the core idea still lacks depth, and the high-level sense of lens and tone use has become a vain decoration.

I think this work originally wanted to show a lot of content, and there were a lot of truths that I wanted to touch, but the probability is that the book was not polished well, resulting in inconsistent thinking and inconsistency.

Netflix, which has always been known for its high reputation, did not expect that there would be times when it fell behind.

If you have leisure friends, you can go to see and taste, otherwise it is not recommended.

Text/Ye Qiuchen


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