
30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

It's time to write an article like this.

Lu Xun is a giant of the times, and he has achieved the "three immortals" of morality, meritorious service, and speech, which can be described as a high mountain looking up and a beautiful scene.

Regarding the status of Lu Xun's literary hegemony, Lao Qin had previously written "Some people disobeyed Lu Xun's supremacy in the literary world, challenged the pen, and the result was a ruin and a very miserable end", which made Lu Xun's pen thunderous at the bottom, and the heroic momentum of the waves of Han Ink Roll was fully revealed.

Regarding Lu Xun's noble and noble conduct throughout the ages, Lao Qin also sang to the fullest in the previously written "Li Ao held his strength to compete with Lu Xun, but these few acts alone were thrown away by several streets".

However, gold has no feet, and no one is perfect.

The biggest shortcoming of Lu Xun's life should be his ruthlessness towards his wife Juan.

Three days ago, it was the fourteenth of July in the lunar calendar, Lao Qin wrote a whim "The fourteenth day of July arrived, his wife asked Lu Xun about the festival, Lu Xun directly called: incomprehensible", telling about Lu Xun's meanness and ruthlessness towards his wife Juan: he thought that the dishes she made were too monotonous, criticized her for not understanding how to entertain guests, and even threw the new cotton pants she made for him into the snow, married for 41 years and never had a round house, only 3 sentences a day...

Lao Qin did not have the heart to comment too much on the major social issues involved in this arranged marriage in the article, but felt that Lu Xun should be kind to Juan, not asking for so much, only asking to be able to treat Juan like an ordinary friend.

Lu Xun treats his enemies with "horizontal eyebrows and cold fingers"; treats relatives and friends "bows down to the cow"; treats ordinary friends, can also boo cold and warm, and even treats children, and will maintain a childlike heart to get along with them.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Judging from Lu Xun's attitude towards Juan, he obviously put Zhu An in the list of "horizontal eyebrows and cold pairs".

Why did Lu Xun dislike Juan so much?

Many blamed the reason on Juan's lack of education, foot binding, and an old-fashioned woman.

Lu Xun's third brother Zhou Jianren said in "The Fall of Lu Xun's Former Family": "After getting married, my eldest brother found that the bride was neither literate nor full of feet..."

This, while this is one of the reasons, is by no means the main cause.

The main reason is that Juan's appearance and appearance are too unsatisfactory.

When Lao Qin said this, he must have been scolded by many hypocrites with a straight face as "superficial", saying that this was "with the heart of a villain, living in the belly of a gentleman", desecrated the great sages, and insulted the first saints.

But the love of beauty by all is an eternal truth.

Think of that Juan, although he does not read much, but understands etiquette, gentle personality, treats people kindly, respects the old and loves children, after passing through the door, lu Xun's mother is served with comfort, and he is also skillful, can weave well, cook a good hand of food, and is impeccable in terms of character and family management, except for lack of appearance, there is nothing else.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Moreover, Juan was "uncultured, foot-bound, and an old-fashioned woman", which Lu Xun knew before marriage, but did not show strong dissatisfaction.

Lu Xun's cousin Zhou Guanwu was six years younger than Lu Xun and was very good with Lu Xun's three brothers.

In the days when Lu Xun's three brothers were away, almost all the letters sent by Mrs. Lu to her sons were ghostwritten by him.

He said in "My Miscellaneous Memories": After Lu Xun learned that his mother was engaged to him, he wrote a letter and put forward two demands: "One is to put his feet away, and the other is to enter the school." After Mrs. Lu conveyed it to Juan, Juan's answer was that "the feet are not big, the women are not good at reading, and they are even more reluctant to enter the school."

When he told Lu Xun about this situation, Lu Xun's reply was "very crisp, and he agreed to it, saying when to get married and when to arrive, so he decided to get married."

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Speaking of which, Lu Xun always holds a fluke mentality, thinking that even if his fiancée is "uncultured and foot-bound", as long as she looks delicate, everything is still OK.

It seems that Lu Xun cannot be blamed for thinking so.

Because, the matchmaker portrayed the fiancée too well.

Professional matchmakers usually "boast at both ends": when they go to the man's side, they will exaggerate the woman's goodness; when they go to the woman's side, they will exaggerate the man's goodness.

This is something that everyone wants.

But the one who made the matchmaker for Lu Xun was not an outsider, but the daughter-in-law of Lu Xun's uncle Zhou Yutian, Zhou Zuoren's "Lady Bo" and Zhou Jianren's "humble aunt".

Moreover, Lu Xun's fiancée, Zhu An, is also the niece of Lady Zhou Yutian.

The three brothers of Lu Xun and their mother all believe that the man and the woman are relatives of the matchmaker, and if they want to come, the matchmaker will not "boast at both ends" without a bottom line, deceive the man and deceive the woman.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Lu Xun's second brother Zhou Zuoren said in the "Memoirs of Zhitang" that as a matchmaker, Lady Bo shu was "extremely beautiful and capable, and had the style of Wang Fengjie", because Ping Su and Old Lady Lu "talked about it at the top" and enthusiastically promoted this family affair. She said a lot of good things about Juan, saying that she was virtuous and capable, could run the family, honored her parents, and had the life of Wangfu.

At that time, Lu Xun's father had died, the family was in the middle of the road, the situation was desolate, Lu Xun's three brothers were running for the future, Mrs. Lu was eager to have a companion by her side, and the Zhu family was a famous and prestigious family in Shaoxing, and the daughter of the Zhu family was such a good person, Mrs. Lu believed that marrying the Zhu family could not only relieve her own predicament, but also allow her son to adopt his heart as soon as possible and come back to run the family as soon as possible.

Therefore, Mrs. Lu happily promised this family affair.

The time of engagement is a long time, and the procedures involved are "export", "please Geng", "Wending" and so on.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Although Lu Xun studied at the Jiangnan Water Teachers' School in Nanjing and was not at home, he could not have been unaware of these things.

Like his mother, he believed the matchmaker's words, believing that the woman's worst would not be worse.

At that time, he only realized that since the woman's family was a famous and prestigious family in Shaoxing, it would definitely tie her feet, and moreover, she would abide by the feudal etiquette of "a woman without talent is morality", and had not read a book, so he put forward the two requirements of "putting your feet on your feet" and "reading".

As mentioned earlier, he did not know that Juan was not good-looking, and after being rejected by Juan, he did not take these two requests very seriously.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

The meeting was held in 1899, and the wedding was planned for the winter of 1901.

However, Lu Xun received a scholarship to study in Japan in the winter of that year, so the marriage was shelved and postponed until July 6, 1906.

Zhou Guanwu said in "My Miscellaneous Memories": "After setting the date, Lu Xun did return from Japan, and his mother was very surprised, happy and suspicious, so she asked me and Mingshan to be a walking man, he wore a robe and gown, and he bowed down and was very obedient. ”

It can be seen that before he met the bride's face, Lu Xun still approved of this family affair.

But after Lu Xun met Juan, things became very stiff.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Wang Hezhao, a domestic helper of the Zhou family, recalled: The morning after the wedding, everyone found that the groom's face was printed and dyed blue by indigo. People speculated that he must have buried his head in the quilt on his wedding night and cried.

Wang Hezhao also said that according to the old practice, the newlyweds wanted to go to the ancestral hall of Laotaimen, but Lu Xun did not go.

Lu Xun's brother-in-law Zhou Guangyi recalled that after that night, Lu Xun hid in his mother's room, "sleeping in a bed next to his mother's bed."

In short, on the fourth day after the marriage, Lu Xun went to Japan with his second brother Zhou Zuoren.

All kinds of indications are that Lu Xun dislikes Juan's appearance.

What happened to Juan?

Zhou Zuoren said in the "Memories of Zhitang": "The newcomers are extremely short and have a rather underdeveloped appearance. ”

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

Zhou Zuoren believed that if Juan had looked better, Lu Xun would not have treated her like that.

Zhang Tiezheng, a former teacher of the Fourth Middle School who had close contact with Zhou Zuoren in the 1950s and 1960s, mentioned in the article "Zhou Zuoren's Later Life" that he had asked Zhou Zuoren why Lu Xun was "out of tune" with Zhu An. Zhou Zuoren replied without hesitation: "Madame Zhu has dwarfism and is underdeveloped. ”

Suffering from dwarfism and stunted development, how many men would like it?

Therefore, Lu Xun did not like Juan, it was not surprising.

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

For the cause of this tragic marriage, Zhou Zuo and Zhou Jian both blamed the matchmaker, saying that it was the matchmaker's "intentional deception".

I have to say that in all the beautiful love stories in the world, the heroine must be a beautiful woman, otherwise the story is not beautiful.

Ugly women do not have love stories that are praised and praised by people.

Bai Suzhen in "The Legend of the White Snake", in order to repay the favor, also knows that she has become a beautiful girl with a magnificent appearance, and if she becomes the appearance of Juan, Xu Xian must not be able to accept it.

From marrying in 1906 to his death in 1947, Juan remained widowed for 41 years, but before he died, he said: "Mr. Zhou is not bad for me... I should forgive him. ”

30 years of not round house, only 3 sentences a day, Zhou Zuoren: Juan looks better, Lu Xun will not be like this

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