
IQ and heredity

IQ and heredity

IQ and heredity

Huang Zihong

Someone asked: Whose IQ does the first child usually inherit from his parents? Is there a relationship between a child's intelligence and heredity?

The person who can put forward this proposition, I think, is that high school biology is not well studied, too childish and humorous.

Heredity is a combination of DNA sorting by sperm-egg cell combination, as long as it meets and follows the eugenic conditions, it is the essence and optimal configuration of parents.

Parental traits are passed on from one generation to the next through DNA, a molecule that encodes genetic information. DNA is one that contains four interchangeable bases, and the order in which the bases on a particular DNA molecule determines the genetic information. Dna is copied before the cell divides by mitosis, so each daughter cell contains the DNA sequence of the parent.

A part of the sequence in a DNA molecule that has functional units is called a gene, and different genes have different base sequences.

IQ and heredity

I remember once reading a joke about Mark Twain, saying that a beautiful woman talked to him and said that she had to marry him, and for good reason: the child inherited her beauty and his wisdom, which was invincible. Mark Twain replied humorously: If he inherits his appearance and her mind, wouldn't that be a complete failure?

Jokes are jokes, but the philosophy contained in them, we can all understand: that is to say, heredity has both absolutes, but also does not exclude relativity and chance.

So first of all, in general, we usually emphasize and default to the "door-to-door pair", that is, this kind of thinking. Relatively speaking, as long as the education, IQ, and emotional intelligence of both husband and wife are not too different and too extreme, and the requirements of eugenics are fully followed, the children born, talents and IQ will definitely not be worse.

Secondly, congenital conditions are on the one hand, and acquired education and cultivation and efforts are also quite critical. Some children are gifted and intelligent, but they are abandoned by their families, or they give up halfway, and the lesson of "Wounded Zhongyong" I think most people can still hear, deafen, and take as a warning.

Therefore, if you want your child to be smart and studious, first of all, the genes of both parents cannot be too bad; secondly, it is important to pay attention to eugenics, nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, and nutrition in early childhood and adolescence; third, to give the baby a good learning atmosphere and teach efficient learning methods. Let the child's "IQ advantage" be truly transformed into a "learning advantage" and a "ability and quality advantage".

IQ and heredity