
Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

author:Look forward to education

It is inevitable to face the pressure of the exam, the key is how to relieve the pressure and face the exam in the best condition.

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

From a psychological point of view, stress is a comprehensive psychological state of an individual, which is manifested as an organic combination of cognition, emotion and behavior, and has basic characteristics such as objectivity, progressiveness, emotion and motivation. Every individual living in this world, whether they want to or not, and regardless of their status, will face and bear all kinds of psychological pressure, and will not be transferred by their own will. Adolescent students are in the critical stage of rapid physical and psychological development and maturity, and it is also a special stage of individual psychological development that is more sensitive, unstable and prone to psychological problems. In the face of such pressure, parents should actively shoulder the mission of stress relief and empowerment.

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

The World Health Organization proposes that the four cornerstones of health are a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and psychological balance. Healthy diet, reasonable work and rest, appropriate exercise, and good living habits are important signs of students' physical and mental health.

Exams are approaching, study tasks are heavier, time is tighter, and students have less time to rest and exercise. At this time, it is critical to ensure adequate nutrition and energy to support complex cognitive activities. However, we should not blindly pursue balanced nutrition and ignore dietary preferences.

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

At the same time, parents should actively create a comfortable and warm rest environment to ensure that they can improve their sleep quality within the limited sleep time. Provide convenient activity space, create activity conditions, and help candidates exercise conveniently. By adjusting their diet, improving their sleep quality, and arranging appropriate exercise, they can maintain a happy mood and help them be clear and energetic.

Communication is the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people, so as to reach an agreement on ideas and smooth feelings. Effective communication refers to the whole process of successfully delivering a certain message to the communication object, and the communication object can make the expected response, which is an important way to relieve stress.

When facing exams, it is sometimes difficult for parents and children to form effective communication due to mutual doubts, accusations, negativity and other verbal expressions. At this time, parents should pay more attention to communication methods, such as adopting empowering communication and other ways to improve the communication effect.

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

When communicating, in terms of grasping the degree, we should adhere to the concept of paying equal attention to trust and expectation, give more care in trust, and pay attention to it rather than doing it. In terms of communication skills, it is important to positively affirm the efforts and praise them for their achievements, even if they have not yet achieved the desired target results, and encourage them to see hope for success. For example, "Although the results are not satisfactory this time, your parents have seen that you are working hard, maybe there are still some things missing, try again".

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

Here are a few simple ways for parents to relieve the pressure before the exam, remember to collect.

1. Relaxation training method: Nervousness before the test may be manifested as insomnia on the eve of the test, or symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, trembling limbs, and increased respiratory rate when entering the test room. If you have insomnia, you can count the numbers in your mind while you sleep, listen to soft music, or massage your muscles to promote relaxation. When entering the test room, you can relieve tension by taking deep breaths, closing your eyes, and relaxing your hands or foot muscles, so that you can face the exam with a better attitude.

2. Autosuggestion: Autosuggestion before the test, such as silently reciting words such as "I can do it" and "not nervous", and regulating the brain's overexcitement and anxiety through language repetition.

Strengthen effective parent-child communication and empower candidates to relieve pressure

3. Divert attention: Once there is tension before the exam, you can divert your attention in time, such as brushing questions, memorizing, listening to music, running, etc. If you're nervous when you enter the exam room, you can turn your attention to things like checking that you have scratch paper, that you have enough refills, and that you're recalling.

4. Morita therapy: The core of Morita therapy is to go with the flow and grasp the present, and the reason why I am nervous is because I am too worried about whether the exam content is reviewed and whether the exam results are satisfactory, etc., and such problems are not things that need to be paid attention to at the moment and moment. Therefore, you only need to force yourself to focus on the present moment, so that you should brush up on the questions, sleep, eat, etc., and do not care about the impact of the results of the exam on you later, so as to relieve the tension.

The above is a simple way to relieve the pressure before the exam, I hope it will be helpful to parents and students.

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