
The two nationalist division commanders were captured and killed, causing extremely serious consequences for the Red-First Red Fourth Front

author:Liu Jixing

In the winter of 1930, the fierce Chiang Kai-shek mobilized about 100,000 men from 7 divisions, with Lu Diping, director of the Kuomintang Nanchang Battalion, chairman of Jiangxi Province, and commander-in-chief of the 9th Route Army, as commander-in-chief, and Zhang Huizhen, commander of the 18th Division, as the commander-in-chief of the front line, to carry out a major "encirclement and suppression" of the Central Soviet Region.

The 18th Division is the main force of the Xiang Army, formed by the downsizing of the 2nd Army of the National Revolutionary Army, although the name is a division, in fact, there are 3 integrated brigades, 15,000 people, equivalent to the strength of 1 army, the troops are all new weapons.

In the face of strong enemy attacks, the General Front Committee of the Red Army held a meeting of the army and the people of the Soviet region in Xiaobu, Ningdu, Jiangxi Province, to annihilate the enemy, and Chairman Mao personally wrote for the meeting: "The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy garrisons us, the enemy fights when we are tired, the enemy retreats and we pursue, and the odds of victory in guerrilla warfare are exercised; it advances and retreats in a big stride, lures the enemy to go deep, concentrates its forces, breaks through each one, and annihilates the enemy in a mobile battle."

As a result, we all know that the 18th Division was destroyed in Longgang, and the division commander Zhang Huizhan was captured, causing an uproar in the Kuomintang military circles. Lu Diping sadly reported to Chiang Kai-shek: "In the Battle of Longgang, the 18th Division's piece of armor has not been returned. ”

The two nationalist division commanders were captured and killed, causing extremely serious consequences for the Red-First Red Fourth Front

When Zhang Huizhen was captured

Chairman Mao wrote with a stroke of his pen "Fisherman's Pride and Anti-First Major 'Encirclement and Suppression'": "The sky is red with frost, and the heavenly soldiers are angry. The fog was full of Longgang Qianling, and in unison, Zhang Huizhen was caught in front of him. Two hundred thousand troops re-entered Gansu, and the wind and smoke rolled in for half a day. Arouse millions of workers and peasants, work with one heart, and do not make red flags and chaos under the mountains. ”

Later, with the widespread recitation of this poem, Zhang Huizhan's name can be described as well-known to women and children. This was the first time that the name of a Kuomintang general was included in Chairman Mao's poems, and in the subsequent wars, some of the Captured Kuomintang generals held higher positions and ranks than Zhang Huizhan, but they did not have the opportunity to enjoy this "special honor."

Zhang Huizhan is a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, two years older than Chiang Kai-shek. He and Chairman Mao were old acquaintances, and after being captured, he said to Chairman Mao: "Runzhi, don't kill me." I have money, and I will ask my wife to take money, medicine, guns, and all the things the Red Army needs in exchange for my life. ”

Chairman Mao said, "I will not kill you." The Red Army did not kill prisoners. ”

The KUOMINTANG also said that the KMT Nanchang Camp was willing to donate 200,000 yuan and 20 quintals of medicine to the Red Army, and released more than 100 communist political prisoners held in nanchang's prison, as well as provided guns and ammunition equipped with more than 5,000 people in exchange for Zhang Huizhen's life.

Zhou Enlai, then head of the Central Military Commission of the CPC central committee in Shanghai, studied with the central authorities and decided to accept the conditions of the Kuomintang and make Chairman Mao and Zhu De ready to release them.

On January 28, 1931, the Soviet Government of Donggu District, Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, held a zhujie conference attended by more than 3,000 people. The donggu masses strongly demanded that Zhang Huizhen, who was full of evil, be shot. Many people shouted and insisted on avenging Secretary Zhou, saying that zhang Huizhen would kill secretary Zhou, how to execute him!

Secretary Zhou in the mouths of the masses is Zhang Guoshu, secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of our party, who was executed by Zhang Huizhan on July 5, 1930. Zhang Guoshu was the younger brother of Zhang Guotao, alias Zhou Zhide. Along with Zhang Guoshu, who was brutally executed by Zhang Huizhan, his wife, Yan Bifang, who was then the minister of women in Jiangxi Province.

How to deal with Zhang Huizhan, the Central Bureau of the Soviet Zone under the control of the left-leaning adventurists made a special study. At the meeting, Chairman Mao and Zhu De proposed that since Zhang Huizhan had surrendered and was willing to send weapons, money and medicine, he should be given preferential treatment according to the policy of captivity; he could even use his skills to serve as a military theory instructor.

But opponents are stubborn and insist on killing. Eventually, opponents prevailed, and Zhang was executed in public—beheaded by the Red Guards with a knife. The angry crowd loaded Zhang Huizhen's head into a bamboo cage and threw it into the river to let him drift.

After Zhang Huizhan was killed, it attracted frenzied retaliation from the Kuomintang, mobilizing a large number of military police to search for the Communist Party in Nanchang, in Shanghai, in Wuhan, and all over the country, and also imprisoned more than 100 Communist political prisoners who were imprisoned in Nanchang Xiashawo Prison to prepare to exchange Zhang Huizhan, and threw them into sacks with electric shocks and threw them into the Ganjiang River. The image of the Party and the Red Army was deliberately demonized, and the Kuomintang officers would rather die than be prisoners of the Red Army. From the second to the fifth "encirclement and suppression", the Red Army fought more than 20 major battles, but rarely captured a Single Kuomintang general alive.

The Communists represented by Chairman Mao conscientiously memorized and summed up this lesson and adopted a series of corresponding measures. Clauses such as "no mistreatment of prisoners", "no guns and no killings", "no scolding, no searching for pockets" were gradually clarified, institutionalized, and finally included in the famous "Three Disciplines, Eight Notes".

The two nationalist division commanders were captured and killed, causing extremely serious consequences for the Red-First Red Fourth Front

Half a year later, the Eyu-Anhui Red Army also killed a captured Kuomintang division commander named Yue Weijun.

In early 1931, the fiasco of the Kuomintang troops in the Eyu-Anhui base area shocked Nanjing. Chiang Kai-shek urgently ordered the 6th, 31st, and 34th Divisions to relaunch their offensive against the Red Army in the base areas. Yue Weijun, commander of the 34th Division, was anxious to ask for credit, and the lone army penetrated deep into the town of Shuangqiao. The Red 4th Army of Eyuwan concentrated the strength of 5 regiments to attack the town of Shuangqiao overnight, capturing more than 5,000 officers and men under Yue Weijun.

Yue Weijun became the first Kuomintang division commander to be captured alive in the anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations of the Red Army in the Eyu-Anhui Soviet Zone.

At that time, the commander of the Red 4Th Army was Kuang Jixun, the political commissar was Yu Dushan, the chief of staff was Xu Xiangqian, and the director of the political department was Cao Dajun.

The person who captured Yue Weijun was Xu Shiyou, then commander of the 1st Battalion of the 28th Regiment of the 10th Division of the Red 4th Army.

After Yue Weijun was captured, he was quickly escorted to Xu Xiangqian, chief of staff of the Red 4 Army.

Yue Weijun, a native of Pucheng, Shaanxi Province, was born in 1883, four years older than Chiang Kai-shek and a full 10 years older than Chairman Mao. As early as 1925, Yue Weijun was the commander of the 2nd Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and Xu Xiangqian served as a staff officer and regimental deputy of the 6th Mixed Brigade under him.

Yue Weijun begged his former subordinate Xu Xiangqian, "As long as you don't kill me, I promise you all the conditions you put forward." ”

Considering that our army was in short supply at that time, Xu Xiangqian discussed with Zeng Zhongsheng, leader of the base area and secretary of the CPC Eyuwan Special Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and decided to accept Yue Weijun's conditions. Xu Xiangqian gave Yue Weijun a long list of redemptions, which listed arms, uniforms, Western medicines, silver dollars, and other materials needed by the base area. Yue Weijun's family soon sent the Red Army 90,000 silver dollars, 100,000 sets of military uniforms, 30 machine guns, and 1 million rounds of ammunition.

Subsequently, Zhou Enlai, who was in charge of military work in the central authorities, also instructed Zeng Zhongsheng to prepare for release.

Who knows soon, Zhang Guotao became the secretary of the Eyu-Anhui Branch of the Central Committee and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, abolished the former CPC Eyu-Anhui Special Committee, and Zeng Zhongsheng was transferred to the political commissar of the Red 4th Army, and later demoted to the commander of the independent 1st Division.

Zeng Zhongsheng, who supported Xu Xiangqian's handling of Yue Weijun's opinion, stood aside.

On August 11, 1932, Zhang Guotao instructed a public trial conference to be held and Yue Weijun was shot on the spot.

The two nationalist division commanders were captured and killed, causing extremely serious consequences for the Red-First Red Fourth Front

Yue Weijun

Xu Xiangqian later said in "Review of History": "I consulted with Zeng Zhongsheng and Kwong Jixun and decided to leave him to do the united front work of the Northwest Army in the future. Later, Yue Weijun's family entrusted someone to contact the party Central Committee and was willing to pay tens of thousands of yuan to redeem him. We also agreed to propose 200,000 sets of military uniforms. After Zhang Guotao came to Eyuwan, people sent us 100,000 sets of military uniforms and a lot of silver dollars, but Zhang Guotao changed his mind, and he also wanted money and his life, and under the pretext of Yue organizing a counter-revolutionary group, he was shot. The killing of prisoners was only done after Zhang Guotao came to Eyuwan and destroyed the traditions of the Red Army. ”

After Yue Weijun's death, Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government posthumously awarded him the title of General of the Army.

Yue Weijun's death made the Red Army lose its credibility. Under Chiang Kai-shek's orders, the Kuomintang army stepped up its encirclement and suppression of the Eyu-Anhui base area, and the main force of the Red Fourth Front was defeated and the troops were damaged. On October 12, the main force of the Red Fourth Front left the revolutionary base area of Eyu-Anhui, and in addition to leaving the Red 74th Division and the Red 75th Division and the independent troops to form the Red 25th Army and the Red 25th Army under shen Zemin's responsibility for persisting in guerrilla warfare, the army headquarters and the main forces of the Red 10th Division, the Red 11th Division, the Red 12th Division, and the Red 73rd Division moved to southern Shaanxi, canceled the numbers of the various armies, and in December moved to Tongjiang County, which was located on the border of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and then forcibly crossed the Jialing River to the west, and had to start a difficult long march. (Liu Jixing)