
Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

author:Professor Zhang Guangzhong of Zhongnan University of Finance
Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, she is the emotional sustenance of our alumni

Talent, the most valuable resource.

As the old saying goes: A thousand armies are easy to get, but one will be difficult to find.

Colleges and universities, the melting pot for cultivating talents, the most rare is the talent.

And General Cai, Tsinghua University President Mei Yiqi called it:"Master". In President Mei's view, "masters" and "buildings" are the "two wheels of the car" that make up the university.

From the perspective of talent science, the talents, as the figures on the spire of the talent pyramid, are outstanding, like the "good seeds" in agricultural production, the "molds" in industrial production, the "models" in art education, and have many utilities such as "training excellence", "model", "demonstration", etc., and truly achieve:

Wisdom educates people, skills are strong, and quality nourishes people.

As a review of history, this article does not comment on specific schools, only taste from the perspective of historical phenomenology, the east wind of reform and opening up, so that talents suddenly become the hot spot of the times, "east, west, south and north", talents to Guangdong;

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

Three of the five former teachers of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law have left the school, and the first person on the left in the back row is the famous cultural person Wan Ampe

It seems to be a huge magnetic force, without the need to mobilize, call, college graduates, teachers on the job, lined up, three or five groups, flocked to the south of the train.

I watched, some familiar and unfamiliar faces, hugging their families or classmates, stepping on the firm steps of leaving Han and leaving the school without hesitation, and my heart was really full of mixed feelings.....................

The migration of talents is a historical phenomenon.

From ancient times to the present, nothing is out of the ordinary. However, in history, it was written in books, and this time, it was truly displayed in front of the eyes.

In the southbound procession, I was a little surprised to see that the graduates of the school were going to the whole class in an organized manner; some teachers quietly left the school, and there was no need to study the reasons.

The theory of historical phenomena says that the migration of talents itself has the "migratory bird phenomenon——— and there is convergence at a certain point in time.

I have noticed that many of the teachers and friends who flowed from Wuhan to Beijing and Guangdong and From Zhongnan University of Economics and Law to other sister schools made difficult choices in the "multiple choices".

The flow of talent is two-way. It is manifested in the introduction of talents and the loss of talents.

Teacher A, as a key training object, the school has given policy inclination again and again, the future is immeasurable, weighed for a long time, and finally, it still submits a resignation report to the school. School leaders rushed to the Wuchang railway station and invited him off the train, but the intention was already decided.

Teacher B, in the school smooth sailing, scientific research results, good teaching effect, and has been a middle-level cadre of the school, long-term stay in the school, may be the highest level of the school leader. At this moment, he is more about comparing his family and the quality of life of his descendants, or he is determined to leave school.

Teacher C, when the gossip of intentional departure came out, the voices of teachers and students were higher than a wave, some persuaded in person, some retained letters, strange, seemed to be moved. Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the new semester, there was no sign of him on the former podium.

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

The picture shows Building 4 of the Shouyi Campus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, where many people leave a shadow of educators.

Historical phenomenology tells us that existence, that is, there is a certain rationality, there is no absolute right, or wrong. People's specific decisions in a specific environment are often the result of the comprehensive action of the large environment and the small environment.

Talent, wherever the gold goes, it will shine!

Since the reform and opening up in 1978, the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law has introduced a large number of talents from all over the country on the one hand, and at the same time, it has also graduated from the distribution, independent choice of careers, and the flow of talents, leaving a large number of talents.

Among the teachers I am familiar with, they have left the school and left the hot land of Shouyi Road and Nanhu Campus, which has always become the thought in my heart and the typical phenomenology of talent history.

I have counted these familiar teachers, who have a lofty position in my mind, and I have inscribed them in my heart with the "Ten Lost Talents", and often think about the phenomenology of talent history.

First, Zhang Yong'an

In 1960, he studied at Hubei University (now Zhongnan University of Economics and Law). He graduated in 1964 and stayed in the school as a key teacher of the Department of Business and Economics.

After 1982, he joined Jinan University in Guangzhou, where he successively served as deputy director, department head, vice dean, dean and dean of the School of Economics of Jinan University, and dean of China Tourism College, and vice president of Jinan University from the beginning of 1996 to March 2002. He has won the titles of "Advanced Teacher of Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province", "Model Worker of Guangdong Province", "Excellent Teacher of Colleges and Universities in Guangdong Province" and so on.

Second, Tao Xingwen

In 1964, he was admitted to Chinese Min University as an undergraduate. In 1982, he was admitted to the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and studied for a master's degree. Graduate and stay in school. He was the deputy director of the Department of Capital Construction Economics of the university.

Went south to Shenzhen and joined OCT as a senior leader. Tao Xingwen, with broad thinking, has excellent entrepreneurial innovation ability. He once founded Hubei University of Economics and Management in Wuhan and has a high reputation in Hubei.

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

In those years, when the south was in Guangdong and the north was in Beijing, most of them passed through this gate, and it took only ten minutes to get to the Wuchang Railway Station

Third, the rise of the party

In 1972, he entered the Department of Industrial Economics of the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Later, he stayed on to teach. He went south to Guangzhou and joined South China Normal University. He was a doctoral supervisor and was the director of the Macroeconomic Research Center of South China Normal University. He also serves as the vice president of the Chinese Foreign Economic Theory Research Association.

Fourth, Yue Qinfang

He graduated from the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in July 1985. Stay on to teach. In October 1995, he left the school and went to sea. Started practicing as a lawyer. He is the director and founding partner of Hubei Today Law Firm, and a national first-class lawyer. He mainly serves as the vice president of the All China Lawyers Association, the president of the Hubei Lawyers Association, and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

Fifth, ten thousand amperes

In 1977, he was admitted to the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. After graduating with a bachelor's degree, he joined the current Wuhan University of Technology as a teacher. In 1984, he was admitted to the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law as a master's student, and stayed on to teach after graduation. After receiving his Ph.D. in Economics in 1998, he went to Shenzhen Development Bank. He has successively served as the general manager of the development research department, the president of the Jinan branch, the Beijing branch, the Kunming and Wuhan branches. In 2015, he served as the chairman of Yingduhui Film and Television Culture Communication Company and the chairman of Dongjiazi Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. There are many major cultural products.

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, that is the place we are most familiar with and nostalgic

Sixth, Zhong Pengrong

In 1983, he was admitted to the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law as a master's student, and studied under the famous economist Zhang Jitao. After graduation, he stayed in school and engaged in research at the school's Economic Research Institute. Later, he joined the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and engaged in research work. It was given the elegant title of "Four Young people in Beijing". He is one of the most active economists in China's macro and micro economy.

Seventh, Lin Hanchuan

In 1986, he obtained a master's degree from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and taught at the Department of Industrial Economics. After 1999, he served as the deputy dean and dean of the School of Economics of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.

Around 2002, he joined the University of International Business. Professor Lin Hanchuan is known for his diligence and prolificness. He is the second recipient of the Sun Yefang Economics Award among the alumni of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. (The first one is Professor Zhang Jitao)

Eighth, Zheng Xianbing

This is a figure who was surprised by the veteran editor of the China Financial and Economic Publishing House——— compiled a financial vocabulary without dictionary reference.

In 1983, 1986 and 1990, he completed the "triple jump" and obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in economics from Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. After moving south to Shenzhen, he served as the general manager of the development department of the head office of China Merchants Bank, the general manager of Hong Kong China Merchants Bank International Capital Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shenzhen New Jiangnan Investment Co., Ltd., and the general manager of the merchant banking department of the head office of China Merchants Bank.

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

The first person on the left is Zheng Xianbing

Ninth, Fan Zhongxin

Since 1980, he has studied at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China University of Political Science and Law, and Chinese University, and obtained bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

In October 1998, he joined the current Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and successively served as the director of the Institute of Law, the director of the Scientific Research Office, the director of the Legal Research Center, the dean of the Institute of Legal Culture, and so on.

In September 2010, he joined Hangzhou Normal University as the director of the Research Center for the Sinicization of the Rule of Law.

Professor Zhongxin is knowledgeable in law, rigorous in his studies, and has written a lot of books.

Ten, Li Ding'an

In 1982, he obtained a master's degree in economics from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and stayed on to teach. In June 1996, he joined the Department of Applied Mathematics of South China University of Technology. Since May 2001, he has been a professor in the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration. In July 2005, he was transferred to the School of Economics and Trade as Executive Vice President. He was a member of the 10th Standing Committee of guangdong province of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He has been an independent director of a number of listed companies.

There is a saying in the phenomenology of history: man goes to a high place, and water flows to a low place,.........。

There is also a law of historical phenomenology: trees stacked to death, people to live.

Once upon a time, teachers and friends, Bless you forever.

Counting the top ten talents lost by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in the early years

In the third building of the school at that time, teachers and students were happy and harmonious

Photo, Zhang Guangzhong took a photo.

Zhang Guangzhong, 2021.9.13.Beijing Financial Street.