
Opening the Door to Ask for Development The high-level experts of the Seventh Party Congress of Nanyang City held a side note on the meeting

author:Nanyang Daily

Wisdom collides here, and good policies converge here.

On the morning of September 20, Beijing. The autumn rain brought a hint of coolness, but in the conference room of the Nanyang Municipal Liaison Office in Beijing, a heated earnest talk was taking place.

In order to open the Seventh Party Congress of the city, borrow wisdom from the high-end, and scientifically plan the high-quality leapfrog development of Nanyang in the coming period, Zhu Shixi, secretary of the municipal party committee, and Wang Zhizhi, mayor of Nanyang, led the responsible comrades of relevant units to Beijing to gather wisdom and good policies, and carefully listened to the opinions and suggestions of high-level experts on the development of Nanyang. In the conference room, the experts published their insights, so that everyone forgot the drizzle outside, and felt warm and excited.


Create characteristic industries

Optimize the business environment

The business environment is an important embodiment of the soft power of a local economy. At the earnest discussion meeting, experts offered suggestions from multiple angles to help Nanyang create a first-class business environment.

"Nanyang put forward the 'project is king' and vigorously develop advanced manufacturing, the key is to improve the investment environment and establish a responsibility system for attracting investment and investment." Zheng Xinli, executive vice president of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges and president of the China Industrial Economics Association, has great expectations for the development of Nanyang. He said that the direction of Nanyang's development is clear, and the planning is also very clear, and the key is to mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres at all levels, optimize the environment to attract investment and investment, and use large projects to promote the realization of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" goals.

Zhong Pengrong, director of the Beijing Vision Consulting Center, comprehensively analyzed the development status of Nanyang counties and urban areas, raised the problems to the point, and the solution measures were highly targeted. On optimizing idle assets and production capacity, Zhong Pengrong suggested that it is necessary to introduce increments and revitalize stocks. It is necessary to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, scientifically plan the industrial layout, break the constraints of institutional mechanisms, and make the central urban area bigger and stronger.

Wang Zhigang, deputy director of the Macroeconomic Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, and Wang Yu, a researcher at the Financial Research Center of the Counsellor's Office of the State Council, agreed that it is necessary to respect the role of the main body of the market, provide a good environment for the development of enterprises, and provide inclusive policies, integrate the government's "visible hand" with the market's "invisible hand" to promote high-quality economic development. It is necessary to put the development of enterprises in a more important position, actively develop advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, vigorously develop the private economy and small and medium-sized enterprises, and encourage and help more enterprises to create more wealth and more social well-being.

An Hui, deputy chief engineer of the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, went straight to the theme and suggested that Nanyang position a big brand, scientifically plan and improve the industrial chain, create a characteristic industrial brand, cultivate leading enterprises, and make the advanced manufacturing cluster bigger and stronger, and put forward specific ideas and measures in this regard.

In charge-

Shoulder political responsibilities

Green coordination sharing

Water and food are the foundation of the people's survival and the foundation of national development. As the head of the canal and the core water source of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and as a major grain production city in the country, Nanyang must shoulder its political responsibilities firmly.

Zhong Pengrong held that Nanyang must not only guarantee the task of growing grain, but also protect the income of peasants. It is necessary to make efforts to improve production efficiency, seek efficiency from the land, ensure that grain production increases, peasants increase income, and maintain the sustainability of agricultural development.

"It is recommended that the hometown government further increase the publicity of the source of nanyang's 'South-to-North Water Diversion' and the 'Zhongzhou granary' with Nanyang as the core, and truly make 'one canal of clean water' and 'one reservoir of wheat' into The symbol of Nanyang and the business card of Nanyang." Wang Yu said.

Qi Hongnian, deputy chief planner of the Planning Institute of China Communications Construction Group, proposed that it is necessary to integrate into the national strategy and explore the coordinated development of cities along the middle line of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Develop ecological agriculture, green industry, eco-tourism, etc., create a Nanyang model of national ecological development demonstration, coordinate the spatial pattern, and realize the integration of industry and city and the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.

Fang Songhai, director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Research Office of the State Council, once took up a post in Huaichuan and exercised, and has a deep affection for Nanyang. He said: Food security and water quality security for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project are both major national affairs and must be paid attention to. In addition, we must pay more attention to the development of the county, take rural tourism and the revitalization of agricultural product brands as the starting point, and accelerate the pace of rural revitalization.

Wang Zhigang believes that it is necessary to pay attention to, study, and integrate into major national strategic policies and policies to find out the positioning and direction of Nanyang's development. At the same time, make good use of the platform, actively strive for policies, and promote high-quality development.

Gao Jian, director of the research office of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, said that in order to achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to consider industrial development and ecological environmental protection as a whole, and the concept of ecological environmental protection should run through all stages and aspects of development, and jointly build, co-govern and share.


Strengthen scientific and technological innovation

Enhance the quality and efficiency of development

Science and technology is the primary productive force, for a long time, scientific and technological innovation has provided a strong impetus for the development of Nanyang industry. Experts agreed that it is necessary to improve the ability and level of innovation, promote the digitalization process, and achieve high-quality development.

Zhu Youping, deputy director of the Management Center of the State Information Center, suggested that Nanyang build a data hub, improve work capacity through digitalization, and create a smart city from the perspective of using digital economy to change lanes and overtake and use digital new thinking to support advantageous industries to promote development. In terms of industrial digitalization, Zhu Youping believes that digitalization can be used to support modern agricultural processing, cultural creativity, and eco-tourism.

Talent is the first resource, the first capital, the first driving force. Experts From Wang Zhigang, Fang Songhai, and Zhu Youping have made good use of talent on how to attract talents. Wang Yu suggested that Nanyang accelerate the construction of agricultural colleges and medical colleges with national influence, and provide intellectual support and scientific and technological support for high-quality development.

"I am a native of Nanyang, I have worked in my hometown for many years, Nanyang is my home, and my development depends on everyone." Han Jun, deputy chief appraiser of the Science and Technology Evaluation Center, said. Combined with relevant data, he suggested that Nanyang increase investment in scientific research funds, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, actively connect with developed regions such as Beijing and the Yangtze River Delta, build an incubation platform, and promote the transfer and transformation of high-tech achievements.

Although the time is short, it is sincere. In the limited time, the experts did not have clichés and false words, but went straight to the subject and picked the most practical and practical "dry goods" to talk about. Because of the warm atmosphere and the earnestness of the speeches, the symposium, which was scheduled to end at 12 noon, lasted until 13:00. In the collision of ideas, Nanyang's high-quality leapfrog development has condensed more and more magnificent strength.

All-media reporter Zhao Qian