
The High-level Experts' Earnest Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Party Congress of Nanyang City was held in Beijing

author:Great River Network

High-end borrowing wisdom and good ideas to promote the development of high quality

Zheng Xinli Zhu was present at the meeting of Xi Wang Zhi and others

On the morning of September 20th, the 7th Party Congress of Nanyang City was held in Beijing, and 10 authoritative experts and leaders from various fields, including Zheng Xinli, executive vice president of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges and president of the China Industrial Economics Association, gathered together to seek the development of Nanyang and tell a better future. Zhu Shixi, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting, and Mayor Wang Zhizhi introduced the market situation.

Also attending the meeting were Zhong Pengrong, director of the Beijing Vision Consulting Center; Wang Zhigang, deputy director of the Macroeconomic Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences; Wang Yu, researcher of the Financial Research Center of the Counsellor's Office of the State Council; An Hui, deputy chief engineer of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute; Qi Hongnian, deputy chief planner of the Planning Institute of China Communications Construction Group; Fang Songhai, director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the State Council Research Office; Zhu Youping, deputy director of the China Economic Network Management Center of the State Information Center; and Gao Jian, director of the Research Office of the China Academy of Environmental Sciences. Han Jun, deputy chief appraiser of the National Science and Technology Evaluation Center, etc.

The experts spoke freely and actively provided advice and suggestions for Nanyang's high-quality leapfrog development. Focusing on creating an optimal business environment, deepening financial reform, optimizing industrial layout, and accelerating rural revitalization, they put forward a series of forward-looking, targeted and operable opinions and suggestions to help Nanyang seize the opportunity in the new round of regional competition, advance quickly and revitalize itself.

Zhu Shixi expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the experts for their long-term concern and support for Nanyang. He said: The earnest discussion meeting was a "Zhuge Liang meeting" with a broad field of vision and high-end borrowing wisdom; the experts and scholars did not hesitate to give teachings, actively supported the development of Nanyang, passed on the scriptures and sent treasures, and put forward opinions and suggestions that stood in a lofty position, had a grand vision, and took scientific measures, which were of a very strong epochal, theoretical, ideological, and guiding nature. Sincerely hope that all experts will return to Nanyang to take a look, inspect and guide, and give more valuable advice for the development of Nanyang.

Zhu Shixi said: All relevant departments should pay close attention to sorting out and analyzing, fully absorb and draw on the opinions and suggestions put forward by various experts, and transform these opinions and suggestions into concrete measures, specific actions, and specific results to promote Nanyang's high-quality leapfrog development as soon as possible. It is necessary to establish and improve a long-term mechanism for connecting high-end think tanks for services, create conditions for better cooperation and exchanges in the future, create an excellent environment, and create a better tomorrow for Nanyang.

Wang Zhizhi pointed out in his introduction to the market situation that at present, Nanyang is in a period of important strategic opportunities for high-quality leapfrog development, showing unprecedented vitality. I hope that all experts will send treasures and pulse consultations for the development of Nanyang, guide Nanyang with advanced concepts, support Nanyang with intellectual advantages, and eagerly look forward to everyone playing the role of a bridge, actively publicizing and promoting Nanyang, and making positive contributions to Nanyang's high-quality leapfrog development.

Li Jiakun attended.