
The donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Aid • Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity was held in Beijing

author:China Children and Teenagers' Fund
The donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Aid • Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity was held in Beijing

On June 16, the donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Grant, Fulfilling the Dream of Macaoding" public welfare activity was held in Beijing. This is the eighth time that the China Children and Teenagers Foundation (UNICEF) and Qingdao Aoding Health Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as Aoding Group) have joined hands for children's public welfare charity. Chen Xiurong, former deputy secretary of the party group, vice chairman and secretary of the secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, chairman of the China Children's Foundation, Zhang Yanhong, secretary general of the China Children's Foundation, Yang Xiaojie, chairman of the board of directors of Aoding Group, and Sun Wenqing, president of Aoding Group, attended the meeting. The ceremony was presided over by Zhu Dongyun, Deputy Secretary-General of UNICEF China.

The donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Aid • Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity was held in Beijing
The donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Aid • Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity was held in Beijing

At the ceremony, Aoding Group donated 4 million yuan to UNICEF China, and Chen Xiurong accepted the donation on behalf of UNICEF China and issued a donation certificate to the enterprise. Zhang Yanhong presented the flag to the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Grant, Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity.

On behalf of UNICEF, Zhang Yanhong expressed her heartfelt thanks to the Aoding Group, which has cared for children over the years, especially the healthy growth and all-round development of Chunlei girls. She said that while Aoding Group continues to develop and grow, it has long participated in supporting children's public welfare undertakings, reflecting the responsibility and family and country feelings of enterprises to help the poor and give back to the society. She hoped that the two sides would further deepen cooperation, give play to their respective advantages, and earnestly do a good job in the implementation of the project, so that more girls from disadvantaged families could benefit from it. She called on more caring enterprises to widely participate in China's children's public welfare and charity undertakings, so that every child can embrace a brilliant life, and every girl can have a better future and make new and greater contributions.

Yang Xiaojie said that this year is the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of Aoding Group and the eighth year of the implementation of the "Spring Bud Education Aid Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity, the company fully combines its own resource advantages, enriches the form of funding, increases assistance, and all-round and multi-measures to help the healthy growth and all-round development of Chunbud girls. In the future, enterprises will shoulder responsibilities and be fearless to shoulder responsibilities, and continue to work with UNICEF China to ignite children's dreams and hold up the hope of the motherland for tomorrow.

The donation and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Spring Bud Education Aid • Ao Ding Dream Fulfillment" public welfare activity was held in Beijing

At the event site, the leaders and guests also presented the book "Xi Jinping into the People's Home" to the employee representatives of Aoding Group, and Aoding Group said that in the future, it will lead the majority of employees to carry out various forms of reading and learning activities, obtain nourishment and draw strength from books, and take the people's leaders' earnest entrustment as a guiding light to promote the high-quality development of enterprises, and make new and greater contributions to healthy China and beautiful China.

It is reported that since 2016, Aoding Group has donated a total of 11.4 million yuan to the China Children's Foundation to provide scholarship support for nearly 12,000 spring bud girls in 16 provinces across the country, on this basis, the company has also organized more than 200 activities such as theme summer camps for girls in difficulty, visited more than 10,000 homes, and donated company products to more than 6,400 families in need, promoting the healthy growth of girls in an all-round way.