
What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water


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What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

Today's topic: What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? #爆料 ##文章首发挑战赛#

The "100%" love of parents is like they have put all their care, dreams and hard work into a river of love, flowing in this child's heart.

This love is not only materially abundant, but also an emotional warm harbor that accompanies children every step of their growth.


Let's take a look at what my netizens have to say:

Haha, if you have brothers and sisters, there will definitely be all kinds of scenes of stealing food at home, it's so funny!

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

I've been used to scenes like this since I was a kid. My passbook and bank card password are my birthday, and in order to increase confidentiality, I also deliberately use a combination of lunar and solar calendars.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

As an only child, I now have to take care of my elderly parents and raise my young children. The whole family has the same concept, and all love and possessions are poured into the child. If it weren't for the concern that it would affect his eligibility to buy his first home in the future, we would even be willing to transfer the property to him now.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

My father always said, "Daughter, take the time to go home more, your mother misses you very much." ”

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

The older twins were probably born through IVF technology, and their parents were born in the 90s, and they happened to give birth to their sons immediately after the relaxation of the two-child policy.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

The reverse is also true, I just bought a new house for my parents in full. If I had siblings in my family, I probably wouldn't have done that.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

In our family, where both parties are only children, the so-called 100% love is when my father-in-law says on the other end of the phone: "Don't worry about money, tell me which neighborhood house can send my children to the best primary school, and I'll take care of it." "A week later, we got the new house book at the government center.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

Whenever I think of the time I spent with my family, those warm moments always heal all my wounds. This is the most precious gift of home – the power to give us love and self-healing.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

In our family, important decisions are as fair as a cake, and everyone has a share. But if I were the only kid in the family, I might not even be able to catch a crumb, and I would have to go out into society as soon as I graduated from high school.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water

Home is the place that can give you warmth and strength no matter what difficulties you encounter.

The "100%" love that the only child gets is like a bright jewel, shining with the endless dedication and ardent hope of the parents, and also reflecting every challenge and victory on the road to growth.

Only when we truly experience and understand this deep affection can we cherish it more and repay this priceless treasure with our love and growth.

What is the so-called 100% love that an only child gets? Netizen: You don't need to share a glass of water