
Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

author:Heavenly Dao rewards the dragon boy
Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

In China, the literati has always been an idealized concept, a highly condensed image of traditional culture, and a poetic existence. In the aesthetic theory of the Chinese literati, there is a concept that can only be understood and is difficult to express, that is, the artistic conception. A cultural space soaked in Chinese charm, from the structure and functional layout, to a table, a chair and a flower and a tree, all of which embody the traditional literati's philosophy of life, tao yang subtle, polite, harmonious and different, Zen thinking is lofty. Ming Zhu Chengjue also mentioned in the "Poetry of CunYu Tang": The magic of composing poetry is all in the integration of the artistic conception, and in addition to the sound of sound, it is the true taste. Similarly, for space, the artistic conception is also a metaphysical realm, which is the spiritual dialogue and emotional integration of the whole space above the environmental layout. The embodiment of the literati realm has the style of a gentleman: the benevolent Leshan, the wise leshui, the zhi music piano, the scholar talking about poetry, the literati music book, the yashi music painting, the quiet person knows the incense, the mover likes wine, and the Qing person ceremonial tea. In the space where a literati lives, there are flowers, tea, incense, planting, calligraphy and painting, and elegant play, which are all very natural things, and because of the requirements for the beauty of utensils and the literati's pursuit of elegance, there are some interesting and elegant objects. In the elegant world constructed by utensils and space, people's body and mind can be stable. As the poems have been written, as the ancients remembered: "Yu tastes a clean room, places a few, Chen several kinds of happy books, puts an old Fa Ti, the ancient Ding burns incense, the vegetarian dust, the meaning is small tired, and the bamboo bed is temporarily rested." It is a blessing in disguise. "In such an increasingly noisy and impetuous era, contemporary people are more and more yearning for the quiet and indifferent life of the ancients, especially the life of the ancient literati, and the literati life is especially the study culture. The companionship of a gentleman's pure dwelling is not only to satisfy the pleasing of the eye, but also to nourish the character of the heart.

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

Of course, our thousands of years of culture are not only evident in the transcendent spiritual pursuit of our ancestors, but also reflected in the aesthetic taste of daily life. Qingju Xiaozhai, with Yayou friends, sitting and talking about the Tao, Tuotuo stele, playing the piano and singing and... To a few cases, a grass and a tree, in addition to the perching and sightseeing, it also projects the owner's aesthetic taste. In order to build a poetic life, the literati pursue luxurious and elegant things, "far practical, and near aesthetic", if the artistic insight of today's people is used to confirm the idle spirit of the ancients, then Kiyosuke is more emotional than high.

The ancients said that there were four happy events in life: long drought and sweet rain, other hometowns met the old knowledge, cave flower candle night, when the gold list was nominated. Su Dongpo, on the other hand, believes that there are many pleasures in life, not only four, but sixteen of them: boating in the shallow water of Qingxi; talking at night in the bamboo window of light rain; reaching linxi in the summer; climbing the building to see the mountains after the rain; idling on the banks of the Liuyin Causeway; smiling in front of the Flower Dock Bottle; smelling the bell at the Jiangshan Temple; blowing Xiao in the east neighbor under the moon; half-simmering tea in the morning; vine pillow on the side of the noon tired party; opening the urn without tao xie; receiving guests without clothes; begging for famous flowers to bloom; birds flying to talk to themselves; guests to Jiquan to cook tea; and Fuqin listeners to know the sound. For example, boating in the Clear Creek, such as "Autumn of Nongshu, July Both Looking, Suzi and Guest Rafting Under the Chibi." The breeze is gentle, and the water waves are not happy. "In the vast landscape and earth, enjoying the scenery on both sides of the strait, and talking with friends about wine, why not be happy?" The river is leisurely, a flat leaf boat floats on top, everything is quiet, and the bells echo in the ears and float in the sky, triggering infinite reverie. In the morning, it is refreshing, the tea is fragrant, pour a bay of water, take a scoop of tea, and put the soup into the pot and out of the thick and sweet. Watch and appreciate its wonderful, smell and delight its fragrance, why not be happy! This is all the joy of the eastern slope. Such a quick thing, with Jin Sheng sighed: "Drinking in the winter night, turning back to the cold, pushing the window to try to see, the snow is as big as a hand, and it has accumulated three or four inches." Hurry up! In the summer in the vermilion plate, draw a fast knife and cut the edge of the sink watermelon. Hurry up! It's the same thing.

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

Ming Yuan Hongdao opened his collection of essays with a clear meaning: "The rare people of the world are interesting. He further elaborated: "Fun is like the color of the mountain, the taste of the water, the light in the flowers, the state of the woman, although the good speaker cannot say a word, only the one who knows the heart knows." ”

This manifesto-style theory of interest also shows that after the Song and Ming dynasties, Chinese intellectuals have shifted from the era of "speech and interest" to the era of "speech and interest". There is no longer a Huang Zhong Da Lu style of majesty, this is a kind of loss, but this is also a kind of acquisition, exquisite and delicate aesthetic sentiments became the mainstream fashion at that time, any detail in life, become an aesthetic object, aesthetic processing. Emotion is interesting, the heart is organic, zhuang is reasonable, harmonious is humorous. The poetry of life has become a very beautiful chapter of life. At the same time, it also marks that the enlightenment of the unity of heaven and man has shifted from the original "speech" of home and country feelings to the naïve and natural "speech fun". "Zhi" and "fun" are actually the results of realizing the "Tao", and they are also an inevitable result of the self-realization of the identity of the literati and artists at that time.

The literati of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, who not only penetrated the Confucian Tao, but were not in the Pan Fence, became an extremely special personality image. Jin Shengsi once had a wonderful theory of "aren't you happy", which is the same as Yuan Hongdao's theory of fun. In Jin Shengsi's understanding, "the great cause of the country and the great event of immortality" is undoubtedly a deceptive theory, but as a mark of life left to future generations, "it cannot be given without gifts." Their attention to and appreciation of the details of life is full of philosophy and interest. In traditional learning, they have found a "self-adapting" and "suitable" attitude towards life, which can not only write poetry and book the world, but also play life, and find an excellent balance between birth and entry in the artistic life.

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

Traditional furniture embodies the unique aesthetics of the Ming and Qing literati, reflecting the poetic life of the literati at that time, that is, the pursuit of the true value of life. The pursuit of simple, plain, elegant lifestyle, rejection and abandonment of cumbersome, nongnito, carved life, this is also the true meaning of artistic life. This elegant lifestyle can meet the more authentic needs of people's hearts, which cannot be achieved by luscious food, high-end consumption, and curved greetings.

Exploring traditional furniture inevitably involves the spiritual world and aesthetic purpose of the Jiangnan literati group, in order to outline the process of artistic practical utensils, restore a period of style, and then continue a clear rhyme. This is a nostalgia for traditional culture, a kind of imitation of "the style of the passing era", and a taste and understanding of the art of living. Smoke and rain in Jiangnan, not necessarily all humanistic, not necessarily all psalms, more common, is chai rice oil and salt, home length. "Men and women who eat and drink, the great desire of man", who can speak lightly of overstepping? However, throughout the ages, this place, of course, there are many interesting people: watching dramas and listening to music, enjoying flowers and making the moon, visiting the garden and playing with stones, burning incense and tasting tea, cultivating health, it seems that all these trivial pursuits of sensory details are the small words in life, and the worldly people's hearts in life.

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

Jiangnan disciples are multi-talented. Here is a pile of gold and jade, gentle and rich township, pleasant Wu language nongyin, looking at thousands of miles picturesque. Rice paper lake pen emblem ink she yan, Shaoxing wine purple sand pot Longjing tea blue and white porcelain, the exquisite beauty of the object has made people empty of five aggregates, but also the dream of the garden, the reincarnation of the talented beauty.

The world is like a white cloud and a dog, life is like a summer flower and morning dew, the water is passing through the clouds, the wind is galloping, farming and reading is a pastime, the hidden mountain forest is a pastime, the temple pride is a pastime, and the carving of insects is of course a pastime.

The fine works of Ming-style furniture bring us "natural indifference", that is, "to muran, to think leisurely but fascinated". All the classic works called "fine products, divine products, and elegant products" have the shape of smokeless fire, the otherworldly bones, the quiet and leisurely love and the taste of loneliness and ethereality, and there is a kind of natural skill, a sense of emptiness, and a quiet realm. There is absolutely no "fire, dryness, dew, and vulgarity", and the charm of this fairy bone Buddha's heart produces the effect of "there is a body in several cases, and people are idle and thinking", showing a unique "calm breath" and "Zen taste". These qualities make the literati and inkers contemplate and meditate.

Borrowing the charm of the literati through the style and bone of furniture can also be regarded as "the change of ancient and modern times, into the words of a family". Contemplation, scrutiny, and caressing of it can perceive the inner questioning and listen to the echo of the heart in the immediate separation from reality. These cultural relics that exude the thoughts and emotions of the literati and are infiltrated with the aesthetic tastes and value orientations of the literati, although they have experienced the wear and tears of the years, they still maintain a warm and clean luster, as if they are telling, murmuring, and quietly revealing, so that modern people can trace the hidden and endless roots and sources of culture from these objects that once had the body temperature of the owner, and feel the spirit and strength of mutual dependence and inexhaustible.

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

Mr. Lin Qingxuan believes that in the deepest part of life, the most beautiful realm of life is Qinghuan. Qinghuan is a posture of life, a way to find oneself, and a supreme state of life. It does not come from elsewhere, but from our pursuit and love of a quiet, sparse, simple life. When one can taste the fragrance of mountain wild vegetables better than the taste of mountains and seas, or one can see in the stones on the side of the road that it is more attractive than diamonds, or a person listens to the sound of birdsong in the forest and feels more touched than walking birds in cages, or even experiences that quietly tasting a pot of oolong tea can cleanse the soul more than in a noisy dinner party... These are "Qing Huan". Qinghuan is the subtraction of life, in which we abandon the worldly pursuit and the bondage of desire and return to the purest joy, which is the most enjoyable situation in life. Drink a cup of tea on a hot, dry summer day. Watch a candle flame in the wind on a snowy night. Watch the sunset set in the twilight. Walk through the woods where cicadas sing. Thinking of distant friends in the middle of the night when pine nuts fall. In the fall of a white hair, the face of the favorite of a lifetime emerges...

Heaven and earth have great beauty without words, still water flows deeply, this seemingly deep heaven and earth and all things, in fact, simple and simple, ordinary and safe, the years of one night, a city and a pool, all in every ordinary life, every calm smile.

However, although the ancestors of China have long created a poetic way of life, and the land of China as a whole is a paradise for poetic survival, it is no secret that we have been indulging in the reality of materialistic desire and mania for too long, and have lost the ability to understand the true meaning of life calmly and calmly like our ancestors, and our poetic way of living has also been lost. In an era when people's hearts are generally more impetuous and utilitarian, in a highly developed industrial and commercial society, people are always walking in a complicated and hurried manner. In a society where people are crowded and the time is like gold, people are always busy - busy with exhaustion, busy with long sighs, busy with mental atrophy, busy with pale hearts. At this time, how we wish we could slow down and live an artistic, poetic "Chinese elegant life".

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)

"No guests are quiet every day, there is a wind and cool all night.". A case, a piece of furniture, a garden, a heaven and earth, a teapot, from small to large; and several storms, several degrees of rise and fall, several degrees of glory and humiliation, several degrees of mourning, from large to small. The enjoyment brought to us by traditional Chinese furniture is deep, the fun brought to us is inadvertent, and the thinking brought to us is deep and long...

Humanity is: "Three thousand years of reading history is nothing but fame and fortune, and ninety thousand miles of enlightenment will eventually return to the poetry and wine pastoral." But yu has a heart to go!

Traditional Culture - A Paradise for Poetic Life (2)