
If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

author:Listen to the view of history

The surname Wang is the largest surname in China today, and the total population of various "old wangs and small kings" is over 100 million. In fact, in the Song, Yuan, Ming and other dynasties with relevant statistics, the surname of Wang was always the largest surname in the world. However, similar to another big surname, the Zhang surname, the "Wang Qi" that hangs over the head of the Wang surname is so thin that people are embarrassed to mention it, and the most well-known imperial figure who has emerged in China's dynastic history for more than two thousand years is only a Wang Mang, and the reputation is still a mess.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

Compared with the Han and Tang dynasties of Liu and Li, the two surnames of Wang Zhang are simply faceless

(However, in the 19 dynasties from the Han to the Ming Dynasty, there were 40 "wang empresses" and became the birth mothers of 16 emperors and 4 princes, 6 princes, and 15 princesses; in addition, the Wang clan also produced 118 prime ministers or equivalent high-ranking officials, which is also a unique phenomenon among major surnames.) )

The origin of the surname Wang can be traced back to ancient surnames such as Ji surname, zi surname and concubine surname. At present, the more recognized ancestor of the wang surname is Ji Jin - as the prince of the Eastern Zhou Ling King Ji,he was known as a virtuous name, and he was deposed for his direct advice. When the people regretted it, they called it the "royal family" because their descendants were noble descendants of the royal family, and this clan took the king as the clan.

Thousands of years of vicissitudes have made the once honorable wang surname gradually become an ordinary surname. And the "king", who was once the honorific title of the supreme ruler of a dynasty, has also become ill-fated as the world has gradually become "bad and happy".

For example, as the supreme king of the world, he is no longer a unique existence, and even a different surname can be called a king.

And these so-called "kings with different surnames" have become the most headache for kings in previous dynasties.

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In fact, the title of "King" may not have been honorable from the beginning.

For example, in the era of myths and legends of our nation, the leaders of tribal alliances such as the Chao clan, the Fuxi clan, the Shennong clan, the Yellow Emperor, the Yao clan, and the Shun clan were given what titles or honorific titles at that time, because the classical books such as "Three Tombs", "Five Classics", "Eight Suo", and "Nine Hills" have been scattered, so it is impossible to say clearly now. Titles such as "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" as we know them are actually honorific titles posthumously given by later generations, rather than titles that existed at that time.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

Things before the Shinshi era have long been unclear

After The Great Yu Jianxia, its supreme ruler could not be called the King of Xia, but was called the Emperor after his death and after his death. For example, Xia Qi, the son of Dayu, should be called Xia Houqi when he is alive, and after hanging up, he must change his name to Emperor Qi. After Chengtang Dynasty Xia shang, of course, will not follow the rules of the old counterpart, so they directly called the emperor according to the tradition. Why is he called emperor? Because in the old language "emperor" can refer to the god who created and dominated everything in the universe, the merchants believed that the gods were their ancestors, the emperor, and the descendants of the emperor would run to the heavens to accompany the ancestors after death. Therefore, the successive Yin Shang monarchs can all be called "Emperor Mou", such as Emperor Taiyi, Emperor Zugeng, Emperor Wuding, Emperor Xin and so on. Among them, Emperor Taiyi is Chengtang, and Di Xin is the King of Sui, which means the descendants of the gods born on B Day and Xin Day, respectively.

Here I want to interject gossip - calling Di Xin the King of Shang is actually a Zhou person who is tricking ghosts. After all, the Zhou people called the monarch a king rather than an emperor, but the king was obviously one head shorter than the emperor:

"The ancient writer, who has three paintings connected to them, is called the king; the three painters, the heavens and the earth and the people, and even the ones in it, through its way, take the heavens and the earth and the people as the consistency, and participate in it, the non-king can be the yong." (Spring and Autumn Prosperity, Vol. 11, Wang Daotong III, 44)

See? The Shang Emperor was directly the god of heaven, and the king of Zhou could only be regarded as the spokesman of the gods in the mortal world, and belonged to the role of a migrant worker. This made the Zhou people who had just pried over the Yin Shang Jiangshan, who could bear it? It is simply a matter of falsifying history and telling nonsense.

Why didn't the Zhou people continue to claim the title of emperor like the merchants? Not for nothing, not for the ear. After all, shangjun's idea of integrating himself with the gods of heaven has been passed down for hundreds of years and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and even if the Zhou people can make up nonsense, they can't make up this matter. Therefore, they had no choice but to use the banner of The Heavenly Path to justify their actions of overthrowing Yin Shang, but they had to pay the price of being reduced to the status of the agent of the gods.

(Of course, later the Zhou people blindly said that Emperor Shang was Emperor Shu out, and the King of Zhou was out of the Emperor, and also created several more gods to suppress Emperor Zhao's dominant position, which justifiably claimed to be the Son of Heaven.) But this is all an afterthought, and I will not repeat it. )

However, whether it is the emperor or the king, anyway, after overthrowing the unfortunate Emperor Xin, only the King of Zhou is the largest in the world, and it is enough to have this one.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

In order to claim to be the Son of Heaven, the King of Zhou did not know how many nonsense he had made up

However, the dominance of the King of Zhou did not last long, and soon a guy with a non-Ji surname jumped out and made trouble. For example, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, a houguo named "E" called himself the King of Wu, and as a result, he was violently beaten to destroy the country, which was a trivial matter. However, when the "Southern Batian" Chu State began to disobey, the King of Zhou could not do anything with them.

In the sixteenth year of the reign of King Huan of Zhou (704 BC), xiong Tong called himself "I am a barbarian and not a chinese title" (Shi Ji Vol. 40 Chu ShiJia No. 10) (Chu Zi was a viscount at the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty) Xiong Tong called himself king and was the King of Chu Wu. However, at that time, the Zhou royal family had long been in decline, and there was nothing to do about it, and could only rely on the Central Plains princely states such as Jin and Qi to "honor the king".

After king Ping moved east, the life of the Zhou royal family was even more like that of an old lady for the New Year. So in the twenty-fifth year of King Xian of Zhou (344 BC), Wei Huan, who was originally the Marquis of Wei Hui, brazenly claimed the title of king and became the King of Wei Hui. Immediately after that, the major princely states all learned from each other, and all of them became kings, and Zhou Tianzi, who had long been vain, became a mud bodhisattva who crossed the river, and the princes and kings did not even bother to take a look at him, let alone what the king was.

Then a great struggle between these "kings with different surnames" completed the Qin state, and the Qin wangzheng also became the first emperor.

After the unification of the world, the First Emperor changed the traditional five-rank title of Duke Andi Gongzi to a twenty-level military meritorious knight, and the highest title was only Che Hou. The "king", who was once the supreme lord of the world, was replaced by the emperor and temporarily withdrew from the stage of history.

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At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong in the past have restored the old king number. However, when Xiang Yu entered the slaughter of Xianyang and the burning of the Qin Palace, and everyone thought that a new emperor was about to be born, he honored Xiong Xin, the king of Chuhuai, as the righteous emperor and divided the princes of the Eighteen Roads, and then called himself the king of Western Chu and became a co-lord of the world similar to the king of Zhou.

This kind of behavior of reversing history is obviously not very reliable, and there are few kings with different surnames who do not have the same surname as Xiang Yu. Therefore, when Liu Bang put up the anti-flag, the Chu Bawang, who was known as the hero of the gods and heroes, could not bear the betrayal of his younger brother one after another, and soon vanished.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The Eighteen-Way Princes who were sealed by Xiang Yu were the earliest kings with different surnames in history

However, Liu Bang did not pay a price. I think that when he dug into xiang yu's corner, he could not help but make a wish for the officials, plus the courtiers who were highly meritorious and difficult to reward, so after arriving in the Western Han Dynasty, in addition to rewarding his brothers and nephews with the same surname Jiuwai, there were also Qi (Chu) Wang Hanxin, Liang Wang Pengyue, Huainan Wang Yingbu, Zhao Wang Zhang'er, Yan Wang Zang Di (Later Lu Qi daizhi), Changsha Wang Wu Rui, and Han Wang Xin, these eight different surnames Wang Pestle were there, how to see how to obstruct the eyes.

But all the founding kings are basically tyrants, and they naturally can't rub sand in their eyes, not to mention that Liu Bang is from a prickly background, and he has never regarded his face as a valuable thing. Therefore, under his meticulous operation, the major kings with different surnames rushed to "rebel", and then sent heads under the attack of the Han army that had been prepared earlier. Zhang Ao (Zhang Er's son) and Lu Xie, who were lucky enough to survive, were considered to have a big fate - the former saved a small life because of his status as a "donkey horse", and the latter was Liu Bang's hair, who knew that this goods could share hardships but could not share the virtue of wealth, and when they saw that the situation was not good, they immediately fled to the Xiongnu, which ended up with a good ending.

The only exception was Wu Rui, the King of Changsha. It is said that this descendant of Wu Wang Fuchai heeded Zhang Liang's admonition, even if Old Liu put the knife on his neck, he would not be able to react, so that His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Han Dynasty could only do anything. However, although Lao Wu saved the state of Changsha, he could not stand the anger of his descendants - in the seventh year of Emperor Xiaowen's reign (157 BC), the fifth king of Changsha, Wu Zhuxue, was childless, and Liu Huan took the opportunity to remove him from the country, so the last single seedling of the king with a different surname in the Han Dynasty also died prematurely.

Moreover, in order to prevent his descendants from making their own mistakes again, and also to deter and even eliminate ambitionists, Liu Bang also pulled a group of honorable and noble ministers to make a white horse oath before his death:

"Those who are not kings of the Liu clan, if they do not have merit and do not pay attention to them, the whole world will condemn them." (Chronicle of the Chronicle of the Princes since The Seventeenth Book of Hanxing)

Old Liu spoke quite well. In the nearly 400 years since then, even Huo Guang, who dared to depose the emperor, Wang Mang, who dared to usurp Han, and Liang Ji, who was arrogant and arrogant, had never fought the idea of a king with a different surname. However, there are always exceptions, such as Lao Cao and Xiao Cao -- everyone blackmailed the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and if they wanted the title of King of Wei, did Liu Xie, the Emperor of Han Xian, dare not give it?

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The so-called "Zen Concession", even people who lack the heart and eyes will not believe it to be true

But the old saying goes: The present world, come fast. Decades later, when it was Lao Cao's grandson Cao Huan's turn to become emperor, he unfortunately became a puppet at the mercy of the Sima family, so he had to offer sima Zhao and Sima Yan the title of king of Jin with both hands, and then repeated Liu Xie's fate and ceded Cao Wei jiangshan to Sima Shi.

The successive attempts of the king with different surnames to usurp the throne finally aroused the vigilance of emperor Sima Jia. Therefore, in addition to retaining a nominal Chen Liu King for Lao Cao's descendants (in other words, Chen Liu Wang was still quite long-lived, and it was passed down for eight years and 215 years, and it was already the Southern Qi period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties when he was removed from the country), Wang Jue was not given the surname of Sima (司馬). However, the Western Jin Dynasty's "king with the same surname" was more capable of dismantling the family than Erha, which was another sad story, and it was even more that Sima Zhao, Sima Yan's father and son could not have imagined in any way.

The weakness of the imperial power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was unprecedented, and there were not even a few kings with the same surname who could dismantle the family, so the kings with different surnames began to be active again. First Huan Xuan established himself as the King of Jin (huan wen also posthumously awarded the title of prince huanwen), and then there were stories of Liu Yuxiao Cao Cao and Sima Zhao, forcing Sima Dewen, the emperor of Jin, to make him the King of Song, and then to establish himself on behalf of Jin.

Of course, in the chaotic era of the two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were guns that were the grass head king, and even the emperor could walk everywhere, and there were even more kings like dogs, which were simply innumerable. In order to be lazy, pull the table to mean it at once, and I will not repeat it.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

Statistical table of some kings with different surnames from the late Han Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties

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In the first year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (581 AD), Yang Jian was proclaimed emperor by Zen to establish the Sui Dynasty, and then sent troops to unify the north and south, truly becoming the supreme ruler of the world. However, Yang Jian still made the same mistake as Sima Yan, that is, he put all his vigilance on a different surname, but ignored his son's ability to break up the family. Therefore, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan and Wang Shichong were able to bully Yang Jian's great-grandsons to the fullest, and were given the titles of King of Tang and King Zheng respectively, and then usurped the throne as emperor.

The subsequent Tang Dynasty can be said to be the most open attitude to kings with different surnames in all the dynasties. Even if at the beginning of the founding of the country, there was still a bit of miserliness about the kingship, but as long as the emperors of the dynasties after Emperor Gaozong of Tang and Li Zhi encountered danger and there were still courtiers who could be the mainstay, it was basically appropriate to get a county king. Sometimes even just to appease the emotions of heroes and powerful people, all kinds of kings can throw out as if they don't want money.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The Tang Dynasty was the most generous dynasty in history to kings with different surnames

After Emperor Zhongzong of Tang was restored by the Shenlong coup, he was of course inexplicably grateful to the five main planners of Zhang Kamzhi, Cui Xuanwei, Huan Yanfan, Yuan Shuji, and Jinghui, so he named him king, so the Shenlong coup was also known as the Five Kings Coup. With Li Xian in front of him, the later emperors had no scruples about making wang jue again--Tang Xuanzong Li Longji made An Lushan and Ge Shuhan kings in order to reward or win over, even if their qualifications and merits could be thrown out of the eight streets by Li Jing and Li Shixun, who were only appointed dukes during the Zhenguan years; when An Lushan reversed, a group of counter-rebellion heroes such as Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi, and Gugu Huai'en had to be appeased by a prince, otherwise who would give the old Li family a life? As for a general like Xue Song, he also had to be crowned a king as a horse bone, and the rebel camp had been divided; in the end, even eunuchs like Li Fuguo had also gained a Bolu County King because they could manipulate the abolition of the "meritorious service".

The ill-fated Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yu can be called the number one wholesaler of the Tang Dynasty, and the only one who can be shorter and longer with him is Tang Emperor Li Yu. But Li Yuzhen was in charge of how to engage in wholesale, but the various kings he rewarded were basically more rewarded, while Li Yan was not. At that time, the Tang Dynasty had already had its rivers and rivers falling day by day, the wind and rain were in turmoil, there were eunuchs and friends on the inside, and there were feudal towns outside, like an independent kingdom, and Li Yan's whole life was living in a precarious situation. In this case, he did not need to think too much for the sake of face or the long-term peace and stability of the Tang Dynasty, and all kinds of kings did not even blink their eyelids to engage in a clearance sale, not only the two-character county king, but also the prince of the first word played wholesale.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The Song Dynasty was extremely restrictive in rewarding kings with different surnames, and became a model for later dynasties to learn

Relatively speaking, the Song Dynasty's attitude towards kings with different surnames was very conservative, but it was not unsealed. The Song Dynasty had two characteristics of the king with a different surname, one of which was that the king with a different surname could only be posthumously given away in the Northern Song Dynasty and could not be knighted before he was born, and could not be hereditary. The only two exceptions were Qian Li and Tong Guan, the former who had to make an exception for leading the country to submit (of course, he soon killed old Qian to avoid the consequences), and tong Guan, who was crowned king because he "recovered" Youyan (and was only partially) and obeyed the edict of Zhao Yan of the Song Dynasty:

"In the seventh year of Xuanhe, he used the testament of Emperor Shenzong to restore the realm of Yan to the state of Qibenbang, the prince of Shu, and the king of Guangyang County." (History of the Song Dynasty, vol. 468, Liechuan 227)

Of course, in the Southern Song Dynasty, where only half of the country remained and was beaten into a dog every day, this rule could not be maintained any longer. People like Zhang Bangchang, Zhang Jun, Han Shizhong, Wu Xuan, and others were all crowned kings before their deaths for their merits—of course, they were only county kings, and if they wanted to be crowned kings, they had to wait until after their deaths. In the end, even foreign relatives like Guo Shiyu, such as Qin Ju and Shi Miyuan, were also crowned kings because of the needs of political struggle, and if Zhao Da and Zhao Erquan knew about it, they didn't know if they could still suppress the coffin board.

The second characteristic of the Song Dynasty's naming of kings with different surnames is that they are mean to the living and generous to the dead. People like Wang Zhenqi, Guo Shouwen, Cao Bin, Wang Anshi, and others were posthumously given the title of king; in the Southern Song Dynasty, they were even more honored, as long as they made meritorious contributions to resisting the invasion of Jin Nan under Emperor Gaozong of Song, all of them were posthumously awarded the title of king. Such as Han Shizhong the King of Pu, Liu Guangshi the King of Yan, Zhang Jun the King of Xun, Yue Fei of the King of E, Yang Yizhong of He, Wu Jiu the King of Fu, and Wu Xuan the Prince of Xin, who are known in history as the "Seven Kings of the Southern Song Dynasty".

With the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty as models, the Ming Dynasty naturally has a lot of experience to follow on this issue. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty can be called the most miserly dynasty for kings with different surnames, which is characterized by not being crowned kings in life, but can only be posthumously donated after death. Moreover, the posthumous gifts cannot be chaotic, and the highest gifts can only be posthumously given to the county king, and those who have not made great contributions to the heavens cannot even catch a county king.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The Ming Dynasty was the least friendly dynasty in history to kings with different surnames

The "ancestral training" established by Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, is the strongest in the history of the dynasties, and most of his descendants are also very obedient. Therefore, the history of the Ming Dynasty posthumously awarding meritorious heroes as kings was basically over in the British and Daizong Dynasties, and the figures who could receive this honor were basically rarely questioned. Like Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Li Wenzhong, Mu Ying, Deng Yu, and Tang He, who were ranked among the six founding kings, Guo Zixing, Chen Youren, and Li Zhen, who took care of people's feelings and won the knighthood, Zhang Yu and Zhang Fu' father and son, who had outstanding merits, and who received the title of county king after his death, can be regarded as deserved.

In the 276 years from the founding of Zhu Yuanzhang to the time when Zhu Youjian was hanged, there were two accidents among the kings with different surnames in the Ming Dynasty. One is Jin Zhong—this Jin Zhong is not the famous Bingbu Shangshu during the Yongle period, but a Tatar, or the sixth grandson of king Hengyang in the Yuan Dynasty, who was also a Mongolian noble family:

"The golden loyalists, the Mongol princes also did it first. Su Jie is taboo for Arutai. In the twenty-first year of Yongle, Chengzu personally invaded the north of the desert and went to Shangzhuang Fort, leading his wife and subordinates to surrender. When the Sixth Division went deeper, Kou was already far away. The emperor was ashamed of his achievements, and he was overjoyed to see his return. Give a name and be the King of Zhongyong. (Ming Shi, vol. 156, Lectionary 44)

In fact, the Ming Dynasty smashed countless worthless princes and lords of surrounding feudal states and subordinate states, and the situation of Jin Zhong was similar. It's just that the first tugan is more bare-knuckled, and after the land and population come and go, they can only follow Zhu Di - according to the logic of "Yi Di enters Huaxia, then Huaxiazhi", this Zhongyong County King can no longer be regarded as Yi Jun, chieftain, but Han Chen, so it is said that Zhu Di broke the rules set by his Lao Tzu as soon as he was happy, and it seems that he can't say much.

Another exception was Zhang Mao, the king of Ningyang County. This guy was the eldest son of Zhang Fu, the king of Dingxing County, and at the age of 9, he inherited his father's English dukedom, and he was considered a courtier. Moreover, he was the emperor of the five dynasties of the dynasties, Ying, Xian, Filial Piety, and Wu, and his qualifications were too old to speak, but if he wanted to say that he had made any superhuman merits, it would be absolutely impossible to say.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

Only a maverick little photo can dare not take the ancestral family law seriously

But who let Zhang Mao hang up and catch up with Zhu Houzhao, the Ming Wuzong who was known for his absurdity and unreliability? Xiao Zhao is good at martial arts, so he greatly respects a generation of famous generals Zhang Fu, and at the same time, he is extravagant and fun-loving, and happens to have a similar smell to Zhang Mao. So after Zhang Mao's death, Xiao Zhaoyi was happy (as if the wording was inappropriate...). He forgot the rules of his ancestors and directly posthumously posthumously crowned him as a king of Ningyang County.

This matter was dug up again during the Wanli years. The reason was that Zhu Xixiao, the seventh grandson of Zhu Neng, the famous general of Jingnan and the Duke of Chengguo, had a good relationship with Zhang Juzheng, who was then the head of the cabinet, and he invoked Zhang Mao's old example and demanded that his deceased brother Zhu Xizhong be posthumously awarded the title of prince. This little thing was not worth mentioning for Zhang Juzheng, who was in charge of the power, so Zhu Xizhong soon became the king of Dingxiang County.

However, Zhang Juzheng died in the government, and Zhu Yijun, the Ming Emperor, began to turn over his small account, and he took Zhu Xizhong out. At this time, not only was the King of Dingxiang County shaken up, but even Zhang Mao was unlucky, and the King of Ningyang County was not saved.

After today, I don't know if there is still a tomorrow's Nanming, and No one cares about Old Zhu's ancestral training for a long time. In particular, the Yongli Emperor Zhu Youluo, like Li Yan at the end of the Tang Dynasty, started the wholesale of wangjue, not to mention the living and the dead, as long as they can help him continue to live, they are all crowned kings, and the kings and county kings are all rewarded like money.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

In the Qing Dynasty, I can't write, take the watch and perfunctory

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In three generations, the king was the supreme ruler of the world, resembling the later emperor. However, after Wei Hao could make himself a king by himself, it would not be worth much to hang another title of king on the top of the brain melon, at least to say that no one in the world believed it.

When Liu Bang lihan waited, he picked up the "wang", an old antique that had been abandoned by the first emperor. However, the kings of Han Feng were different from those of the pre-Qin, and also different from the kings who later served as knights- the Han fengjue were of the twentieth rank, and the highest was the Marquis of Che (later, in order to avoid Liu Che's secrets, it was changed to Tonghou, also known as the Marquis of Lie), and there was no prince at all. Therefore, the eight kings with different surnames created by Liu Bang and the kings of Qi, Daiwang, Liang, and Zhao that were assigned to their children and grandchildren were actually the princes under the county system. As a prince, Wang was founded in the Wei and Jin dynasties.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The kings of the early Han Dynasty were not much worse in authority than the princes of the Warring States period, so they could be a disaster

From the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, the guy who was crowned king could usually be called the king of the domain, but it was generally divided into two levels. The higher rank should be given the title of the ancient kingdom originating from the Spring and Autumn Period, and the four titles of Qin, Jin, Qi, and Chu are the most honorable, and the titles of Lu, Zhao, Wei, Liang, Yan, Dai, Chen, Han, Song, Wu, and Yue are one grade lower, and the titles of small states such as Xu, Xu, Cao, Xing, Wei, and Teng are even lower. Therefore, in some dynasties, kings are generally sealed from small countries, and gradually accumulate seniority and merits to be crowned to middle and large kings. Of course, in the Tang, Song, Ming and other dynasties, administrative divisions such as Dao, Lu, and Zhou were sometimes named the title of Wang, such as Xiang Wang originating from Xiang Zhou, Su Wang from Suzhou, and so on.

This type of clan king is usually called a king, a one-character king (that is, a folk legend of a word side by side), and because it is often only granted to the royal family's closest relatives, it is also called a prince, but the prince is used as the actual title only in the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the Qing Dynasty was a strange thing on the issue of kingship - "I Am the King of the Qing Dynasty", whether it was a one-word king or a two-character king, all of them were only honorary titles, and there was neither a fief, nor any military power. Therefore, the princes of the Qing Dynasty did not use the names of ancient countries or administrative divisions to be titled, but used some words that looked more festive, such as Prince Heshuo Rui, Prince Heshuo Bao, King Of Dorokqin, etc., but they were also one-character princes and two-character county kings.

The one-character king who ranks below is naturally the two-character king, because it is usually called the county name, so it is also called the county king (there are also very few one-word exceptions). And this two-character king is the "hardest hit area" that arranges and dispatches various kings with different surnames.

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

The folk saying of "one word side by side king" is actually a word king, officially known as a prince in the Qing Dynasty

After all, the honor of the one-word king is second only to the emperor, and usually only the emperor's brothers and sons can get it, and they also have to be divided into three, six, and nine. Like Tang Gaozu Li Yuan had 22 sons, only his concubines Li Shimin and Li Yuanji were given the titles of King of Qin and King of Qi, and sons such as Li Yuanjing, Li Yuanchang, and Li Yuanheng could only be named small and medium-sized kings such as King Jing, King of Han, and King of Feng. Among the kings with different surnames, only those who have distinguished themselves and have close relations with the royal family, such as Wang Zhenqi, Guo Shouwen, and Cao Bin, or who are politically necessary, can be posthumously awarded the title of King of One Character after death.

The rest are all careerists or a very small number of mainstays when the country is about to be destroyed.

Therefore, for the kings of different surnames in the past, the only two-character king is a hero; those who can mix a one-word king are either dead people or tyrants.

However, compared with the "king of the state", people are often more harsh on kings with different surnames, but this is not surprising - the Eastern Han Dynasty was usurped by the King of Wei with the surname Cao, Cao Wei was "zen" by the King of Jin surnamed Sima , then the Eastern Jin Dynasty died at the Song King Liu Yu , Liu Song died at the Qi King Xiao Daocheng , southern Qi died at the Liang King Xiao Yan , Southern Liang died at Chen Baxian , Northern Zhou died at the Sui King Yang Jian, the Sui Dynasty died at the Tang King Li Yuan (count it is it), and the Tang Dynasty died at the Liang King Zhu Wen... It seems that if a king with a different surname emerges, it is equivalent to ushering in a usurpation reserve.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding - but any king, whether the same surname or a different surname is a role that gives a little sunshine. Even if the king is the same surname, the Han has the rebellion of the seven kings, the Jin has the rebellion of the eight kings, and the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty was what was before the Jing Dynasty? It's just that the founding kings of all dynasties are all heroic and ambitious, but most of their descendants have been raised into pigs, and even if they are noisy, they usually can't set off a few waves, which is comparable to those self-made kings with different surnames?

If it is not a hero, it is a hero - talk about the different surnames of Wang 01020304 in the past dynasties

Whenever the country declines, there will be tyrants and powerful vassals usurping the country, which has become the origin of the notoriety of the king with different surnames

Therefore, as long as it is a king, it is the object of strict defense by successive emperors, almost without exception. It's just that the fortunes of the country will rise and fall, and which dynasty and which generation will inevitably become a broken pocket that leaks everywhere in the end, even if they would rather die than seal the king with a different surname, won't those careerists seek to usurp the throne?

And even if you control the king of the family, can you still control the outside? The two Song Dynasties can be regarded as a model for managing the kings of the clan in the past, but when the Jurchen and Mongol "kings" came in, how could he still manage it?

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