
Reading Tongjian (6) From the details, Sima Guang and Sima Qian's three views are different

author:Kun Yuanju guest

Wei Zhen was the son of Wei Wenhou Weisi, and some books called him Wei Zi struck. Marquis Wenhou of Wei defeated Zhongshan and gave it to his son Wei Zhen. Once, when Wei Qi was out, he met Tian Zifang, whom Wei Wenhou regarded as a teacher, on the road, and got out of the car to bow down to salute. Tian Zifang did not reciprocate. Wei Qi was furious and said to Tian Zifang, "Are rich and noble people entitled to be proud of people, or are poor people qualified to be proud of people?" (Proud of the rich?) Proud of the poor? Tian Zifang said: "Of course, poor and lowly people are entitled to be proud of people, how dare rich and noble people be proud of people?" If the monarch is proud of people, he will perish, and if the doctor is proud of people, he will die. The monarch of the fallen country has never heard of anyone still respecting him as a monarch; the doctor of the deceased family has never heard of anyone treating him as a doctor again. As a poor man, if the advice he offers is not adopted, and what he does is not in line with the will of the monarch, he can wear shoes and leave at any time. Wei Qi then thanked Tian Zifang.

This account of the Zizhi Tongjian is also recorded in the "History of the Wei Shijia", and the text is as follows: Zi struck Tian Zifang, the master of Marquis Wen, in the chaoge, led the car to avoid, and gave the next gurudwara. Tian Zifang is not polite. Zi Zhenyin asked, "How proud are the rich and noble?" And the poor are arrogant? Zi Fang said: "The poor and the lowly are proud of their ears." The husband and the proud lose their country, and the doctor and the proud lose their home. The poor and the lowly, if they do not conform to each other and do not use their words, they will go to Chu and Yue, and if they are freed, they will be the same! "The sub-strike does not shy away.

Reading Tongjian (6) From the details, Sima Guang and Sima Qian's three views are different

(Image from the Internet)

In the "Zizhi Tongjian", Wei Zhen's personality is a bit contradictory, as soon as he meets him, he bows down and salutes, he is a very humble gentleman, and when he sees that people ignore him, he immediately becomes angry. This emotional change is too contrasting, and it seems that the front and back are not one person. The "Records of History" writes about Wei's behavior relatively peacefully, first getting off the car to pay respects, seeing that people ignore him, they "because of the question", that is, asking "why do you ignore me", although the question is not polite enough, it is not too unreasonable.

Most of the contents of the two chronicles are basically the same, but there are great differences at the end, the Zizhi Tongjian says: "Zi Struck Is Xie Zhi", which means that Zi Hit received lessons from Tian Zi Fang's words, so he expressed his gratitude; the "History" said: "Zi Hit does not go away" (怿, yì, happy meaning), obviously very dissatisfied with Tian Zi Fang's statement, and left unhappily.

The words on the book reflect the author's thoughts, and the words written differently are different, Sima Guang stands on the position of the rich and noble, and it is right that the poor and lowly can be proud, and Wei Zhen should be thanked for being educated. Based on his own experience of being impoverished and being ravaged, Sima Qian believed that the poor and untouchables had no proud capital at all, and it was completely wrong to say that the poor and untouchables could be proud, so Wei Zhen would leave unhappily.

Reading Tongjian (6) From the details, Sima Guang and Sima Qian's three views are different

Sima Qian (Image from the Internet)

Looking deeply, the two historians will have such a big difference, which should be caused by the different experiences and encounters of the two people, and the root is that the three views of the two are different.

Sima Guang was deeply trusted by the emperor and received great support, and his situation was very smooth. He wrote the Zizhi Tongjian by the holy will, and the emperor appointed him to choose an assistant, give him information, give him pen, ink, paper, and give him money. As for himself, he took the Fenglu of the Sanpinguan and did not ask about political affairs, but only focused on doing what he liked--writing books. Judging from personal income and the status he has, he should be regarded as a rich man. Therefore, he speaks from the position of the rich and noble, and only then will he recognize that "the poor and the lowly are proud of their ears, and the rich and noble dare to be proud?" ”

Sima Qian's situation was extremely unsatisfactory. He did not get the support of the money and property above when he wrote the book, not to mention, he also suffered a palace sentence because he could not get the ransom, and was imprisoned in prison for three years, "fighting hands and siblings, being subjected to wooden ropes, violent skin, being listed, and hiding in the round wall, and at this time, when he saw the prison guard, he grabbed the ground, and the disciple was distraught." His experience was extremely tragic, not only extremely poor, but also extremely lowly, and said to him, "The poor and the lowly can be proud", and he can recognize that there is a ghost.

This is the case in the world, and what kind of people say what they say, what kind of political and economic basis, what kind of value judgments there are. Rich and noble people always think that the poor and untouchables are less concerned and very dashing, but in fact, they do not understand the hardships of the lives of the poor and untouchables; while the poor and untouchables think that the rich and noble people do not worry about life, they are very free, and they cannot experience the distress and helplessness of the rich and nobles from the heart. In the eyes of different people, the world is not the same, "empathy" is a word, it is really difficult to do it.

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