
acne, can make the macho man frequently cry, what is the disease of abscess?

author:DrX said

Usually we are always worried about eating acne, hot weather acne on the body, many people even find that their anus also began to grow a lump acne very similar to acne, it hurts when you touch it, and sometimes even have a fever...

Be careful, this is not a pimple on the anus, it is likely that there is a perianal abscess.

acne, can make the macho man frequently cry, what is the disease of abscess?

1. What is a perianal abscess?

A perianal abscess refers to an acute or chronic purulent infection that occurs in the space around the anus and rectum. Simply put, the infection around your anus is suppurative, which is a bacterial infection.

Many people may not have much understanding of it, at first even think that their own buttocks have also grown a pimple-like lump, once the early stage is not paid attention to its development, the abscess will spread, and even to the inside of the anus, once to the same direction as the intestine, then it will lead to fistula.

At this time, the feces that should have followed the intestines will spray out along the abscess and flow out, and the healing process will become extremely long and painful.

2. Why do perianal abscesses frequently make "macho men cry"?

Speaking of perianal abscess, this is also a very serious disease of "sexism", which prefers those young male groups, and even the ratio of males and females with diseases can reach 9:1. So why do perianal abscesses always like to find macho men?

First of all, men's glands will be more developed than women, secreting more glands than women, and our human gland development is actually regulated by sex hormones, once the secretion of sex hormones is too strong it is easy to infect the situation, and the influence of male hormones in sex hormones is the greatest.

Coupled with the destruction of smoking, alcoholism, high oil and spicy diet, it has become a disease that favors men.

acne, can make the macho man frequently cry, what is the disease of abscess?

3. Identification of perianal abscess

Many people initially confuse perianal abscesses with red, swollen pimples, so how do you tell it apart? Mainly look at the following four aspects:

Redness: Generally at the edge of the entrance and around the skin is red or slightly red, and the radiation range exceeds the range of pimples we usually see.

There are lumps: Compared to normal acne, an abscesses are more like a large lump under the skin, and they will slide on the touch, which is called a feeling of fluctuation, and even the edge of the lump can be felt.

Fever: Due to the cause of infection and suppuration, the skin temperature around the abscess will be high, and our buttocks are actually normally cool, but this lump will have a feeling of fever, and some people will even have symptoms of low-grade fever.

Pain: This is a more obvious symptom, and many people see a doctor because of pain. Some people have severe pain, walking, sitting are uncomfortable, and even the pain is so painful that they can't sleep at night, and they will be accompanied by distension, difficulty in defecation, and poor urination.

acne, can make the macho man frequently cry, what is the disease of abscess?

4. abscess, do not take it lightly

As we said above, perianal abscesses do not heal on their own, and the chance of forming an fistula after developing a perianal abscess is as high as 99%. Once the abscess and fistula touch together, there will be repeated infections, abscesses and multiple ulcers, which may endanger the surrounding organs in the long run, and the old fistula that has not been treated or mistreated for many years may become cancerous.

For abscesses, once something wrong is found, you must seek medical attention in time, if the early inflammatory mass has not yet become purulent, you can treat the infection; if it has become purulent, you need to treat it as soon as possible.

For the prevention of abscesses, the best way is to start from the habits of life: avoid eating spicy and irritating foods, prevent constipation and diarrhea, and actively prevent and treat diseases.