
Count the characteristics of well-known coffees from all over the world

author:Shanghai Ruirong E-commerce

Coffee, as a drink that many people love to drink, is now very popular, and there are more and more coffee shops on the side of the road. However, because it is a popular drink, many people still know little about the characteristics of coffee. At the invitation of the majority of friends, today Xiaobian will share with you the characteristics of famous coffees around the world.

1. Blue Mountain coffee, this coffee is produced in Jamaica Blue Mountain above 2500 feet above sea level coffee beans, is a slightly acidic, supple, sweet, delicate flavor of coffee, pure Blue Mountain coffee taste, lighter aroma, but drink very mellow and exquisite, with aristocratic taste. It can be said that it is the best in coffee.

2. Mocha coffee, mocha coffee produced in Yemen, followed by Mocha in Isopia, Mocha coffee is a little sour, ganetic, unique flavor, containing chocolate flavor, with the temperament of a noble woman, is a very characteristic pure coffee.

3. Colombian coffee, this coffee is produced in Colombia, to SUPREMEMO is the most distinctive, its coffee is soft and mellow; with slight acid to medium acid, its quality and aroma are stable, it is a moderate coffee, which is used to mix comprehensive coffee.

4. Mantening coffee, this coffee is produced in Indonesia, Sumatra's Mantening coffee is the most representative. Fragrant, strong and bitter, the flavor is quite strong, but soft and not sour, and it is the best quality coffee produced in Indonesia.

5. Charcoal-fired coffee, is a kind of heavily roasted coffee, taste charred, bitter without acid, coffee beans have the phenomenon of oil, very suitable for steam pressurized coffee.

6. Brazilian coffee, Brazilian coffee has a mild aroma, slightly acidic, slightly bitter, is a representative of neutral coffee, and is an indispensable variety of mild coffee.

7. Kenya coffee, is a representative coffee cultivated in the highlands of Africa, its coffee beans are thick and round, the taste is strong, and it is usually light roasted.

8. Hawaiian coffee, is the only coffee variety produced in the United States, the taste is strong, the taste is strong, with strong acid, the flavor is special. The quality is relatively stable.

9. Viennese coffee, the most famous coffee in Austria, has captivated people all over the world with its sweet flavor of strong whipped cream and chocolate.

10. White coffee, is a kind of coffee produced in Malaysia, now the coffee on the market belongs to black coffee, white coffee is coffee beans without caramel direct low temperature roasting, removing the general high temperature hot frying and charcoal roasting of the scorched, sour and astringent, retaining the natural flavor of the original coffee and rich aroma, fragrant and smooth.

There is also a kind of Stel Arabica coffee that many friends in our first-tier cities in China like to apply, which is made of Arabica coffee beans produced in Brazil, which is made by freeze-drying the flavor and then roasted. There are also a variety of flavors that are now more popular, such as hazelnut vanilla.

In short, no matter what kind of coffee it is, no matter what the taste, the key is to look at our personal preferences.

Count the characteristics of well-known coffees from all over the world
Count the characteristics of well-known coffees from all over the world