
Shangqiu will build a wildlife park ocean park here

author:Shangqiu city construction
Shangqiu will build a wildlife park ocean park here

On September 7, our county held a matchmaking meeting for the Wildlife Park Ocean Park project. County leaders Ma Tonghe, Cai Yong, Zhang Yaguang, Meng Jintao, Wu Jinghua, and Zhang Hongbo attended the meeting; Lu Jiajing, general manager of Shanghai Shengjia Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., Li Dongchun, deputy general manager, and responsible persons of the county's Housing and Construction Bureau, Natural Resources Bureau, City Administration Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Culture, Radio, Television, and Tourism Bureau, Forestry Development Service Center, and state-owned Henan Ningling Forest Farm attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Lu Jiajing, general manager of Shanghai Shengjia Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., elaborated on the planning and design plan of the wildlife park marine park project in our county. County leaders Cai Yong, Zhang Yaguang, Meng Jintao, Wu Jinghua and Zhang Hongbo put forward constructive opinions and suggestions on the construction of the project.

Ma Tonghe, secretary of the county party committee, fully affirmed the maturity and feasibility of the concept plan of the wildlife park marine park project. He pointed out that Ningling, as the hometown of Getian culture, the construction of the Wanli Pear Garden Scenic Area, the start of the construction of the Getian Cultural City and the planning and implementation of the Wildlife Park Marine Park project have further enriched the tourism resources of Ningling, which is in line with the future development trend, and is of great significance to stimulating residents' consumption demand and stimulating the economic growth of the county. Ma Tonghe requested that the project party Shanghai Shengjia Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd. should attach great importance to it, pay close attention to the refinement of the preliminary design plan, do more field investigation, carefully study and demonstrate, integrate the cultural elements of Ningling characteristics, adhere to the planning concept of "ecological priority", and effectively transform the concept design into project landing. All relevant departments should take the initiative, strengthen coordination and docking, do a good job in the preliminary work of project establishment, land use guarantee, planning approval, etc., to ensure that the project is implemented as soon as possible and completed and operated as soon as possible.

It is understood that the Wildlife Park Ocean Park project is planned to be built in Our County Getian Park, covering an area of 1,800 acres, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, is a comprehensive cultural tourism project integrating animal viewing, cultural performances, acrobatic performances, nature conservation, science education, leisure vacations, hot spring hotels and other amusement and entertainment, which will introduce more than 200 kinds of rare birds and animals, more than 10,000 animals, and affect the radiation to drive the tourism resources of nearly 20 million people within 150 kilometers around Shangqiu, with an annual number of tourists reaching 1 million.

Source: Lixiang Ningling


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