
Village cadres "big change of blood", 3 categories of people or a comprehensive inventory, do you have it in your village?

author:Village Aunt Xiao Jiayi
As the most powerful figure in the village, the village cadre will always give people a sense of superiority, mainly because of the power in his hands. What happens to these village cadres if the power in their hands disappears?

Halfway through 2023, the big and small affairs in the village have come to an end, but with the continuous advancement of rural work such as rural revitalization, village cadres will inevitably bear more responsibilities and obligations, and it is also a time to test grassroots governance and the ability of village-level cadres, so how many village cadres can be qualified for the current job?

Village cadres "big change of blood", 3 categories of people or a comprehensive inventory, do you have it in your village?

We know that wanting to truly benefit the people is a great thing of great merit, and many village cadres also have this awareness, but there are also some people who do not agree, or change their original intentions, betraying the trust and hope of the villagers, and these people will eventually show their horses and be abandoned by the villagers.

At present, it is a critical period for rural revitalization, as the final implementer of the policy, the importance of village cadres has been invisibly highlighted, so the advantages and disadvantages of village cadres have also been infinitely magnified, whether good policies can be implemented, whether farmers can be rich, whether the countryside can be revitalized, these have the responsibility of village cadres, which is a question of whether village cadres can be competent.

Therefore, for the sake of rural revitalization, but also for rural development, it is necessary to rectify rural leaders, and to carry out a "big blood change" of unqualified village cadres.

Village cadres "big change of blood", 3 categories of people or a comprehensive inventory, do you have it in your village?

First, it harms the cadres of the public and private villages

In the group of village cadres, most of them are safe and self-conscious, which can be seen from the voting of the villagers, after all, there are not many people who can endure low wages, high-intensity workloads, and actively participate in public services, and many village cadres are such people, many of them are enthusiastic in the village, and want to contribute to the development of the village.

However, there are also many people whose original intention is to rely on the position of village cadres to obtain personal and family interests, and there are many clan forces among village cadres, and the benefits must be taken first by the same clan and ethnic group, whether it is village project contracting or poor households and other national policies have been given to some people close to village cadres.

Some village cadres take the resources in the village as their own and do a lot of things that harm the public and seek personal gain, which is also the reason why many people want to become village cadres even if they do not want wages, and the corruption and bribery of such village cadres are exposed everywhere, destroying the image of village cadres and affecting public credibility.

Village cadres "big change of blood", 3 categories of people or a comprehensive inventory, do you have it in your village?

Second, Hu acts and blindly directs

We always say that we should be good teachers, but in fact, many village cadres are also like this, and they always think that they are right; when formulating policies in the village, they always act arbitrarily and blindly command, messing up the life and production of the villagers, making the peasants afraid and impoverished, changing orders and acting arbitrarily, and sometimes they do not hesitate to toss the peasants for personal interests.

For example, on the issue of rural land circulation, it is mobilized to persuade villagers to sell the land, but when the capital runs away and the villagers cannot get the rent, it is a push of two, five or six. Or slap the head on the project, such as building a greenhouse base, engaging in large-scale planting, and finally the farmer's cultivation cannot be sold, etc., so that the village cadres who toss blindly over and over again are naturally slowly unpopular, and naturally they will be cleaned up.

Third, village cadres with insufficient ability

Rural development, the prosperity of villagers, and rural revitalization can be said to require the contribution of village cadres, and even more so the ability of village cadres. They must have a high degree of education, insight, and ideology, and they are a group of village cadres who dare to think and dare to do things, and who can think and be capable. However, at present, there are still a large number of village cadres in the countryside who are very lacking in their ability, and these village cadres only care about their own acres and threes of land, and it is difficult to bring about changes in the development of villages.

Village cadres "big change of blood", 3 categories of people or a comprehensive inventory, do you have it in your village?

Therefore, in the central documents, village cadres who do not act and act indiscriminately are regarded as the key targets for rectification, strengthen the management of village cadres, improve the ability of village cadres, and improve the treatment of village cadres to attract capable people to join rural development, while village cadres who cannot keep up with the times and lack ability will naturally be slowly eliminated.

With the "big change of blood" of village cadres, rural development will inject fresh blood and increase more vitality, only then will it comply with the major policies of the state and let rural revitalization be thoroughly implemented and smoothly promoted. This is a great benefit to our villagers, the village collective, and even our entire country.

So, are the village cadres in your village going to clean up?