
Do you know? There is an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, named after the Chinese Taoist Zhuangzi. This lab is Midjourney, it

author:Woodcutters pipe wood water

Do you know? There is an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, named after the Chinese Taoist Zhuangzi.

The lab, Midjourney, has developed an artificial intelligence program that generates images from text, allowing users to create stunning images out of words.

David Holz, the founder of Midjourney, said his company's name comes from a quote from Zhuangzi: "My life has an end, and there is no end to knowledge." With the end of the end, the end is over! Those who know are gone! There is no near name for good, and no near punishment for evil. The governor thinks that he can save his life, he can live his whole life, he can raise his relatives, and he can do his best. ”

This sentence made him realize that human knowledge is infinite and human life is finite. He hopes that through their research and products, they can help human beings explore new thinking media, expand human imagination, and enable human beings to better use their limited lives to pursue unlimited knowledge.

Such an artificial intelligence laboratory influenced by Chinese Taoist culture has to make people sigh at the breadth and influence of Chinese culture. It is amazing that Zhuangzi, an ancient philosophical classic, can inspire such cutting-edge and innovative technological products! #Anxiety in the digital age# #Algorithmic imagination# #谈AI生成技术#

Do you know? There is an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, named after the Chinese Taoist Zhuangzi. This lab is Midjourney, it
Do you know? There is an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, named after the Chinese Taoist Zhuangzi. This lab is Midjourney, it
Do you know? There is an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, named after the Chinese Taoist Zhuangzi. This lab is Midjourney, it

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