
Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

author:Yin again
Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

The TV series "Zeng Junior" Qin Chuan's secret love for Xie Qiao is obvious, but some people's secret love is really hidden, such as Wang Ying, she actually likes her good friend Yang Cheng.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

Wang Ying was born in a wealthy family, and her family was solid, and she was a good match with Yang Cheng. She and Yang Cheng are young, they have grown up together since childhood, and it is inevitable that they will have feelings in getting along. But she also knew very well what kind of person Yang Cheng was, she was a proud princess, and she would not show her intentions.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

Wang Ying is a very intelligent person, she sees many things very thoroughly. Maybe when everyone knows that she likes Yang Cheng, they will feel that she had ulterior motives in admonishing her roommate to stay away from Yang Cheng in the past. But otherwise, she really didn't want to see her roommates get hurt. She knew very well that even if she didn't have a roommate, there was never a shortage of women around Yang Cheng.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing
Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

When Wang Ying knew that Xie Qiao and Yang Cheng were together, it was more not sadness, but worry about Xie Qiao, and she was worried that Xie Qiao would be hurt. She also warned Yang Cheng many times to be nice to Xie Qiao, who was a good girl with a simple mind.

Perhaps it is Wang Ying and Yang Cheng's friends for many years, she understands that she has no way to change Yang Cheng's flower heart, so compared to girlfriends, friends are the best outcome between them. Wang Ying could only bury her preference for Yang Cheng deep in her heart.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

When Wang Ying saw Qin Chuan's intentions for Xie Qiao, she knew that Qin Chuan liked Xie Qiao, and spread pancakes in the school cafeteria in order to be closer to Xie Qiao, knowing that Xie Qiao had a boyfriend, obviously Qin Chuan cared about it but could only be a good friend.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

Qin Chuan wanted to confess several times but couldn't say it, and when he found an opportunity to get rid of Chen Baojia and returned from abroad, the girl he had been secretly in love with for many years had become someone else's girlfriend. Although he was very sad, as a good friend he chose to bless, as long as Xie Qiao had a good life, it didn't matter if the other party was not himself.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

Wang Ying felt that Qin Chuan was a poor person who liked his good friend like her, so when Qin Chuan encountered difficulties, he couldn't help but want to help him. The window of the cafeteria was a trivial matter for Wang Ying, and she wanted to pull Qin Chuan.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing
Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

When Qin Chuan was entangled by Chen Baojia, Wang Ying helped him solve the siege, saying that she was his girlfriend. She and Qin Chuan made it clear that she didn't like him, knowing that he liked Xie Qiao just to help him as a shield, because she deeply felt the sadness that love couldn't be done, and she wanted to help Qin Chuan, maybe it was also a comfort to herself, right?

Although Xie Qiao and Yang Cheng are together, they are never the same people, and sooner or later they will have to separate.

Yangba's new drama "Zeng Youth" Wang Ying secretly loves Yang Cheng, and Qin Chuan has the same illness, which is too distressing

Maybe Qin Chuan can wait for Xie Qiao! However, Wang Ying may not be able to wait for Yang Cheng, after all, it is more complicated for them to involve families.


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