
A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

author:Quit coffee

As a city with a long history, Handan is a national historical and cultural city and the capital of ancient Chinese idioms. As the saying goes, "The people take food as the sky". Handan, a famous city with a long history and culture, is naturally indispensable to local specialties and traditional cuisine, look at these delicacies, how many of them have you not encountered?

Old locust tree baked cake, made of fine powder, small ground sesame oil, pepper salt, peeled sesame seeds as raw materials, baked in a small oven, evenly heated. Close to before baking. Then use a thin blade to pull a circle around the cake lid, so that when it is ripe, the cake lid breaks apart, the color is brown, crisp and delicious.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

The art of making Wu'an ramen is rumored to have begun in the late Qing Dynasty and early Min. At that time, it was created by the two brothers, and after that, one person stayed in the local business and one person went to Shanxi to open a store. There are three kinds of Wu'an ramen noodles: hook noodles, pull noodles, and hollow noodles. The hook surface is round, the drag surface is flattened, and the hollow surface is outer and inner.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Handan's specialty horse head crispy fish is carefully cooked by small crucian carp in the Fuyang River, and the horse head crisp fish is not scattered in shape, and the fish meat is tender and white, and the taste is delicious. Horsehead crispy fish is especially suitable for the elderly and young children to eat, and has been rated as one of the top ten snacks in Handan City, and is a well-known local famous food in the Central Plains. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, it was listed as a tribute.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Yongnian donkey meat sausage originated in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and its production process is orderly. Linhuanguan has been an important town in Yongnian since ancient times, and the traffic is very developed, as long as the official travel merchant Jia comes to this place, he always has to taste this famous Yongnian specialty - donkey meat sausage. Its taste is oily but not fat, fragrant but not greasy, after tasting, it is not praised, there is a saying that "I would rather give up the child's mother, not give up donkey sausage".

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Handan powder skin is produced in Yongnian and Jize counties, which is processed with local specialty mung beans as raw materials, translucent disc-shaped, diameter 40 cm, which is as thin as paper, white and bright, smooth texture, tough and chewy, fragrant and sharp, pure taste. It can be eaten hot, cold mixed or made into soup, and it is the best summer wine.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Guangping Northwest Causeway Fan Family Dumplings, with a long history, unique flavor, reasonable nutrition and fine production, are well-known in urban and rural areas. Since the first generation of Fan Zongli in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, it has been passed down to five generations for more than 130 years. While summarizing the production experience of the ancestors, Fan Gaixiang, a five-generation ancestor, boldly improved on the basis of following the traditional pasta production, integrating taste, color and taste nutrition, and was favored by the majority of customers.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Qiuxian crispy meat is a kind of Hui special snack, introduced to Qiu County during the Qing Dynasty, its method is very exquisite, first cut the selected fine meat into pieces, mix with eggs, starch, cooking wine marinate for 20 minutes, after the oil is overheated, steamed slowly, steamed thoroughly. At the same time, the meat and condiments are combined according to the process. When a bowl of crispy meat comes out of the pot, the color is bright, crisp but not rotten, fat but not greasy, and the aroma overflows. It is not only delicious and fresh, but also nutritious.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Elbow is a unique Han famous food in Guangping County, Handan, with a long history, it is very different from the production process and flavor of foreign elbows, cut to the grand plate, such as flower pattern, exquisite selection of materials, meat is thin and tender, rich in nutrition, color, taste, type are unique.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

The people of Handan should not know the wei county cauldron dish, right? In many places in the north of our country, there is a custom of marrying and mourning and boiling cauldrons. As the name suggests, cauldron dishes are dishes made in a cauldron, with a variety of ingredients, a rich soup, and delicious taste. To say that the Hebei cauldron dish is still Wei County.

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

Originating in Handan, Hebei Province, Doumu is a specialty snack widely spread in and around Handan, and its origin is rumored to be related to Boyi and Shuqi in the Shang Dynasty. The "Chronicle of Bo Yi Lie" records: "The King of Wu has quelled the chaos in Yin, and the emperor of the world is Zhou, while Boyi and Shu qi are ashamed, and they do not eat Zhou Su, and hide in the Shouyang Mountain, and eat it." After Bo Yi and Shu Qi starved to death in Shouyang Mountain, the Yindu people felt their integrity and paid tribute to each other, they put millet into a stone mortar to scoop into powder, made into a soup, put in green vegetables and mashed soybean foam, called "bean foam".

A famous historical and cultural city, Handan's special flavor food snacks

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