
Chinese medicinal white duck meat


<h2 id="hi-6280" > white duck meat</h2>

Pinyin Bái Yā Ròu

Alias Crane Meat (Senjin Shiji).

Source 《別錄》

The source is the meat of the domestic duck of the duck family.

The original form of the domestic duck (Tao Hongjing), also known as: 鹜 ("Zhou Li"), Shu Kai ("Erya"), Jia Kai ("Outline").

poultry. The mouth is long and flattened. Neck length. Flattened body. The wings are small and the wings are large. The ventral surface is like the bottom of a boat. The tail is short, and the male duck has 4 curly feathers at the tail. The feathers are very dense, and the colors are all white, chestnut shell, black brown and so on. The neck of the male duck is mostly black with a golden green luster. There are fat-secreting tail fat glands at the tail end, and they are often applied to the feathers with lipids from the mouth, so they do not get wet. Short feet, webbed on the front 3 toes and slightly smaller on the back 1 toe. Ducks are gregarious and timid. The female ducks are good at barking, and the male ducks are hoarse. No flying power, good at swimming. Staple foods include cereals, vegetables, fish, insects, etc.

The Habitat Segment is reared in most parts of the country.

Chemical ingredients Meat contains 75 g of water per lOO g, protein 16.5 g, fat 7.5 g, carbohydrate 0.1 g, ash 0.9 g; calcium 11 mg, phosphorus 1.45 mg, iron 4.1 mg, thiamine 0.07 mg, riboflavin 0.15 mg, niacin 4.7 mg.

The sexual taste is sweet and salty, flat.

(1) Meng Jie: "Cold. "

(2) "Daily Materia Medica": "Sweet, slightly cool, non-toxic." "

(3) "Materia Medica": "Sweet and salty, flat,"

Guijing (1) "Lei Gong Cannon Pharmaceutical Sexual Solution": "Into the lungs and kidneys. "

(2) "Seeking Truth in Materia Medica": "Into the spleen and stomach, and into the lungs and kidneys." "

Functional indications nourish the yin and nourish the stomach, and reduce swelling. Cure tuberculosis hot bone steaming, cough, edema.

(1) "Beilu": "Supplement the void and remove heat, and The Tibetan House, the Lishui Road." The Lord child was eclampsia. "

(2) Meng Xue: "Tonic, qi, consumption." "Disinfect the heat, sharp the waterway, cure children's fever and seizures, head sores." And drink it with the green onion sauce, and go to the heat. "

(3) "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "Detoxification, stop thorns." "

(4) "Yunnan Materia Medica": "The old duck cooks with the pig's trotters, replenishes the qi and fattens the body; cooks with the chicken, and cures blood dizziness and headache." "

(5) "Materia Medica Tongxuan": "The Lord is vain and bone steamed." "

(6) "Materia Medica": "Nourish the yin and remove steaming, dissolve phlegm, and stop coughing." "

(7) "Dietary Recipes for Living with Breath": "Nourish the yin of the five internal organs, clear the heat of vain labor, replenish blood and water, nourish the stomach and vitality, stop coughing and breathing, and eliminate snail accumulation." "

Dosage for internal use: Cook.

Note (1) "Daily Materia Medica": "Bloody people are not edible under the intestinal wind." "

(2) "Diet Recipe for Living with The Breath": "Eat more and stagnate, slip the intestines, where the yang is weak and weak, the external sensation is not clear, the bloating beriberi, diarrhea, intestinal wind are taboo." "

Compound (1) cure all long-term timidity, extreme weakness, cough, spitting, hemoptysis, fever: a black-billed white duck, two liters of Jujube, one liter of ginseng flat stomach, and one bottle of Aged boiled wine. Tie the duck to the feet, measure how much the person drinks, heat the duck with the amount of wine, cut the duck, drop blood into the wine, stir it well, go straight into the lungs, and replenish its lungs. But the dried duck is hairless, a hole is opened in the flank, the intestines are removed, the dried is wiped dry, the dates are pitted, each Of the Chinese Ginseng Issei flat stomach powder, filled in the duck belly, with Ma Za Ding, a sand bottle, placed in the duck, simmered slowly around the surrounding area, the aged wine is boiled, added three times, boiled dry for a degree, and then eaten, the dates are dried, and the ginseng soup is used at will. (Book of the Ten Medicines, White Wind Cream)

(2) Cure the disease of ascites: the blue-headed male duck takes five liters of water, boils one liter, drinks it all, covers it thickly, and takes sweat. ("Behind the Elbow")

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicinal white duck meat
Chinese medicinal white duck meat
Chinese medicinal white duck meat

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