
Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed
Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed


Editor|Jiangshan Commentary

In the entertainment industry, the person who can make all stars feel scared is none other than Zhuo Wei.

Every time he has a little wind, he can always make those stars with a weak heart fear three points.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Although Zhuo Wei has now semi-retired, his legend still remains in this huge entertainment industry.

After many years, let's review Zhuo Wei's real hammer melon that made countless stars discredited in those years.

Feng Xiaogang and Shen Xing

The revelation of this news can be said to make Zhuo Wei famous among paparazzi, which is more powerful than Liu Xiaoqing's melon that broke the news before.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

When the news of Liu Xiaoqing was first broken, it can be said that Zhuo Wei went further and further in gossip, and after tasting a little sweetness, he felt that gossip in the entertainment industry was more profitable.

No, in a blink of an eye, he set his eyes on the famous director Feng Xiaogang.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After more than a dozen days and nights of waiting by Zhuo Wei, he finally caught Feng Xiaogang's handle.

At that time, Feng Xiaogang returned to the anchor's apartment with a host late at night, and the two lingered for a night, and did not reappear in Zhuo Wei's field of vision until the next day.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

This lonely man and widow are in the same room, it can't be discussing the script.

What's more, the woman's profession is a host, and what script can be discussed between the director and the host.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

The relationship between those two people is self-evident.

Subsequently, Zhuo Wei uploaded the pictures he took to his social platform one by one.

Sure enough, as expected, the news quickly topped the various lists.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

This gossip also made Zhuo Wei famous in one fell swoop, and since then, he has embarked on the road of no return to gossip.

After this incident was exposed, Feng Xiaogang's career was not affected too much, and it seemed that everyone was used to this kind of thing about Feng Xiaogang.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

But the heroine of the incident is not so good.

She herself is also a person with some "ability", and was later exposed to intervene in the family of singer Chen Hong who sang "Always Go Home to See".

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

She took Chen Hong's husband's money to raise a male junior 3, but was caught by Chen Hong's husband at the scene, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

This also made her discredited in the big dye vat in the entertainment industry, and later, no TV station was willing to ask her.

Dong Jie, Pan Yueming, Wang Dazhi

To this day, there are still many people who do not understand why Dong Jie at that time chose to ignore Pan Yueming and instead fell into the arms of Wang Dazhi.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Whether it is appearance or talent, Pan Yueming seems to be slightly better.

At that time, Pan Yueming and Dong Jie were together, and the two could be described as talented women, and Dong Jie at that time was also a mess because of the TV series "Gold Fan Family".

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Facing a double harvest of love and career, Dong Jie did not cherish the happy time in front of him, and directly ruined his future with his own hands.

In 12 years, Dong Jie personally broke the news that Pan Yueming not only became addicted to gambling every day, but also beat himself up.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

At that time, everyone still had the filter of Dong Jie as a character in "Gold Fan Family", and women themselves were in a vulnerable group, which made everyone more critical of Pan Yueming.

By the time Pan Yueming just reacted and wanted to clarify for himself, the title of "scumbag" had already sat on his head.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

If he only brought Pan Yueming, Dong Jie's team also brought Zhuo Wei, saying that Pan Yueming partnered with him to engage in himself.

Isn't this a hornet's nest and getting yourself into trouble?

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Zhuo Wei had already taken photos of Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi before, but the photos were a little too blurry, so they were never released.

This time is good, eating melons and eating his head, Zhuo Wei is annoyed, and he is determined to find out the matter of the two people.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After nearly a month or so, Zhuo Wei observed Dong Jie step by step, and finally, the emperor paid off, and Zhuo Wei waited.

On the same day, Zhuo Wei was near the hotel and happened to see a photo of Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi kissing passionately.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

The next day, Zhuo Wei immediately exposed these photos.

Dong Jie's image of a pure jade woman in everyone's hearts also completely collapsed.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

The most surprising thing is that Wang Dazhi still had a wife and daughter at that time, and after his wife saw the revelation, she also chose to divorce him without hesitation.

At this time, Pan Yueming, who had been abused by everyone, also took Dong Jie to court.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After that, Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi had no family scruples and were more unscrupulous together.

But the good times did not last long, and the relationship lasted for two years before ending.

Wang Ou Liu Kaiwei

On a very ordinary day in 2016, Yang Mi attended the event normally, but the moment she left the airport, many reporters surrounded her, asking her what she thought of Liu Kaiwei's appearance.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

At this time, Yang Mi was still confused, after all, he had just got off the plane and didn't know anything.

Looking at so many reporters and cameras in front of me also made this ordinary day extraordinary.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Looking back at what happened during Yang Mi's time on the plane?

It turned out that Zhuo Wei broke a very explosive video when Yang Mi was still on the plane, which involved Yang Mi's husband Liu Kaiwei.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

This was also the sensational "luminous door" incident at that time.

The video shows Liu Kaiwei and Wang Ou entering a hotel room for more than three hours.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

And before the three people had time for public relations, Zhuo Wei broke the news of a video, which seemed to make Liu Kaiwei unable to turn over.

This video even hammered the J love between Liu Kaiwei and Wang Ou.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

In the second video, Liu Kaiwei and Wang Ou actually stayed in the room for more than four hours, and the time of this video was also filmed on the third day after the first video.

At that time, Wang Ou was still wearing a pair of white pants when he entered, but when the door opened again, Wang Ou was only wearing a pair of black shorts.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

When the two videos were exposed one after another, Liu Kaiwei's side also rushed public relations, saying that he was just discussing the script with Wang Ou in the room.

Wang Ou also stood up and jokingly posted.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Yang Mi, the biggest victim of this matter, believes Liu Kaiwei.

But the audience's eyes are snowy, and after this incident, Wang Ou was also labeled as a small 3, and no crew was willing to use her.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After Liu Kaiwei, his reputation also plummeted, and two years later, Yang Mi chose to divorce Liu Kaiwei.

Article Yao Di

Unexpectedly, the article and Yao Di were also broken by Zhuo Wei.

In 2014, Zhuo Wei was already a very experienced gossip reporter at this time, and when he took intimate photos of the two people, he did not choose to make it public directly as before.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Instead, he chose to send a preview first, but this trailer also indicates the point, which is why there have been so many big melon previews over the years, which is a precedent set by Zhuo Wei.

When everyone did not wait for Zhuo Wei's revelation, the article had already chosen to apologize publicly, after all, after Zhuo Wei had the previous few revelations, the trust in everyone's hearts was very high.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

The article published a small essay of several hundred words, showing everyone that he had deeply recognized the mistake and would sincerely regret it later.

After that, Yao Di's career plummeted with "Little 3".

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

And the article, as a good man who used to be the top in the circle and was highly praised, but because of the G-door incident, the popularity of passers-by has dropped significantly, and now it is almost impossible to find a role to play.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After the incident, the article's wife Ma Yili did not choose to divorce the article at that time, but chose to divorce five years later, after she became popular again with a TV series.

At this time, Ma Yili was a big heroine touted by everyone, and the article became a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted at.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

The divorce at this time seemed to have dealt a fatal blow to the article, and when everyone was still fighting for Ma Yili, Ma Yili thought about how to go next.

Bai Lily and Chen Yufan

When Zhuo Wei had not yet revealed the news, the two were still a model couple that everyone envied in their hearts.

One second, the two were still discussing whether to have a second child on "Running Man", and the next second, Zhuo Wei posted a video of Bai Lily and Thai male models playing by the pool.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

Zhuo Wei originally thought that this time would be a big melon that sensationalized the entire entertainment industry, after all, these two people had a very high status in the entertainment industry at that time, but Zhuo Wei miscalculated.

He never expected that the two had divorced peacefully two years ago, and for the growth of their children, they did not make things public.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

But everyone was still surprised by this video, after all, Bai Lily actually did such an unspeakable thing to the male model.

Her reach out was not just touching the wrong place, but completely touching her entire acting career.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

After this incident, Bai Lily also retired to the background, waiting until the limelight passed before coming out for business.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

And Chen Yufan was not so lucky, and after a year, he was exposed to suck D, and he was the real person who married G.

Write at the end

Although the inside story exposed by Zhuo Wei revealed the dishonorable side of the entertainment industry, he also inadvertently violated the privacy of these stars, so for many years, he was deeply involved in lawsuits and disputes, and his life was in trouble.

Several stars who were destroyed by Zhuo Wei on the star path were blamed for their own shouts and beatings, and their pure personalities completely collapsed

However, he offended too many powerful people in the entertainment industry, perhaps out of some hunch, Zhuo Wei chose to withdraw from the entertainment industry in 2017, which also made many regrets.

In fact, Zhuo Wei not only exposes these dishonorable things in the entertainment industry, but also has a lot of positive news.

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringing contact is deleted

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