
Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

author:Juice entertainment

It's been a long time since I've seen a female star in such a relaxed and down-to-earth state!

Recently, some netizens were shopping and eating barbecue on the streets of Chengdu, and accidentally found that the beauty next to them turned out to be the female star Tang Wei!

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

I saw Tang Wei wearing simple black short sleeves, long hair scattered, and a face without powder and pure makeup was very beautiful. She sat at the wooden table full of barbecue and chatted with friends on the side, seeing that what she was holding was just an ordinary canvas bag, which was super relaxed, and netizens said that real people are more beautiful than photos, what a goddess!

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

The proprietress of the barbecue stall said, "I didn't recognize it at first, but when I heard everyone's movements, I realized that it was not the Asian movie goddess Tang Wei sitting outside my shop!"

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

The proprietress said that Tang Wei was very low-key and beautiful, and everyone was very excited after recognizing it.

After that, the shopkeeper's youngest son ran over and accosted him: "My mother said you look like a star."

Tang Wei didn't take the tone, only replied to the child gently: "Your mother may admit that she was wrong", there was no impatience to be disturbed, and she did not send the child away directly, and the response was generous, which made people feel good.

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

These pictures are all taken by netizens, there is no beauty and no filter, but you can still see Tang Wei's smooth facial contours and delicate facial features, no wonder this face can carry the big screen that is magnified and widened in the movie theater.

The comment area also praised her for being beautiful, not pretending to be pretentious, and her temperament makes people like ⬇️ her

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death
Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Gao Zan, which makes people laugh, Tang Wei will deny that he is a star when he is recognized, but Xin Zhilei will definitely admit it hahaha ⬇️

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death
Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Some netizens sighed that they hadn't seen Tang Wei's news for a long time, and they had three "long" in a row, which made people feel embarrassed.

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

It is true that she currently has very few public activities in the country,

Especially the TV series "Daming Fenghua" broadcast a few years ago made her ridiculed for a long time, saying that her acting skills were not as good as the supporting actress Deng Jiajia, saying that her ancient costume was not good-looking, that time made her vitality hurt, and she didn't make a drama in China after that.

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

I don't know what everyone's impression of which drama is? Some netizens said that they liked it very much, and it has always been a dinner drama ⬇️

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Netizens recommended Tang Wei's recent movie "Dreamland", a Korean director and a team of Korean first- and second-tier actors,

There are popular actors such as Kong Liu and Pei Xiuzhi, and Tang Wei is the heroine ⬇️

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

The director of the movie is Tang Wei's husband, Kim Taeyong, who worked together in "Late Autumn", the movie was only released in early June, the audience evaluation is good, Tang Wei still speaks Chinese ⬇️ in the movie

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death
Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Speaking of Tang Wei's film road, after transferring from Hong Kong to South Korea for development, her movies are very popular in South Korea, and her popularity in South Korea is also ridiculously high.

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

South Korea has 6 film awards with high gold content, three big and three small, Tang Wei has won two film awards and three film small awards Grand Slam,

This achievement is very difficult for local Korean stars to achieve, and at present, only the national actors Son Ye-jin and Jeon Do-yeon over there have won it [laughing and crying]

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Netizens laughed: "Tang Wei is loved miserably by Koreans!" ”

This is not without reason, as long as Tang only appears, the Koreans have been boasting. When receiving the award and interviewing in Chinese, they also had no opinion, and they praised her in Korean to the sky.

No way, she's really beautiful!

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Even Korean celebrities don't like her so much, they must take a group photo ⬇️ when they see her

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Not long ago, she participated in an interview, and the host praised her for her beautiful eyes and always shining, and Tang's only sentence was flirtatious, praising the host for being shy hahaha

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death
Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

After that, this paragraph was praised by Korean netizens, and after reading it, I really sighed that they were so good at boasting!

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Some said that they blushed when they saw her eyes, and some said that Tang Wei was ready to propose after saying this.

It's really funny ⬇️ to be mesmerized by them

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Tang Weizhi is very low-key, but her film results are really good, and a "Determination to Break Up" also represented Korean films to compete at the Cannes Film Festival.

These have also been praised ⬇️ by netizens

Passers-by met Tang Wei on the street, eating barbecue without makeup and denying that he was a star, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Low-key, peaceful, cordial, and inclusive, these qualities are vividly displayed in Tang Wei.

Although I haven't heard much from her, as long as she appears, everyone still doesn't hide their love for her [China Like]

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