
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

author:Tianjin early warning
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Finally! This year's 40-day Futian has finally come to an end, do you think this Futian is hot?

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Weather characteristics after ambush

As soon as the day passes, the hottest day of the year will pass, and next Wednesday will usher in the summer solar term, "place, stop, the heat ends here", and the weather gradually cools. Although the three volts are over, the "autumn tiger" will occasionally be powerful, everyone should be careful! In addition, the temperature difference between morning and evening will become larger and larger, so pay attention not to get cold.

Today is the first day of ambush

The rain will come and report

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Rain information

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

From 7 o'clock to 15 o'clock today, the average rainfall in the rainfall area of the city was 17.9 mm, and the maximum rainfall was 134.1 mm, which appeared in Panzhuang, Ninghe District, and the maximum hourly rainfall was 93.8 mm, which appeared in Panzhuang, Ninghe District. The average rainfall in the rainfall area of the central urban area is 29.6 mm, and the maximum rainfall is 71.1 mm, which occurs in Tuanjie Beili, Hedong District.

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

For now, rains will continue

The blue rainstorm warning is still in effect

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Expected to be in the first half of the night today

Our city also has thunderstorm weather, after midnight Jixian, Baodi, Wuqing, Ninghe and other northern areas have moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning, other areas moderate rain accompanied by lightning, tomorrow morning rain gradually ended

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Will the weather be cool next week?

According to the current forecast, the next week of our city will be dominated by sunny to cloudy weather, the highest temperature is around 30 °C, morning and evening are relatively comfortable, sunny days with strong ultraviolet light level, noon still feels relatively hot, pay attention to heat and sun protection.

Generally speaking, after the "summer heat", there may still be summer heat in our city, but the summer heat at this time will be different from the "three-volt day". Although the day is still hot, the temperature drops further after nightfall, and the temperature difference between day and night begins to increase.

Weather forecast for the week ahead

Half of the night before tonight: Half of the night after thunderstorm: moderate rain accompanied by thunder and lightning (Jixian, Baodi, Wuqing, Ninghe medium to heavy rain with thunder) breeze, minimum 23°C

Monday morning, August 21: showers to overcast afternoon to night: cloudy to sunny breeze, 30 to 22°C

Tuesday, August 22 was cloudy

Breeze, 31 to 22°C

Wednesday, August 23 was cloudy

Breeze, 30 to 23 ° C

Thursday, August 24

Cloudy to overcast

Breeze, 29 to 23 ° C

Friday, August 25 will be cloudy and breezy with 31 to 23°C

Saturday, August 26 will be sunny and breezy with 30 to 21°C

Sunday, August 27 Cloudy to overcast breeze, 29 to 20°C

How to maintain health after leaving ambush?

Go to bed early to prevent autumn fatigue

After going out of the ambush, many people are easy to feel tired and lazy, which is what the people often call "autumn fatigue". After the ambush is the alternating period of the weather from hot to cool, after the long days and short hot summer, many people have sleep deprivation, especially elderly friends. At this time, if you do not change the habit of going to bed late in summer, "autumn fatigue" is more likely to appear.

It is recommended that everyone should slow down the "autumn fatigue", sleep especially enough, it is best to increase 1 hour of sleep than usual. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen exercise, such as running in the morning and evening, boxing, doing exercises, climbing, etc.

Ventilate a little harder

On three-volt days, the air conditioner is turned on, the number of ventilation is small, and germs are easy to gather indoors. After going out of the ambush, pay attention to frequent ventilation, choose a sunny day, take the clothes out of the box, and hang them in a ventilated and dry place. If possible, you can iron it with an electric iron to reduce the moisture on the clothes. Clothes should be hung at certain intervals to ensure good ventilation.

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Life Index Forecast

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?
【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

Editor: Han Yuyan Reviewed: Zhao Min

Forecast from: Tianjin Meteorological Observatory

【Tsujo Weather】On the first day of ambush, the rain is coming to report! Is it still hot next week?

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