
"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

author:Ice cream lovers Cher 1122

In the trajectory of life, there are always some unexpected turning points that stir up ripples like a storm. This time, a fee policy of a private school in Dongguan City has become the focus of social attention, focusing our attention on this small lunch break fee, which has triggered countless people's discussions and thoughts.

"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

This shocking news began with a trivial screenshot. A screenshot of a group chat in which school teachers charged for lunch breaks quickly spread on the Internet, causing strong attention among netizens. According to the screenshot, the school actually charges students for lunch break, paying 200 yuan for sleeping on a desk for a semester, 360 yuan for lying flat, and up to 680 yuan for a bed. The school, on the other hand, emphasizes that this is voluntary.

"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

The news made it impossible to stay out of the way. An hour-long lunch break requires such an expensive fee. This begs the question of whether education should become a commercial commodity, and should children's rest time also become a transaction for money. This makes people reflect, where is the original purpose of education, is it to cultivate the overall quality of students, or to chase profit?

Under the pressure of society, people have long been accustomed to having no scruples about money. However, education should be a pure land, a field that cannot be measured by money. A student should be able to rest freely on campus and not be forced to hand over heavy money because of his family conditions. This is not only a question of education, but also of social values.

"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

For this incident, the Dongguan Municipal Education Bureau also responded. They said that they have sent a working group to the school to investigate on the spot, and if they find illegal fees, they will investigate and deal with them according to law. This timely response also shows the concern and importance of government departments for education.

However, the essence of this problem is not only the problem of a school's fees, but the educational concept and value system of the whole society. We should reflect on whether education should become a commodity, should it operate under the logic of business. Should our children carry such a heavy financial burden?

"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

In the past few years, Dongguan City has also issued a notice on the fee standards for after-school services in the compulsory education stage, requiring schools to provide lunch and lunch break services for students on campus, but these services should be mainly financial subsidies and community burdens, and should not become a financial burden for families. However, reality makes people see a different picture.

Perhaps this incident will spark greater discussion in the future. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about developing healthy personalities and values. We cannot let education become a transaction for money, and we cannot let children's rest time become a commercial luxury. We need to re-examine the nature of education so that children can grow freely in school and not be tied down by money.

"Lunch break at the table charges 200 yuan", the latest progress →

This incident may be just the tip of the iceberg, but it reveals a much larger problem. We need to think about what is the value of education, and should money be an obstacle to children's development. We must not make education a product of commerce, but a driving force for social progress. This question may require each of us to think about.

Signature at the end of the article: Cher who loves ice cream