
After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

author:Cold girl-chanted


In August 1964, Chairman Mao watched the Peking opera "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" in Beidaihe, in which he was deeply impressed by the performance of the protagonist "Yan Weicai".

During the viewing, Chairman Mao asked Xiao Hua, director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, who accompanied him: "Is Yan Weicai really a person?" What position do you agree to hold now? ”

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

This question stumped Xiao Hua, and he replied: "I heard that there is indeed a prototype, but I don't know exactly what it is called and where it works. ”

In fact, the prototype of "Yan Weicai" in "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" is the combat hero Yang Yucai.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

"Little Zhuge " pulled out his teeth and went to the DPRK to participate in the war

In 1950, with the outbreak of the Korean War, the Central Committee and Chairman Mao discussed and made the decision to "resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the country".

"Heroic, high-spirited, crossing the Yalu River..." Accompanied by majestic singing, the volunteer soldiers, led by Commander Peng Dehuai, fought side by side with the Korean People's Army. At this time, Yang Yucai, who was only 25 years old, also followed the army to the North Korea to participate in the war and began to create the most glorious moment of his life.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

The enemy army is strong and has the best weapons and equipment, and it is very difficult to kill them all. However, the volunteer soldiers were not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, and repeatedly beat the enemy to flee.

After three years of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the situation between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield has undergone tremendous changes. In the summer of 1953, our army launched a large-scale counteroffensive in Jincheng. The Military Commissar ordered:

"I hope that the volunteer soldiers on the front line will be able to strike hard at the arrogance of the enemy."
After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

At Jincheng, the enemy stationed a capital division known as the "elite division", and the first regiment of the division was equipped not only with all-American equipment, but also with a large number of artillery and aviation support in depth.

In order to show off their strength, the regiment also printed hideous white tiger heads on materials and flags, so the regiment was also called "White Tiger Regiment".

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

Trying to pull out the nail of the White Tiger Group is like pulling teeth from the mouth of a tiger, which is even more difficult. After repeated study, the 607th Regiment of the 203rd Division decided to give this heavy task to Yang Yucai, deputy platoon commander of the reconnaissance platoon.

Yang Yu, a native of Mian County, Shaanxi, joined the People's Liberation Army in 1949, joined the Communist Party in May 1950, and joined the volunteer army to fight in Korea in June of the following year. Due to his bravery in battle, he quickly grew from an ordinary fighter to a deputy platoon commander of a reconnaissance platoon.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

Successfully pulled teeth from the mouth of the tiger and won the title of first-class combat hero

In July 1953, the Battle of Jincheng began. Before the start of the battle, Yang Yucai led a reconnaissance team of 12 people to change into the clothes of the enemy army to carry out the task of "pulling teeth from the mouth of the tiger".

On the evening of 13 July, Yang Yucai and members of the reconnaissance group plunged deep into the enemy's depths. When our attacking forces began to attack the enemy, they took advantage of the cover of artillery fire and moved quietly.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

During the march, Yang Yucai and the others were accidentally discovered by an enemy sentry. If you act rashly, it is likely to attract the attention of a large number of enemy troops. At this critical moment, Han Danian, a 21-year-old Korean warrior, was the first to speak: "Password! ”

The sentinel was stunned by Han Dannian's words, and subconsciously replied: "Gulun Oppa." After Yang Yucai heard this, Chao Han showed a satisfied smile. In this way, they obtained the enemy's communication password, and with this, they successfully passed through several enemy posts.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

When it was about to enter the "White Tiger Regiment" station, the reconnaissance group was blocked by an enemy convoy on the road. The enemy was busy carrying supplies to the vehicles, looking like they were about to retreat.

Seeing that the "White Tiger Regiment" station was not far away, Yang Yucai no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered: "If the enemy wants to escape, the reconnaissance team immediately took out the grenade on its body and threw it towards the highway!" ”

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

Suddenly attacked by our troops, all the vehicles on the road were in chaos for a while, some tried to escape, and some wanted to drive forward. With a loud bang, the enemy trucks parked on the road and the enemies on board were all destroyed.

At the door of the command post, Yang Yucai first asked the soldiers to throw grenades together, and then took advantage of the fireworks at the time of the explosion to rush into each room separately. The enemy never expected that the volunteer soldiers would be at their own station, and they panicked for a while.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the reconnaissance group killed and wounded 97 enemy soldiers, captured 19 people, successfully captured the flag of the "White Tiger Regiment", successfully completed the attack mission, and made outstanding contributions to the final victory of the Jincheng counterattack.

On October 13, 1953, Yang Yucai was credited with special merit for successfully completing the task. In 1954, he was awarded the title of "Combat Hero of the First Degree".

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

After Chairman Mao watched "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment", he asked Xiao Hua: Is Yan Weicai really a person?

Yang Yucai's surprise attack on the White Tiger Regiment was compiled into a reportage of more than 20,000 words by Wang Chengyuan, a cultural officer of the 203rd Division of the Chinese Volunteers, and published in the "Jiefangjun Bao". Later, he adapted it into a film script.

As the story of the surprise attack on the White Tiger Regiment was expanded, this was gradually adapted into Peking Opera. In June 1964, the Shantokyo Troupe came to Beijing to perform "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Troupe", which was watched by Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other leaders and highly praised.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

In August 1964, Chairman Mao, who was recuperating in Beidaihe, watched "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment". During the watching, the actors' performances made him frequently exclaim, especially paying special attention to the protagonist "Yan Weicai".

After the performance, Chairman Mao asked Xiao Hua on the side: "Is Yan Wei here really the person?" Is it still there? What position do you hold? ”

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

Chairman Mao raised three questions in a row, and Xiao Hua quickly answered:

"'Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment' is indeed adapted from real deeds, and Yan Weicai does have this person, but I really don't know much about what his name is and what position he holds."

Chairman Mao nodded and did not say more. Xiao Hua continued: "Chairman, don't worry, I will start the investigation after I go back, and I will definitely report to you clearly. ”

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

Immediately afterwards, Chairman Mao also cordially received the crew and shook hands and talked with the actor of "Yan Weicai".

That evening, Xiao Hua called Yang Dezhi, commander of the Jinan Military Region, to learn about the prototype of "Yan Weicai." Yang Dezhi said: "I don't know much about these things, but don't worry, I will immediately let my subordinates do it." ”

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

After some understanding, I learned that the prototype of "Yan Weicai" was Yang Yucai, the deputy company commander of the reconnaissance company of the 203rd Division.

Later, Yang Yucai was promoted to deputy commander of the 203rd Division of the former 68th Army of the Jinan Military Region.

After watching Peking Opera in 1964, Chairman Mao pointed to the protagonist and asked Xiao Hua what position this person is holding now

On May 26, 1999, Yang Yucai died in Beijing at the age of 73.