
The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

author:Yun Xiaosheng

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She is Old Lady Sheng in "Do You Know" and Old Lady Fan in "Qing Yu Nian".

The highly infectious performance was recognized by many audiences.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She is also affectionately known as the national grandmother by the audience.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She has been working hand in hand with her husband for many years, but she has never had children, and she can only enjoy the joy of life in the film.

This became an eternal regret in Cao Cuifen's heart.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In front of the camera, Cao Cuifen also expressed her sorry for her husband many times, why?

All this can be glimpsed from Cao Cuifen's experience.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

An actress who is not favored

Cao Cuifen was born in Shanghai in 1944, and her parents were both literary and artistic workers.

Later, due to the transfer of her parents' work, Cao Cuifen also followed them to Beijing.

It was also here that she planted the seed in her heart to become an actress.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In their spare time, her parents would always take Cao Cuifen to watch outdoor performances at Beijing Renyi and China Youth Art Theater.

Looking at the people performing on the stage, Cao Cuifen also yearned for it in her heart.

After seeing their daughter's expression, the parents encouraged her, saying:

"If you want to act on stage, then you have to study hard and try to get into film school."

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Cao Cuifen took her parents' teachings to heart, and at the age of 16, Cao Cuifen was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy.

At this time, a difficult problem lay in front of her.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

At that time, many people would choose the school assigned after graduation, and art colleges were almost never chosen.

But Cao Cuifen repeatedly insisted that she felt that her efforts for so many years were just to be admitted to this college, and she wanted to gamble.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In this way, she became a student in Nortel's preparatory class.

It was also here that she met her future husband, Tan Tianqian.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

The two are classmates, but Tan Tianqian is a class grass, and Cao Cuifen is the most inconspicuous existence.

I don't know when Tan Tianqian will always pay attention to Cao Cuifen unconsciously.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Slowly, the two got closer and closer, and it was at this time that they confirmed each other's intentions.

But Cao Cuifen is more conservative, she feels that she is still a student, and everything will have to wait until after graduation.

Tan Tianqian also respected Cao Cuifen's ideas.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

After graduation, the two finally got together, and Tan Tianqian decided to propose a kiss to Cao Cuifen's family.

Cao Cuifen's parents are also very satisfied with this young and handsome young man.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Not long after getting married, the two asked to go to the countryside and were forced into a state of separation.

The days when the two of them met were numbered.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Four years later, Cao Cuifen finally returned to Beijing, at the age of 29.

Her parents hoped that Cao Cuifen would have a baby sooner, but she was unwilling.

She felt that she finally had the opportunity to pursue her dreams now, how could she give up?

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She resolutely joined the Beijing Film Studio Actors Troupe.

Her husband Tan Tianqian also joined her, and Cao Cuifen's career began.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In her first year at the studio, Cao Cuifen was asked to play Yonggui's sister-in-law in "Southern Expedition and Northern War".

This is a rural woman, and during the performance, Cao Cuifen thought of the behavior of those women when she went to the countryside, and she portrayed it very vividly.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

This drama made Cao Cuifen noticed by many directors, she began to shoot in the group non-stop, and also began her own supporting role,

"Horn Stone", "Black Triangle" and "Look at this Family" can see Cao Cuifen's figure in these film and television works.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Although the characters are all supporting roles, Cao Cuifen will take them seriously every time she shoots.

Because both husband and wife were busy with their careers, the birth of children was delayed for a whole decade.

At this time, Cao Cuifen was 40 years old, and if she didn't want children, it would really be too late.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Every time I go out with my husband, I see that everyone else is a family of three.

Only they are two people, which is very abrupt.

It was also at this moment that Cao Cuifen had the idea of wanting to have a child.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

But I and my husband are in the crew all year round, and the children cannot always accompany them in the crew.

Parents are also older, and if they give their children to their parents to raise, they can't rest assured.

Seeing his wife so entangled, Tan Tianqian said to her: "It's okay, let's not want it, film well." ”

This sentence touched Cao Cuifen for several years, and this decision also became an eternal regret in Cao Cuifen's heart.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In 1990, Zhang Yimou at this time had become a well-known domestic director.

The choice of the second aunt of "The Red Lantern Hangs High" directed by him has never been finalized.

Cao Cuifen thought of giving it a try.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

At the first glance when he saw Cao Cuifen, Zhang Yimou directly vetoed:

"You look too ordinary to play this role."

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Cao Cuifen, who heard this, felt that Zhang Yimou was too much to take advantage of people.

She directly improvised a scene, and her performance amazed Zhang Yimou, and immediately decided to let Cao Cuifen play the second aunt.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

During the shooting, Cao Cuifen suggested to Zhang Yimou based on the experience of the characters.

The second aunt can say in the play: "Sir, I want to give you a baby." ”

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She felt that her second aunt was in the courtyard of the deep house all year round, and she was lonely.

Watching the newcomers in the courtyard come and go, my heart is naturally a little lonely.

At this time, I also hope to have a child of my own to accompany me.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Everyone thought that Zhang Yimou would reject Cao Cuifen's proposal.

After all, Zhang Yimou never changes his words, and ordinary actors will be rejected when they propose it.

But Zhang Yimou felt that Cao Cuifen's understanding of the characters was in place.

If you add this sentence, it is more conducive to the shaping of the characters and can bring the audience's sense of impact.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

So Zhang Yimou decided to listen to Cao Cuifen's suggestion, and once the movie was broadcast, it received rave reviews.

Cao Cuifen also won the "Best Performance Award" for the role of "Zhuo Yun".

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

At this time, her husband Tan Tianqian decided to take a back seat and take the initiative to take care of Cao Cuifen's daily life.

As long as Cao Cuifen enters the group, Tan Tianqian will also accompany him.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

The love of the two envied many people in the crew, and Cao Cuifen also enjoyed this small happiness.

However, at this time, a sudden accident broke the original tranquility.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

At the peak of his career, he retired from the entertainment industry

Tan Tianqian's parents are dissatisfied with their daughter-in-law for not having children for so many years.

Under such pressure, Cao Cuifen also gradually became a little anxious.

She felt that she was really sorry for her husband's efforts for so many years.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She began looking for a doctor, looking for a cure for pregnancy.

Perhaps because of the overwork of filming over the years, these Chinese medicines are of no use to Cao Cuifen.

Tan Tianqian comforted his wife not to be too anxious:

"I picked up "Shanghai Family" for you, haven't you been back to Shanghai for a long time? Just go back and take a look. ”

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In this drama, Cao Cuifen won the Feitian Award for Best Actress for her role as Qiaozhen.

Then she began to enter the group to shoot "Orphan Tears", and learned the news of her husband's illness at the filming site.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Cao Cuifen, who heard the news, finished filming this drama in a professional spirit.

Cao Cuifen rushed home and saw Tan Tianqian lying on the hospital bed, and she regretted it in her heart.

If it weren't for her obsession with filming, her husband wouldn't have been like this.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Cao Cuifen's "Orphan Tears" was also shortlisted for the "Best Actress" of the China Golden Rooster Award.

If Cao Cuifen can still stick to her dream at this time, her career will develop rapidly.

But Cao Cuifen chose to focus on taking care of Tan Tianqian.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Under the care of Cao Cuifen, Tan Tianqian's body gradually recovered.

After that, Cao Cuifen chose to return to the entertainment industry again, but the entertainment industry was originally very cruel.

Because she disappeared for too long, the popularity she had accumulated before had long been gone, and she had to start from scratch.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

For her, all that is a drama is enough.

Only this time she became a grandmother professional.

After years of precipitation, Cao Cuifen's acting skills are more calm.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

What really made her out of the circle was "Do You Know" in 2018.

At this time, she was 75 years old, and her performance surprised everyone and earned enough tears from the audience.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She has always insisted on her dream of being an actor like she did back then, and she has never changed.

Many of the lines in the drama "Do You Know" are semi-literal.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

She reads it many times a day, and she was the first to arrive on set.

Every time on the set, you can see Cao Cuifen studying the script with the script.

Her serious attitude also infected many young actors on the set.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Even the director couldn't help but praise: "Cao Cuifen is the most dedicated actor I've seen in so many years." ”

She really likes this job, and her art ethics also makes many traffic students feel helpless.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

Cao Cuifen is a good interpretation of "competing to be the protagonist, but also willing to be a supporting role".

Her life was both plain and extraordinary, she never relied on the praise of others, she was always down-to-earth.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

From marriage to now, he has walked hand in hand with Tan Tianqian for 57 years, and the relationship between the two has always been very harmonious.

The only regret is not having children.

But fortunately, the two can be companions for each other, and it is a kind of happiness to grow old with their lover.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?


Now Cao Cuifen is also 79 years old, and she has also accepted the fact that she and her husband have no children.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

There will be some regrets, but there will inevitably be some regrets in a long life.

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

In life, she did not get the happiness of teasing her grandson, but in her career, she won the love of countless audiences, how is this not a success?

The play is full of children and grandchildren, but there are no children and daughters outside the play, and Cao Cuifen, who has no children for life, regrets it because of her lifelong career?

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