
Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

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Tessie is too greasy

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves


Film has always been an important medium to reflect society and human life, and marriage, as one of the core relationships in human society, has always been one of the hot themes of film creation, and the film "Marriage Story" released in 2019 was directed by director Noah Baumbach, telling the story of a couple who are divorcing, this film is known for its real emotional depictions and complex character relationships, delving into the multiple dimensions of marriage.

Emotional breakdown and reconstruction

The movie "Marriage Story" vividly shows the emotional collapse and reconstruction between the protagonists Charlie and Nicole with its profound emotional description, and the film takes the marriage problems of the two as a starting point, gradually revealing the tension and gradually disintegrating emotions between them.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

From the beginning, the audience can feel the subtle changes between Charlie and Nicole, and the early emotional tension looms between the facial expressions and silence of the two. As marital problems were exposed and legal proceedings unfolded, the conflict between the two escalated.

From Charlie's point of view, he is passionate about his career, but often ignores Nicole's need for family, while Nicole gradually realizes that she has been neglected in marriage and her acting career is limited.

As the legal process progresses, the relationship between Charlie and Nicole deteriorates irretrievably, and the arguments and accusations in the court expose their inner resentment and hurt.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

In particular, in one scene, Ni can read her accusations against Charlie in a heartbroken voice, which hits the audience's heart and gives people a deeper understanding of the fragility of marriage.

The film does not stop at the disintegration of emotions, but shows the audience the reconstruction of emotions, although they have decided to divorce, their feelings for each other still exist, and in the climax of the film, Charlie and Nicole privately express their deep emotions.

Charlie tries to sing a song for Nicole to express his apologies and thanks, and Nicole, in a monologue in court, frankly admits her feelings for Charlie and her memories of the good days of marriage, an emotional complexity that makes the audience realize that even after contradiction and separation, love still exists, but is suppressed under emotional collapse.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The emotional reconstruction is also further shown at the end of the film, although Charlie and Nicole have separated, they are working together for the happiness of their son Henry.

They attend a family celebration where, although there is still emotional complexity between them, they have learned to relate to each other in a more mature way, a reconstruction of emotions that suggests that the end of a marriage does not necessarily mean the complete disappearance of emotions, but may evolve into a new form that brings new knowledge and growth to both parties.

The movie "Marriage Story" vividly reveals the complexity and changes of emotions in the marriage relationship through the collapse and reconstruction of the emotions between Charlie and Nicole.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

From the initial tension and conflict, to the conflict and emotional outburst in court, to the affectionate expression in private and the common concern for the son, the film shows the audience the multifaceted nature of emotions in marriage.

This process is not only a reflection on the challenges and difficulties in marriage, but also a profound exploration of human emotions, through the collapse and reconstruction of emotions, the film presents a more real and three-dimensional marriage story, triggering the audience's thinking and resonance of marriage and emotions.

The importance and difficulty of communication

The movie "Marriage Story" deeply explores the importance of communication in marriage and the difficulties caused by various factors through the communication problems between the protagonists Charlie and Nicole, and the plot in the film vividly shows the power of communication in marriage and the negative impact of communication difficulties on relationships.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

One of the main challenges faced by the protagonists in this film in marriage is the lack of effective communication, the importance of communication in marriage is not only to convey information, but also to build bridges of understanding, empathy and mutual support, as can be seen from the movie, the contradictions and misunderstandings between Charlie and Nicole are largely due to the lack of effective communication.

A symbolic episode is Nicole's performance at the Theater, in which she expresses her feelings about marital problems and inner contradictions in the form of a letter.

This scene vividly demonstrates the power of communication, especially in the face of emotional problems, expressing inner emotions and thoughts through words helps to solve conflicts and build empathy.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The film also reveals the difficulties faced in communicating in marriage, and the communication problems of the protagonists not only come from their own inner emotions, but also are affected by external factors.

Emotional tensions and the unfolding of legal proceedings make their communication cold and aggressive, in which case it is difficult for them to communicate calmly, but tend to quarrel and accuse, exacerbating the division between them.

Another scene that shows communication difficulties is a confrontation in court, where Charlie and Nicole have fierce arguments guided by lawyers, but these arguments are often only to express their emotions, rather than true listening and understanding, and this confrontational communication mode not only fails to solve the problem, but further exacerbates the gap between them.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

By depicting the communication problems between Charlie and Nicole, the film reflects the importance and difficulty of communication in marriage, and the audience can draw some inspiration from it on how to better communicate effectively in marriage:

Communication in marriage is not only about expressing oneself, but also about listening and understanding the other person, listening carefully to each other's thoughts and emotions, which helps build empathy and reduce misunderstandings.

Expressing one's emotions and thoughts with integrity helps to reduce the backlog of contradictions and express one's inner emotions through appropriate means, such as letters, conversations, etc.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

When arguing and conflicting, staying calm and respecting the other person's point of view, avoiding aggressive rhetoric and instead seeking ways to solve problems, focusing on common goals, such as the well-being of your son, can help reduce barriers between individuals and build a sense of cooperation.

By watching the movie "Marriage Story", the audience can deeply appreciate the key role of communication in marriage, and how to overcome communication difficulties and maintain a healthy marriage relationship.

Personal growth and self-knowledge

The film "Marriage Story" deeply explores the impact of marriage on individuals and personal development after separation through the personal growth and self-knowledge process of the protagonists Charlie and Nicole, and the plot of the film vividly shows how they learn from the collapse of their marriage and seek self-growth and change.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The protagonists in this film gradually awaken after marital problems and separation and begin to pay attention to their personal needs and pursuits, Charlie, as a theater director, has long put his career first, ignoring Nicole's feelings and needs.

As the problems of his marriage came to light, he began to reflect on his actions, aware of his selfishness and negligence, and this self-reflection prompted him to re-examine his professional and family roles, so that in the second half of the film, he began to focus more on his son and family.

Nicole has also gone through a process of personal growth, and in marriage, she has long been a supporter and caregiver of the family, but her acting career has been limited.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

With the decision to divorce, Nicole decided to pursue her dream and began to find her career position, and she embarked on a new career path, not only achieving success at work, but also regaining her confidence and independence.

The protagonists in the film also deeply expand their self-knowledge after separation, Charlie begins to understand his shortcomings by reflecting on his own behavior, and he gradually realizes that success in marriage depends not only on career, but also on paying attention to and supporting the needs of his partner.

This expansion of self-knowledge made him realize that his role in marriage needed to be adjusted to achieve a more balanced and healthy relationship.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

Nicole also realized her value and ability more deeply after the separation, she had been focusing on the role of wife and mother before, but by re-pursuing her acting career, she found that she had more potential and ability, and this expansion of self-knowledge made her more confident and independent, and also brought her new career opportunities and a sense of achievement.

Success in marriage depends not only on career, but also on the needs and emotions of the partner, finding balance in roles that helps maintain a healthy marital relationship, marriage does not mean giving up personal dreams and pursuits, personal growth and self-knowledge can be achieved by pursuing one's own interests and goals.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

Being aware of your own shortcomings and problems, and actively engaging in self-reflection, contributes to personal growth and relationship improvement, life is constantly changing, separation and change can be opportunities for personal growth, adapting to change can allow us to better cope with life's challenges.

Through personal growth and self-knowledge in the film, viewers can reflect on their marital relationships and personal development, and these revelations can help people better understand themselves and others, as well as achieve healthier and more positive development in marriage.

The complexity of marriage and future prospects

Marriage is a complex relationship in human society, the movie "Marriage Story" through the experience of the protagonists Charlie and Nicole, profoundly explores the multiple dimensions of marriage and the impact of separation on the individual, the film does not end with sadness or despair, but provides the audience with a vision and thinking about the future.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The marriage shown in the film is not a simple fairy tale of Prince and Princess Charming, but a reality full of challenges and contradictions, through the marriage of Charlie and Nicole, the audience can see the contradictions, heaviness, instability and imperfection in the marriage.

From the initial emotional breakdown, to the difficulty of communication, to the process of personal growth and self-knowledge, the film shows the various problems and troubles faced by marriage.

It is this complexity that makes the marriage relationship more real and rich, marriage is not only a sweet time, but also a process that requires the joint efforts and understanding of both parties, the film encourages the audience to face the challenges in marriage through the experience of the protagonist, and strive to find solutions to problems, rather than escaping or giving up.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

Although the film shows Charlie and Nicole's separation, the film does not give the audience a desperate ending, on the contrary, the film provides a vision of their future, showing the growth and change of the individual after the separation.

This outlook for the future emphasizes the individual's resilience and adaptability, with the opportunity to start and develop again even after the marriage ends.

Charlie rediscovered his passion for directing in the second half of the film and took on a more active role in the family, while Nicole pursued her dreams professionally and found her independence and confidence.

These changes demonstrate personal growth after separation, emphasizing that the end of marriage does not mean the stagnation of personal life, but rather may be a new beginning and opportunity.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The movie "Marriage Story" presents the multifaceted nature of marriage relationships through the collapse and reconstruction of emotions, the importance and difficulty of communication, and the process of personal growth and self-knowledge.

Through the experience of the protagonist, the film conveys to the audience the deep thinking about marriage, which is a journey full of challenges and opportunities, requiring emotional investment, continuous communication, and personal growth and change.

Douban 8.6 "Marriage Story": The best marriage relationship is to make the other party a better version of themselves

The film provides audiences with hope for the future, encouraging them to face the problems in marriage, bravely embrace change, and achieve personal growth and happiness, "Marriage Story" is not only a story of separation, but also an exploration of emotions, communication, personal growth and human relationships.