
As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

author:Small square Pepsi xx

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As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", which three things do you refer to? Does it make sense?

I believe that everyone should have heard the sayings that are often chanted in the mouths of the elderly, these sayings are the experience summed up by the predecessors based on life and labor, and can be said to be the crystallization of wisdom.

As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

The saying we want to discuss today is left by the ancestors, let's take a look at what this saying says.

Among the popular proverbs, there is a very special saying, that is, "when you go out and encounter three things, there must be disaster", for many people who want to go out on the street or go far away, this proverb is quite appropriate.

As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

So what exactly are these three things? In fact, it is not difficult to understand literally, that is, if you encounter three special things when you go out, it may indicate that something bad will happen, and you need to be more careful.

The first thing is when someone calls your name. There is a saying in many places that if someone you don't know is calling your name, don't look back, because it's likely that a "ghost" is calling you. Of course, this statement is a little too superstitious, if this is the case, then so many people on the street are called by name every day, won't they all become the object of "ghosts"?

As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

In fact, it is not a bad thing to meet someone calling your name, after all, it means that you are remembered by others, of course, it is not ruled out that fraudsters deliberately call your name, so remember not to be easily deceived.

The second thing is to encounter the sky mutation. The old people believe that if the sky is clear when going out, but suddenly encounters a rainy day, it indicates that the next trip may not be smooth, at light encounter with various unfortunate things, at worst there may be quarrels with people or even fights.

As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

But in fact, from a scientific point of view, encountering sudden weather is not a bad thing, after all, God's expression we can not guess, encounter a rainy day then quickly find a place to hide from the rain, isn't this the wisest approach?

The third thing refers to encountering obscure animals. Many people should know that each zodiac sign has its own mascot in the zodiac, for example, the mascot of the chicken is the phoenix, and the mascot of the snake is the dragon. But in fact, each zodiac sign also has its own obscure things, for example, the obscure object of the chicken is the dog, and the obscure object of the snake is the pig. If you encounter these obscure animals when you go out, then there is a possibility that something bad may happen on the next trip.

As the saying goes, "When you go out and encounter three things, there must be calamity", what are the three things? Does it make sense?

Of course, from a scientific point of view, there is no basis for this.

All in all, the saying "when you go out and encounter three things, there must be disaster" has no scientific basis to speak of, but it is a cultural heritage left by the older generation, and we should respect and learn from it. I don't know if you have encountered the above three things when you go out? In fact, whether you encounter it or not, as long as you go out and be more careful, there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

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