
After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

author:Bright Net

"Wine and coffee, just love this cup"

Moutai coffee is coming

Has your circle of friends been swiped?

After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

September 4

Kweichow Moutai and Luckin Coffee

Joint launch of "Sauce Latte"

Launched in Luckin Coffee's nationwide stores

After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

The first cup of Maotai for young people

The price is only 19 yuan

After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

Is it delicious?

Some people think it's pretty good

Some people find the taste strange

Even like rose curd milk

It's like drinking coffee the next morning after a hangover

After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

No matter what the smell

Jiang Baojun thoughtfully reminded

After tasting a delicious coffee

These types of drugs should be used with caution!

After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!
After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!
After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!
After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!
After drinking coffee, these types of drugs should be used with caution!

Reminder at the same time

Everyone's physique is different

The absorption of alcohol is also different

After drinking alcoholic drinks such as "sauce latte"

The physical reactions presented are also different

It is recommended that everyone drink alcoholic beverages

Don't drive~

Comprehensive: China Youth Daily, Healthy China

Source: Jiangxi Daily