
In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk

Dr. Wang


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In daily life, we often hear some old people say: "I lived such an age, and I am still alive because of my luck." ”

However, many elderly people do not think so, they think that the reason why they can live to this age is because they have a healthy body.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

Many people say that when people are old, they should exercise more so that they can stay healthy. This is not the case.

In our daily life, there are many behaviors that affect our physical health. If we do these actions regularly, it will accelerate the aging of our body.

In daily life, there are many elderly people who sit still. In fact, this is a wrong behavior. As we age, our muscles gradually lose and atrophy.

If we sit still all the time, it can lead to muscle and bone atrophy. So, what other behaviors in everyday life can cause harm to our bodies?

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

The first is sedentary, which is a very bad behavior. Holding a position for a long time can lead to poor blood circulation throughout the body, which affects the health of our body and the function of the brain.

In addition, there are some bad habits, such as frequent smoking, drinking, staying up late, eating irregularly, etc. These bad habits can accelerate the aging process of the body and seriously affect the health of our body and brain.

First, sedentary and lying still

Sitting still for a long time will not only lead to muscle loss and atrophy, but also make our bones and joints weak. In addition, sitting still for a long time can also affect our gastrointestinal function.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

Many elderly people have constipation in ordinary times, and if constipation is not solved in time, it will cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, the elderly should try to avoid being sedentary for a long time.

The elderly can choose a more relaxed way of exercise, which can promote blood circulation throughout the body, thereby enhancing the body's resistance and immunity.

In fact, lying still is the same reason, are the body can not get enough activity, people lazy disease is not lazy, disease will take advantage of the void, so the elderly should not be lazy to escape the disease.

Bring your wife, get moving, get going. However, we should note that the exercises mentioned here are moderate exercises.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

Therefore, we can not blindly pursue time when exercising, such as walking for too long, we must have a measure of ourselves in our hearts, and master the time of this exercise according to our own conditions.

2. Smoke often

Tobacco contains a lot of nicotine, tar and other harmful substances. Long-term smoking will cause serious harm to the human body, and will also cause many diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

When the human body is smoking, the harmful substances in cigarettes will enter the blood vessels, and reach various organs and tissues with blood circulation, causing serious damage to various organs and tissues. Therefore, regular smoking is also a factor that accelerates aging.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

Regular smoking can also cause a decrease in lung function, which increases the risk of lung cancer. At the same time, smoking also accelerates the aging of teeth and gums, making people more susceptible to diseases such as periodontal disease.

Smoking is very harmful to our body. When we smoke, the amount of carbon monoxide in our body increases, which affects the oxygen levels in our brains.

3. Long-term alcoholism

According to relevant studies, people who have been heavy drinkers for a long time have a risk of developing Alzheimer's disease several times higher than those who do not drink, especially those who like to drink strong alcohol.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

If they drink alcohol for a long time, they increase their risk of developing Alzheimer's. Therefore, the elderly must abstain from alcohol.

Fourth, irregular diet

The stomach function of the elderly will gradually decline, and the digestive ability will gradually weaken. If they often skip meals or often eat leftovers and rotten fruit, it can lead to a decline in stomach function, which can lead to malnutrition.

At the same time, the gastrointestinal motility of the elderly is also reduced, which can lead to constipation. Constipation is also a common condition in older people. If the elderly cannot defecate in time, it will cause harm to the body and accelerate aging.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

In addition, we must remind everyone that in addition to diet, the tableware we eat must also be changed regularly, just like the clothes we wear, bacteria will be produced if we are not changed, posing a threat to us.

5. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep is a very bad behavior that is very harmful to our physical health. Staying up late for a long time can lead to physical fatigue, brain fatigue, not only affecting work and study, but also leading to mental malaise, decreased immunity and other problems.

Therefore, if you want to maintain a good physical condition, you must maintain enough sleep. Even if you have good work and study, you should ensure that you have enough sleep every day.

In addition to "sitting too long": the 6 behaviors of the elderly over 60 years old are included in the "blacklist" of life reduction

Of course, as we mentioned earlier, it does not mean that the elderly do not need to exercise. Instead, we should pay attention to exercise. After all, exercise can improve our immunity and resistance.

Exercise can also promote blood circulation and metabolism in the body. For the elderly, regular exercise is very beneficial to the body. If you want to stay healthy, you should take time out of your day to exercise.

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