
A-shares: Get ready, whether the market will stage a Jedi counterattack, just wait for this important data!

author:Trend Tung Ge


The index opened low, weak and volatile, and the market was moving according to the pre-market script. Or Huawei saved all, only the Huawei concept continued the money-making effect in the market, and there were 28 stocks in the morning, half of which is the divergence of the Huawei concept!

Dongge's early view hit the nail on the head: this kind of weak market, either to watch the play and rest, to do it can only do the Huawei concept:

A-shares: Get ready, whether the market will stage a Jedi counterattack, just wait for this important data!

Today's morning review

Look, in a weak market, who is going long? Today's leading market sectors, lithography machines, photoresists, satellite navigation, are all directions prompted in the morning,

A-shares: Get ready, whether the market will stage a Jedi counterattack, just wait for this important data!

So, who is shorting? It is to remind the real estate and securities to be avoided a few days earlier, and the mud that cannot support the wall:

A-shares: Get ready, whether the market will stage a Jedi counterattack, just wait for this important data!

Now, what everyone is most concerned about is how the market will interpret in the afternoon, and what directions should be paid attention to, please see the answer given by Dongge!

Prediction 1: The index intraday range is 3120~3090, in the case of contraction, the upward attack is weak, the index will continue to test the support of 3100, if it stabilizes around 3100, there are funds to recover, you can observe again, if it falls below 3100, you should pay further attention to the index risk!

Prediction 2: Look at an important data in the afternoon, that is, the release of financial data such as M2 in August and the increase in the scale of social financing. Remember the big black candlestick that was killed by 2 cm on August 11? That is, the data released after the market on the same day was less than expected, and the funds of the prophet were smashed in advance. Therefore, this afternoon the funds will move in advance, if you continue to kill and smash the market, the probability is that the data is not as expected, if there are funds rushing into the market, it must be that the data will not be too ugly, someone to game the weekend news policy, we can keep an eye on the inflow of funds, see if there will be a slight increase in volume.

A-shares: Get ready, whether the market will stage a Jedi counterattack, just wait for this important data!

In short, looking at the recent market, if you do not recognize that the 3000 point is the bottom area of the market after the bottom of the policy, it is just a short break, if you recognize, you can also gradually light the hot direction of opening positions, participate or not, depending on your cognition, risk appetite and operation style.

See you after the day!