
The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

author:Foodie gourmet Lao Liu

With the improvement of living standards, people's general requirements for beauty and health have increased, especially female friends, who pay more attention to maintaining good complexion and healthy skin, so how can we have good complexion and healthy skin? In fact, in daily life, we can adjust through diet.

The following Xiaobian will introduce you to 3 ingredients, they are rich in potassium, which can help us make double replenishment of qi and blood, so that we have rosy skin, come and take a look with Xiaobian!

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

【The first food - yam goji berry black chicken soup】

Ingredients: yam, goji berry, black chicken, cooking wine, ginger, water, salt.

(1) Treat the black chicken clean, wash it again, then chop it into small pieces, and then put it in clean water to soak for a period of time.

(2) Peel and wash the yam and cut it into small pieces, wash the goji berries and put them together, wash and cut the ginger into slices and set aside.

(3) Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the cut ginger slices into it, and then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine.

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

(4) Then put the black chicken pieces into the pot and cook, after boiling, skim off the foam on it, and then put the yam into the pot and cook.

(5) After boiling for about five minutes, put the goji berries in and cook for another 5 minutes, and finally add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well.

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

【The second food - Guiyuan red date rib soup】

Ingredients: pork ribs, dried cinnamon balls, red dates, ginger, cooking wine, salt.

(1) Clean the ribs (wash them several times) and cut them into small pieces; Separate the dried cinnamon balls and wash well; Clean and cut the dates in half and remove the pits.

(2) Boil water in a hot pan, put the ribs in after the water boils, blanch the water aside, skim off the foam, and then fish it out and wash it again.

(3) Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the ginger slices in it, then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and bring to a boil over high heat.

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

(4) After the water boils, put the ribs into the pot and boil, and then skim off the foam on them.

(5) Next, put the cinnamon round meat and red dates into the pot and cook, turn on low heat and simmer for about an hour, wait until the ribs are soft and absorb the juice.

(6) Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to the pot and stir well.

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

【The third food - pumpkin oatcake】

Ingredients: pumpkin, fine oat flour, egg, milk, sugar, baking powder, salt, vegetable oil.

(1) Clean the pumpkin, remove the skin, cut it in half, remove the seeds, and then cut it into small pieces and put it in a pot to steam, and then press the pumpkin into a puree after steaming.

(2) Prepare a bowl, add an appropriate amount of oat flour, baking powder and salt to it and stir well.

(3) Prepare a basin and beat the eggs into a liquid egg and stir well.

(4) Put the pressed pumpkin puree and egg liquid together, and then add an appropriate amount of milk and sugar to it and stir well.

The 3 kinds of ingredients with both qi and blood supplements, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, and cultivate rosy skin

(5) Put the stirred pumpkin puree and oat flour together and stir well to form a thick porridge.

(6) Preheat the frying pan, add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to it, put the stirred batter into a spoonful and press it into a flat shape, turn on low heat and fry until golden brown on both sides.

(7) Put in all the batter in turn, fry until golden brown, and then eat.

Qi and blood double supplement is very important, we all know, insufficient qi and blood often lead to dull yellow skin, spots, cold hands and feet, even makeup is difficult to hide fatigue, today Xiaobian recommended to everyone these three foods, rich in potassium, often eat good complexion, but also can help us develop rosy skin, let us no longer worry about skin problems, come and learn together!