
Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

author:Foodie gourmet Lao Liu

In the dry and dehydrated season, it is easy to cause respiratory diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, and cough. At this time, we need to find some effective ways to relieve symptoms and let the body recover quickly. And the "apple cough soup" to be introduced today is one of the most effective.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

Then Why do apples have cough suppressant effects? Apples are rich in nutrients and rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants and pectin and other nutrients. Among them, pectin is a key component of apples with cough suppressant effect, which can form a layer of mucus to stick foreign bodies in the lungs and facilitate coughing and discharge.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

In addition, apples are also very rich in amino acids and antioxidants, which play an important role in improving the immunity and antioxidant capacity of the respiratory system. Compared to other fruits, apples have a lower acidity, so they can relieve irritation of the respiratory tract and reduce symptoms such as sore throat. Apples alone can make a simple cough soup:

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

Ingredients: 2 apples, water to taste

How to make it:

1. Cored and cut the apple into small pieces and put it in a pot,

2. Add the cut apples to the pot and add an appropriate amount of water.

3. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for about 200 minutes until the apples are soft and rotten.

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste and drink.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

This simple apple cough soup is simple and easy to make, and apple pectin can play a good role in cough and phlegm.

Boiled with other ingredients into apple cough soup, lotus seeds and dried longan have the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the spirit, and apples and pears act on the body, which can eliminate phlegm and cough, nourish kidneys and qi, enhance the body's immunity, and promote the body's recovery.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

Apple lotus seed soup is a nutritious soup that is very suitable for people with coughs, it is not only light in taste, but also rich in nutrients, helps improve cough, and is an excellent cough suppressant. Now, let me introduce you to how to make apple lotus seed soup.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

Ingredients: apple, pear, lotus seed, dried longan, rock sugar to taste.

How to make it:

1. Peel, core and cut apples and pears, dry clean lotus seeds and longan for later use.

2. Add the cut apples, pears, dried longan and lotus seeds to the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and continue to cook for 30 minutes.

3. Finally, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and cook until the rock sugar melts.

Recommended time to use: Consume half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".


1. Do not overeat, generally drink a bowl a day.

2. Choose fresh, non-rotten apples, moldy or bumped apples may affect your health and affect your taste.

3. During the cooking process, it can also be left without sugar.

Apples cooked with it, is a great "cough suppressant"! Cough "go without a trace".

As a common fruit, apples have a good effect on coughing and relieving symptoms such as lung irritation. Apple cough soup made by boiling with lotus seeds and dried longan has a very significant effect on the improvement of respiratory diseases.

At the same time, apples are also rich in a variety of nutrients, can enhance our body's immunity, cough people may wish to drink more apple lotus seed cough soup, this excellent "cough medicine" to make our body healthier.

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